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A Horse & Two Goats

Unit 10. A Horse & Two Goats. Part. 1. 2. 3. What did he say?. Kjgkjgkgfufui. Home. Listening & Speaking Activities. Part 1. Brainstorming. Listening. Speaking. Home. Brainstorming. Expressions for understanding/conveying Messages. Expressions for failures in communication.

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A Horse & Two Goats

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  1. Unit 10 A Horse & Two Goats Part 1 2 3 What did he say? Kjgkjgkgfufui.

  2. Home Listening & Speaking Activities Part 1 Brainstorming Listening Speaking

  3. Home Brainstorming Expressions for understanding/conveying Messages Expressions for failures in communication Expressions for emotional states Expressions for body language Expressions for differentiating between various meanings

  4. Expressions for understanding/conveying Messages to succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone, or to be communicated successfully被人理解 to clearly show a feeling, attitude, or quality by what you do or say 显示;表现;显露 understand, know, learn, acquire (knowledge, information), have an idea of, take/ get the message, bewell informed about sth., get/ put the message across, express, reveal, display, make oneselfunderstood, dawn on sb., sth. clicks in one’s mind, sth. occurs to sb. dawn on sb: if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time (事物)变得令人明白 vi.informalto suddenly understand or realize sth 突然明白;恍然大悟;茅塞顿开 e.g. He's not very good at getting his ideas across. e.g. He displayed interest in archaeology. e.g. It dawned on me that Jo had been right all along. get sb wrong:informal misunderstand sb 误会或误解某人 • Expressions for failures in communication mystify: if sth mystifies you, it is so strange or confusing that you cannot understand or explain it v. 神秘化,使难解,迷惑 misunderstand, don’t know…, be confused about…, get sb. wrong, take too much for granted, beignorant about sth., havemisconceptions about…, be biased/ prejudiced against…, bepuzzling/puzzled, be mystifying/ mystified, make a faux pas (a culturally embarrassing mistake), blunder inetiquette faux pas: [c] an embarrassing mistake in a social situation失礼, 失言 blunder:vi. to make a big mistake, especially because you have been careless or stupid 犯愚蠢的(或粗心的)错误 e.g. I'm completely mystified about what happened in the hotel the other day.

  5. Expressions for emotional states happy/ unhappy, satisfied/ dissatisfied, friendly/ unfriendly, hospitable, hostile, cold, enthusiastic, beembarrassed/ embarrassing, sad, depressed, low-spirited, moody, cheerful, delighted, glad, overjoyed avert your eyes/gaze etc: to look away from sth so that you do not see it转移目光;背过脸 beckon: vt. & vi. to make a signal to someone with your hand, to show that you want them to come towards you or to follow you招手示意;举手召唤 beckon (to) sb to do sth • Expressions for body language nod, winking, raise one’s eye-brows, stare at sb., avert one’s eyes from sb., pout one’s lips, stick out one’s tongue, make a face, put on a smiling/ good/ happy face, move/ turn one’s head, wave, beckon, palm up/ down, take… into one’s arms, kiss sb. on the cheek/ mouth/ forehead etc., touch, eye contact, his/her eyes speak for himself/ herself…, a cloud crosses his/ her face…, be red in the face, blush, beam e.g. She beckoned me to follow her.

  6. Expressions for differentiating between various meanings nuance:[c] a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc (色调,音调,意义,见解等的)细微差别 shade of meaning/opinion/feeling etc: a meaning etc that is slightly different from other ones [=nuance]细微的差别 e.g. It is difficult to convey delicate shades of meaning in a translation. e.g. A rich artistic performance, full of nuance. meaning(s), nuances of meaning, (fine) shades of meaning, tell the slight differences between…,recognize the importance/ significance of…, with serious consequences, capture the delicatemeaning of…, …actions speak louder than words

  7. Home Listening An unusual medium of communication New words & phrases Questions sigh language:[u & c]a language that uses hand movements instead of spoken words, used by people who cannot hear well手语;符号语言 e.g. The speech was interpreted in sign language for the hearing-impaired. lip-read:v. to understand what someone is saying by watching the way their lips move, because you can not hear them 观唇辨意;唇读 e.g. The deaf man has learned to lip-read a large vocabulary of words. auctioneer:n. a person whose job is to direct an auction and sell the goods 拍卖人;拍卖商 to name but a few/ a handful/ three etc: used after a short list of things or people to say that there are many more you could mention 举几个例子 e.g. Lots of our friends are coming: Anne, Ken and George, to name but a few. • When and where did the speaker discover the whistled speech? • How did Mr. Martinez and the corn seller communicate with each other? The speaker discovered the whistled speech while he was travelling in a remote area in Mexico the previous month. He found that some remembers of the tribe that live there use the whistled speech to communicate. Instead of talking in words, they whistled to each other. In this way, they bargained over the price and came to an agreement satisfactory to both allowing Mr. Martinez to buy the seller’s corn. • Why did the speaker decie to stay longer with Mr. and Mrs. Martinez? • What did the speaker finally find out about the whistled speech used in the community? He decided to stay longer because he was very interested in the whistled speech and wanted to find more about it. He learned from Mr. Martinez that only men in their community use the whistled speech. It is used mostly for business purposes, for bargaining, buying and selling in the market place.

  8. Home Speaking Body Language Each of the four pictures on the right expresses a concept in the US. What is it? How do you know? Do the Chinese express it in the same way?

  9. Body Language,Paralanguage, Object Language, Environmental Language Repeating,Contradicting, Substituting, Complementing, Accenting, Regulating Body Language: Posture (standing, bent-knee positions, lying), body gesture, Head gesture, face gesture, Eye movement, Arm gesture, Hand gesture, Leg movement, Touching behavior Speaking What is non-verbal communication? Relationship between verbal communication & Its Functions Non-verbal communication Categories Connection between Culture & it Differences in Cultures

  10. Speaking 十字结(半温莎结)此款结型十分优雅及罕见   其打法亦较复杂   使用细款领带较容易上手   最适合搭配在浪漫的尖领及标准式领口系列衬 浪漫结   浪漫是一种完美的结型   故适合用於各种浪漫系列的领口及衬衫   完成後将领结下方之宽边压以绉摺可缩小其结型   窄边亦可将它往左右移动使其小部份出现於宽边领带旁 简式结(马车夫结)   适用於质料较厚的领带   最适合打在标准式及扣式领口之衬衫   将其宽边以180度由上往下翻转   并将折叠处隐藏於後方   待完成後可再调整其领带长度   是最常见的一种结形 四手结(单结) 是所有领结中最容易上手的,适用於各种款式的浪漫系列衬衫及领带 亚伯特王子结  适用於浪漫扣领及尖领系列衬衫   搭配浪漫质料柔软的细款领带   正确打法是在宽边先预留较长的空间   并在绕第二圈时尽量贴合在一起   即可完成此一完美结型

  11. Speaking Home Body Language Read the following two lists (A = behaviors and B = possible messages in these behaviors). Draw three links between them. Then explain in what conditions these behaviors will be interpreted as linked. (In Chinese situations such as home, schools, shops, etc., between friends, colleagues, classmates, acquaintances etc., in private or non-private situations etc.) In a Chinese situation if I see a boy and a girl embrace each other, I will believe they are in love with each other. They are displaying affection towards each other. Embrace Affection Aggression (real) nudge Aggression (pretended) pat Sexual attraction (flirting) tickle Greeting slap Leave-taking pinch Signaling of attention Prohibition

  12. Home Part 2 Reading Comprehension & Language Activities Speaking Pre-reading Task Text

  13. A Horse & Two Goats 在印度有一个叫基瑞坦的小村庄,在村口屹立着一座魁伟的守护神,它的样子像一匹奔腾的骏马,高扬着头,前蹄腾在空中,尾巴挥舞成圈。 hold your head high/ hold up your head: to be proud of or not feel ashamed about sth. that you have done 昂首挺胸;抬起头来 shape: [u & c] the form that sth has, for example round, square,triangular etcin the shape of sth 以...形状(通过...方式,假借,作为) massive: very large, solid, and heavy 巨大的;大而重的;结实的 e.g. She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying. flourish:n.a. with a large confident movement that makes people notice you 挥舞;炫耀性的动作 with a flourish 她努力昂首挺胸,不理会人家的闲言碎语。 e.g. The temple is supported by massive columns. e.g. The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons. 1.At the entrance of the small Indian village of Kiritan, there stood a massive guardian in the shape of a prancing horse, with his head held high proudly, his forelegs in the air and his tail looped up with a flourish. On this particular day, an old man was drowsingin the shade of a nearby cactus and watching a pair of goats graze in this arid soil; he was disturbed by a motorist, who got out of his station wagon at the sight of the statue, and went up to the brightly-colored horse. 2. “Marvelous!” He cried, pacing slowly around the statue. His face was sunburned and red. He wore a khaki-colored shirt and shorts. Noticing the old man’s presence, he said politely in English, “How do you do?” 3. The old man, not understanding what the other meant, replied in pure Tamil, his only means of communication, “My name is Muni, and the two goats are mine and mine only.” b. vi. to develop well and be successful [= thrive] 繁荣,昌盛,兴旺 flourish:vt.a. to wave sth in your hand in order to make people notice it (为引起注意)挥舞 No new business can flourish in the present economic climate. e.g. He opened his wallet with a flourish and took out a handful of notes e.g. He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint. 他挥舞著一封投诉信冲进了办公室。 e.g. 在目前的经济气候中, 任何新生意都兴旺不起来。

  14. A Horse & Two Goats 4. The red-faced man glanced at eh goats, took out a cigarette, and asked, “Do you smoke?” 5. “I never even heard of it until yesterday,” the old man replied nervously, guessing that he was being questioned about a murder in the neighborhood by this police officer from the government, as his khaki dress indicated. 6. The red-faced man said respectfully, “Anything may happen these days. Bad characters everywhere.” 7. “I am sure you must know when this horse was made,” said the American tourist, and smiled ingratiatingly. 8. The old man reacted to the relaxed atmosphere by smiling himself, and pleaded, “Please go away, sir. I know nothing. Our village has always had a clean record. Must be the other village.” react against sb./ sth.: to show dislike or opposition is response to sth., especially by deliberately doing the opposite of what sb. wants you to do 反对,反抗 ingratiating: adj. trying too hard to get sb’s approval---used to show disapproval <人、行为>讨好的,逢迎的;巴结的 react (to sth.)(by doing sth.): to behave in a particular way or show a particular emotion because of sth that has happened or been said 对...起反应 vt. & vi. to ask for sth that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way [= beg] 请求;恳求;plead for ; plead with sb (to do sth) e.g. 听众对他的演说立即作出反应。 He reacted angrily to the suggestion that he had lied. e.g. He reacted strongly against the artistic conventions of his time. e.g. The boy pleaded for another chance to pass the test. He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus. The audience reacted readily to his speech. 他强烈反对当时的艺术俗套。 那个男学生请求再给他一次机会通过考试。 他请求他母亲答应他去看马戏。

  15. A Horse & Two Goats e.g. What utter rubbish he talks! It's an utter waste of time. Our new radio is an utter failure. She had made an utter fool of herself. 接着他又详细讲述了是什么吸引他来到这个乡村、他是如何喜欢这个乡村、在国内他都做些什么、他计划了几年的印度之旅以及他人生的梦想等等,只言片语他都讲述得特别认真,时不时地他还停下来优雅地笑一笑。老人回敬一笑,但却一语不发,接着他便转身要走。 9. “Please try to understand me,” the American tourist said. “I arrived three weeks ago and have traveled five thousand miles since, seeing your wonderful country.” 10.Then he went on to explain at length, uttering each syllable carefully, what brought him to this country, how much he liked it, what he did at home, how he had planned for years to visit India, the dream of his life and so forth --- every now and then pausing to smile politely. The old man smiled back but said nothing. Then he turned to go. 11. The other seized his shoulder and said earnestly, “Is this statue yours? Will you sell it to me?” 12. The old man realized that the other was referring to the horse. He thought for a second and then related in detail that the horse had been there for a very long time and that it would appear as the tenth avatar at the end of the Yuga, when the world would be destroyed, and the redeemer would come in the form of a horse to help the good and punish the evil. adj.(only before noun) used to emphasize how great or complete sth. is 完全的,十足的 e.g. 听到这消息时,他叹了口气。 The wounded prisoner uttered a groan. utter: a. to make a sound with your voice, especially with difficulty 发出(声音等) b. to say sth. 说,讲;表达 e.g. She didn’t utter a word during lunch. When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh. relate sth. (to sb.):vt. to tell sb. about events that have happened to you or to someone else 说;叙述 e.g. 我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导。 他把这个故事详细地讲给我们听了。 To him we related our troubles, asking his advice. He related the story to us at length.

  16. A Horse & Two Goats 13. “And this horse will come to life then,” he continued, “and that is why this is the most sacred village in the whole world.” 14. A conversation leading to mutual mystification followed, with the Indian chattering away about various avatars of God Vishnu and the American trying to drive a bargain for the purchase of the statue. 15. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” the red-faced man said to himself. Turning to the old man, he asked, “Will you take a hundred rupees for it?” Then he drew from his wallet a hundred rupee note. 16.The old man now realized that some financial element was entering their talk. He peered closely at the note, the like of which he had never seen in his life. What was this man flourishing the note for? Perhaps for change. He laughed to himself at the thought of anyone’s coming to him to change a large note. With a grin, he told the man to go to the village headman for help. 那老人现在意识到在他们的谈话中牵涉进了一些经济因素。他仔细地凝视着那张纸币,就像是他一生中似乎从来没有见到过的一样。这个人炫耀这张钱币是为了什么?或许是为了换零钱。一想到竟有人找他换零钱就感到暗自好笑。老人咧嘴笑着告诉赤面人得去找村长帮忙。 the like of sb /sth (also sb's/sth's like): formalsth similar to someone or a particular person or thing, or of equal importance or value同样,同类的人或事物 e.g. This will be a show the like of which has never been seen before. The man was a genius. We shall not see his like again.

  17. A Horse & Two Goats 17. “If that’s not enough, I guess I could go a little higher,” the red-faced man said my goats,” the old man said, with his eyes traveling to his goats. 18.The American followed his look and decided it would be sound policy to show an interest in the old man’s pets. He went up to them casually and stroked their backs. 19. Suddenly it dawned on the old man that the other was making him an offer for the goats. His dream of a lifetime was about to be realized. He had always hoped to sell them some day and with the capital to open a small shop on this very spot. He needed twenty rupees for this project, and he felt that with some bargaining the could get the money now. 20. “It is all for you,” said the American as he placed on the old man’s palm one hundred and twenty rupees. 美国人从老人的目光中觉察到如果把兴趣放在老人的“宠物”之上一定不失为明智之举,于是他便上前去不经意地拍拍羊背。 make (sb) an offer (for/on sth):an amount of money that you are willing to pay for sth 出价,报价(=offer a particular amount of money for sth) e.g. 最后(我)才明白他一直在撒谎。 他认识到他可能错了。 dawn on sb.: if sth. dawns on you, you begin to realize it for the first time 使开始明白/渐渐领悟 e.g. 他出价5美元买这辆旧自行车。 一旦我方能发盘,就会电告你方。 The idea dawned on him that he might be wrong. It finally dawned (on me) that he had been lying. As soon as we are able to make an offer, we'll cable you. He made an offer of$5 for the old bike.

  18. A Horse & Two Goats 21. The old man pointed at the station wagon. 22. “Yes, of course,” said the other. 23. The old man said, “This will be their first ride in a motor car. Carry them off after I get out of sight; otherwise they will never follow you but only me.” So saying, he brought his palms together in salute, turned round, and was soon out of sight. 24.The red-faced man looked at the goats grazing peacefully and then sat down on the pedestal of the horse, as the westerly sun touched off the ancient faded colors of the statue with a fresh splendor. “He must have gone to fetch some help,” he remarked, and settled down to wait. touch off: a. to draw with light strokes 精确描绘出;(用几笔)勾划出 b. to make sth. begin, especially a difficult or violent situation 触发,引起 e.g. 他的话引起了一场热烈的讨论。 她的评论触发了一阵抗议的浪潮。 Her comments touched off a wave of protests. His remark touched off a heated discussion. 赤面人看着正在静静吃草的羊群,便坐在了雕塑的基座上,显得有些古老退色的雕塑在夕阳的勾勒下变得格外亮丽壮观。他察觉到“老人一定去找人帮忙了”,便定下心来等着。

  19. disturb 她轻轻地开门, 以免惊扰了睡著的孩子。 a. to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing 妨碍,打扰 • She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child. • Don't disturb the papers on my desk. • No sound disturbed the silence of the evening. • She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident. • If you find a bird's nest, never disturb the eggs. • My hormone balance is disturbed by my pregnancy. a 别把我写字台上的文件弄乱了。 b. to make someone feel worried or upset使人担心;扰乱人心 c 入夜时分, 万籁俱寂。 她听到你在事故中受了伤感到不安。 a c. to move sth or change its position 移动;弄乱 b c d. to change a normal situation in a way that causes problems扰乱,搞乱 d

  20. Home Part 3 Extended Activities Dictation Read more Translation

  21. Home Dictation Language is the commonest means of communication for human beings, but if people speak different languages, they usually turn to other means. Gesture, then, is often the first choice. Gestures in most cases help people a lot in getting their message across. However, since the same gestures may be used for different ideas in different cultures, failures in communication often happen. Sometimes this may lead to terrible consequences. Several years ago, some European sailors were swimming near a coastal area in a foreign country, which was closed to outsiders. Seeing these unknown swimmers, the guards on the coast wanted to question them. The guards shouted to them to come nearer, and made at the same time their usual “come here” gesture. The sailors did not understand the language and took the gesture to mean “go away”, and they realized they might be near coastal defenses, so they swam off. The consequence was that the guards who were now highly suspicious, opened fire, with tragic results.

  22. Home Read more be a chip off the same block: (informal) to be very similar to your mother or father 酷似双亲 fuse: vt.to join together physically, or to make things join together, and become a single thing(使)融合;熔接,结合 fuse (sth) together; fuse (sth) with sth;fuse (sth) into sth e.g. The egg and sperm fuse together as one cell. Our different ideas fused into a plan. succumb (to sth.):to fail to resist an attack, an illness, a temptation, etc不再抵抗(诱惑、疾病、攻击等);屈从 e.g. His career was cut short when he succumbed to cancer. They held out for some hours in the face of our persuasive offers, but eventually they succumbed.

  23. Home Translation • In the traditional Chinese opera, The White Snake who comes down to the earth in the shape of a beautiful girl and falls in love with Xu Xian to whom she gets married later. • She feels dizzy at the sight of blood. • He kept drowsing in class this morning. • He related the whole story of the long-standing dispute between the two families. • She would burst into tears at the thought of her child killed in a traffic accident. • It dawned on me that he was actually trying to help me. • The cave for the three of them to hide in was no more than two meters high.

  24. touch off: a. to draw with light strokes 精确描绘出;(用几笔)勾划出 touch off: a. to draw with light strokes 精确描绘出;(用几笔)勾划出 她的所作所为十足就是个傻子。 我们的新收音机完全是个废物. 他完全是胡说! 这完全是浪费时间。 touch off: a. to draw with light strokes 精确描绘出;(用几笔)勾划出

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