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Unraveling Psychology's Roots: History, Key Players & Controversies

Delve into the origins of psychology, exploring key figures like Hippocrates, Plato, and Locke. Learn about the Nature vs. Nurture debate and the evolution of psychology as a science. Discover the waves of psychology and influential approaches like structuralism and functionalism. Let’s explore the rich history and diverse perspectives that shape psychology today.

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Unraveling Psychology's Roots: History, Key Players & Controversies

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  1. Prologue:History and Approaches of Psychology

  2. Crash Course Intro(10.54 mins) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo4pMVb0R6M

  3. Let’s Begin • Do not expect to answer the ultimate questions of life……. • The study of psychology will help you understand why people feel, think, and act the way they do.

  4. Lesson 1: Roots of Psychology • What is psychology? • Turn to someone next to you. Talk about some words that you think of when you think of the word psychology. • What words did you come up with? • Why did you pick those words?

  5. History of Psychology: • People have been studying human behavior for thousands of years. (Examples: Romans, Egyptians, Indians) • This was good, but was not done in an organized manner. • Psychology as a science has a very short history. • Some scientists still call psychology a “soft” science.

  6. Roots of Psychology: • Psychology: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. • Let’s break down the definition • Behavior – Anything that you do that can be observed. • Mental Processes – Internal experiences such as: thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions. • Systematic Study: Systematic collection and examination of data (empirical evidence) to support or disprove hypotheses (predictions) rather than depending on common sense.

  7. Key Players in the History of Psychology: • Roots of psychology can be traced back 2000 years ago to the early philosophers, biologists, and physiologists of ancient Greece. • Hippocrates – Greek Physiologist that thought the mind or soul resided in the brain. • He believed that it was not composed of a physical substance. • This is called mind-body-dualism – seeing mind and body as two different things that interact.

  8. Two historical roots of psychology are the disciplines of: • Philosophy and chemistry • Physiology and chemistry • Philosophy and physiology • Philosophy and physics

  9. Today, psychology is defined as the: • Study of mental phenomenon • Study of conscious and unconscious activity • Study of Behavior • Science of behavior and mental processes

  10. Key Players in the History of Psychology: • Plato (350 B.C.) – Greek philosopher that believed that who we are and what we know are innate (inborn). • Aristotle – Plato’s student believed that who we are and what we know are acquired from experience. (created) Q: What debate originated with these two different philosophies?

  11. Nature vs. Nurture Controversy: • The debate about the extent to which our behavior is inborn or learned through experience is called the nature vs. nurture controversy. • Nature: Certain elementary ideas are innate to the human mind; not gained through experience • Men are born, not made

  12. Nature vs. Nurture (cont.) • Nurture: Anything that we know, we have learned through experience. • Our mind is like a blank slate (tabula rasa; Locke) that the environment writes upon • Men are made, not born Where do the Spartans fall into this nature vs. nurture controversy?

  13. Which of the following exemplifies the issue of the relative importance of nature and nurture on our behavior? • The issue of the relative influence of biology and experience on behavior • The issue of the relative influence of rewards and punishments on behavior • The debate as to the relative importance of heredity and instinct in determining behavior • The debate as to whether mental processes are a legitimate form of scientific study

  14. Key Players in the History of Psychology: • About 2000 yrs. later John Locke and Rene Descartes had a similar argument. • John Locke – Believed that knowledge comes from observation, and what we know comes from experience. • He coined the term “tabula rasa” – blank slate. • “The mind is like a blank slate in which the environment writes upon.” • Rene Descartes – Believed that what we know is innate. • Focused much of his research on how the nervous system responds • “I think therefore I am.”

  15. The 17th century philosopher who believed that the mind is blank at birth and that most knowledge comes through sensory experience is: • Plato • Aristotle • Descartes • Locke

  16. The Greek philosopher who believed that intelligence was inherited was: • Aristotle • Plato • Descartes • Simonides

  17. Psychology Becomes a Science • Despite Descartes arguments and scientific breakthroughs at the time, psychology didn’t become a recognized science until the mid 1800s.

  18. Waves of Psychology • The science of psychology has gone through several waves since it started. • Waves are different ways of thinking over time.

  19. Lesson 2: Approaches and Schools of Psychology: • By the late 1800’s, psychology was beginning to emerge as a separate scientific discipline. • Biologist Charles Darwin came up with the theory of natural selection. • Psychology branched into two schools of psychology (structuralism and functionalism) and from there several approaches to psychology.

  20. Structuralism: Wilhelm Wundt • Wilhelm Wundt – Credited as the founder of scientific psychology because in 1879 (psych’s official b-day) he set up a research laboratory in Germany. • The lab was dedicated to the scientific study of conscious experiences and sensations. • Introspection – the process of looking inward to identify how one feels, thinks, or acts. • he replicated his studies in different conditions with similar results. • Wundt helped found the School of Structuralism which aimed to focus on the structure of the mind and identify the basic elements of consciousness.

  21. Stanley Hall • Studied under Wundt • 1884 – established 1st research lab @ John Hopkins • 1883 – created first American journal • 1892 – 1st APA president • APA today • World’s largest org. devoted to advancement of psychology • 155,000 members

  22. Book Check Question • Q: Who is considered to 1st to introduce structuralism? (hint) he was a student of Wundt) • A: Edward Bradford Titchener • Q: Who was a good friend of Titchener? (hint) He is probably best know for authoring the Chronicles of Narnia.) • A: C. S. Lewis

  23. Titchener C. S. Lewis

  24. Functionalism: William James • William James was a psychologist that felt that Wundt was asking the wrong questions. • James was more interested in the function or purpose of behavioral acts. • School of Functionalism – Researchers that focused on how we adapt to our environments. (stream of consciousness) • Main Goal: Explain human behavior • Also wrote first psychology textbook

  25. Functionalism The parts of the functionalist view of psychology

  26. Women in Field Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930) • Studied under James • Was refused the Ph.D. she earned from Harvard because she was female • Invented widely used tech for studying memory • 1st APA woman president (1905) Margaret Floy Washburn(1871-1939) • 1st PhD in Psych for Women • Wrote “The Animal Mind” (1908) • Served as beginning of behaviorism • 2nd woman APA president

  27. Women in Field • LetaStretterHollingworth(1886-1939) • Pioneered work in • Adolescent development • Mental Retardation • Gifted children • 1st to use word “gifted” to describe children who scored exceptionally well on intelligence tests • Tried to invalidate certain theories of her time • Women are inferior to men • Currently, women account for 2/3 or more of new psych Ph.D.s earned today • Eventually theory of functionalism led to development of behaviorism & applied science

  28. Book Check Question • Q: William James was the 1st to admit a woman to his course of study at Harvard. What was the name of the woman he allowed to study psychology? • A: Mary Whiton Calkins • Q: What did Harvard deny Ms. Calkins? • A: Her Ph.D.; later awarded it posthumously

  29. This German philosopher and psychologist was the first to set up a laboratory to gather empirical data related to psychology. • Wundt, 1879 • James, 1890 • Freud, 1900 • Watson, 1913 • Wertheimer, 1950

  30. Psychology Today • Psychology today arises from several perspectives: • Biological • Evolutionary • Psychoanalysis • Behavioral • Gestalt • Humanistic • Developmental • Cognitive • Sociocultural • Trait views • Eclectic

  31. Approaches to Psychology: Biological • Biological Approach – Examines how complex chemical and biological processes within the nervous and endocrine systems are related to the behavior of organisms. • Much research is being done today using this approach – Brain based research.

  32. Approaches to Psychology: Evolutionary • Evolutionary Approach –Attempts to explain behavior patterns as adaptations naturally selected to increase reproductive success. • This approach uses Darwin’s theory of natural selection as a basis. • Darwin wrote Origin of Species.

  33. Approaches to Psychology: Psychoanalytic / Psychodynamic • Psychoanalytic Approach – Focuses on unconscious internal conflicts to explain mental disorders, personality, and motivation. • Sigmund Freud developed this approach and focused on unconscious desires (Freudian slips, life and death instincts, libido, early life experiences. • Psychodynamic Approach – Those that varied Freud’s ideas but kept with the roots of psychoanalysis.

  34. Book Check Question • Q: What is a Freudian Slip? • A: Allowing you subconscious mind to speak your true feelings. • Q: Can you give an example of a Freudian slip?

  35. Approaches to Psychology: Behavioral • Behavioral Approach – Focuses on measuring and recording observable behavior. (behavior results from learning) • Pavlov and his dogs, Watson and Baby Albert, Skinner and his rats. (rewards, punishments, and associations) • All these men believed that psychology should be the science of behavior.

  36. In psychology, “behavior” is best defined as: • Anything a person says, does, or feels • Any action we can observe and record • Any action, whether observable or not • Anything we can infer from a person’s actions • Sensations and Perceptions

  37. This approach to psychology focuses on rewards, punishments, and associations. • Behavioral • Socio-Cultural • Neuroscience • Biological • Cognitive

  38. This researcher used classical conditioning to make dogs salivate by the sound of a bell. • Skinner • Pavlov • Watson • Freud • Wundt

  39. Approaches to Psychology: Gestalt • Max Wertheimer – founded Gestalt Psychology • The whole is more than the sum of it’s parts • Example: A beautiful painting • A painting is more than just colors and line – its an experience • So, each person has a completely different experience when viewing the world – must be sensitive to this during therapy.

  40. This may seem like one picture, but it can be perceived as 3 different faces. Can you find them?

  41. More Images

  42. Approaches to Psychology: Humanistic • Humanistic Approach – Emphases the importance of people’s feelings and view human nature as naturally positive and growth seeking. • Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs) and Carl Rogers (Unconditional Positive Regard) led the charge. • This approach came out the 60’s and 70’s.

  43. According to Maslow, these needs must be met before all others. • Safety • Self-actualizing • Love and Belongingness • Physiological • Esteem Needs

  44. This Humanistic psychologist encouraged his clients to always focus on the positive. • Watson • Rogers • Skinner • Jung • Rogers

  45. Approaches to Psychology: Developmental • The developmental view emphasizes changes that occur across our lifespan. • This is the question of nature vs. nurture. What has a bigger impact on us, heredity or environment?

  46. Approaches to Psychology: Cognitive • Cognitive Approach – Emphasizes the importance of receiving, storing, and processing information. • It also focuses on thinking, reasoning, and using language to understand human behavior. • Cognition – thinking and memory.

  47. The way the mind processes, stores, and retrieves information is the primary concern of this approach to psychology: • Evolutionary • Biological • Socio-Cultural • Behavioral • Cognitive

  48. Approaches to Psychology: Socio-cultural • As time progressed more people were traveling and visiting other cultures. • Psychologists soon recognized the difference in cultural gestures, body language, and spoken language. • Socio-cultural Approach – Examines the cultural differences in an attempt to understand, predict, and control behavior.

  49. A psychologist who explores how Asian and North American definitions of attractiveness differ is working within this psychological perspective: • Behavioral • Evolutionary • Cognitive • Socio-Cultural • Eclectic

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