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The Quest for Manhood: Unveiling Ancient Mysteries and Modern Secrets

Delve into the timeless journey of manhood through the ancient symbols of Freemasonry and the modern echoes in popular culture like The Da Vinci Code and Star Wars. Explore the quest for the Holy Grail from cave paintings to modern literature, uncovering the essence of manhood. Masonry guides men through a transformative journey of self-discovery, learning, descent, and ascent, culminating in the enigmatic Heart of the Mystery. Becoming a Master Mason is just the beginning of a lifelong pursuit of enlightenment.

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The Quest for Manhood: Unveiling Ancient Mysteries and Modern Secrets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheQuest

  2. Freemasonryis aQuest

  3. The Quest is Old

  4. The Quest is Old The Holy Grail

  5. The Quest is Old The Holy Grail Earliest Recorded History

  6. The Quest is Old The Holy Grail Earliest Recorded History Paintings on Cave Walls

  7. The Quest is New

  8. The Quest is New The DaVinci Code

  9. The Quest is New The DaVinci Code The Lord of the Rings

  10. The Quest is New The DaVinci Code The Lord of the Rings Star Wars

  11. What does it meanto be a MAN

  12. What does it meanto be a MAN andHow do I achieveMANHOOD?

  13. Symbols May Change

  14. Symbols May Change but the ObjectiveRemains the Same

  15. ...and So Does the Journey

  16. ...and So Does the Journey The initiate leaves home and travels

  17. ...and So Does the Journey The initiate leaves home and travels He learns from people along the way

  18. ...and So Does the Journey The initiate leaves home and travels He learns from people along the way A guide takes him a part of the way

  19. ...and So Does the Journey The initiate leaves home and travels He learns from people along the way A guide takes him a part of the way There is a descent

  20. ...and So Does the Journey The initiate leaves home and travels He learns from people along the way A guide takes him a part of the way There is a descent There is an ascent

  21. The Heartof theMystery

  22. What does it meanto be a MANandHow do I achieveMANHOOD?

  23. Masonry does not EndWhen a Man Becomesa Master Mason

  24. Masonry does not EndWhen a Man Becomesa Master Mason That is Onlythe Beginningof The Quest

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