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Stay informed about the latest updates and enhancements to the employee wellness benefits for the year 2014. Discover the changes to health, dental, vision plans, and critical illness coverage. Make the most of the new programs and offerings now available.
Journey to Wellness 2014 Benefits Annual Enrollment
Agenda • What’s New for 2014 • RedBrick Health - Willis Wellness Partner • Annual Enrollment • Overview of Benefit Plans • Questions 2
New for 2014 Medical Plan Rate increase required across all plans due to Healthcare Reform and claims experience No Medical or Pharmacy Plan design changes Tobacco Free Credit increasing Teladoc fee increasing RedBrick Health Schedule a screening with Quest Diagnostics (formerly LabCorp) RedBrick Journeys replacing RedBrick’s previous online programs If you use your personal physician your exam must have been completed within 90 days of the submission date (formerly 6 months) Healthy Factors points earned for improvement in scores glucose added as an additional metric (in addition to tobacco free, BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure) 4
New for 2014 Dental Plan Consolidation of geographic dental zones to one zone causing moderate rate increase for some and decrease for others. MetLife carrier for Low, High, and Ultra High Dental Options (formerly High was insured by Humana) Benefit Enhancements to Ultra High Dental Option Vision Plan New Vision Plan vendor - VSP Two Vision Plan Options - Basic and Premier Critical Illness New carrier – Allstate Benefits Enhanced Benefits Healthy Savings Plan Healthy Savings Plan participants eligible for Health Savings Account (HSA) contribution from Willis IRS Maximum contribution increased (but reduced by possible HSA contribution in enrollment system) 5
Medical Plan Changes • No plan design changes • Rate increase across all plans based on plan, coverage option (EE, EE + Spouse, etc.) and salary tier • Increase by Salary Tiers for all plans • Salary Tier 1 (< $50,000): 4% - 8% • Salary Tier 2 ($50,000 - $100,000): 5% - 9% • Salary Tier 3 (> $100,000): 9% - 15% • Tobacco Free Credit increase from $37 to $40 per month • Teladoc increase from $38 to $40 6
Pharmacy Plan Changes Do you take a maintenance medication? Aetna’s Maintenance Choice Program will be available beginning January 1! You will have two ways to get a 90 day supply of medicine you take regularly for conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol. • Aetna Rx Home Delivery • CVS retail pharmacy near you – New for 2014! More information is available on www.willisbenefits.com. 7
Dental Plan Changes • Consolidation of geographical zones • Some will see a moderate rate increase and some will see a decrease. • MetLife will insure all 3 dental options (Humana formerly insured the High option) • Crown replacement benefit for all 3 dental options changing to 1 every 7 years (previously 1 every 5 years) • Enhancements to the Ultra High option • Annual per person maximum: $3,500 (previously $2,750) • Orthodontia maximum: $2,000 (previously $1,500) – includes orthodontia treatment in progress (children under the age of 19 only) • No dental ID cards will be mailed to the home (online card available if needed) 8
Vision Plan Changes VSP - New Vision Plan vendor! • 2 options to choose from: • Basic Plan • Premier Plan • Go to www.vsp.com as a Guest to: • Find a VSP eye care provider • Review your benefit information (Available after January 1, 2014) • ID cards will not be mailed. Instead, you will have instant access to your ID card via www.vsp.com as of January 1, 2014. Click the Member Vision Card link on the left. • You can also call 800-877-7195 (Identify yourself as Willis with a plan effective date of January 1, 2014) Note: If you currently participate in the vision plan you will automatically be defaulted into the Basic Plan option. If you wish to be enrolled in the Premier Plan you will need to make this election in the online enrollment system. 11
Vision Care 13
Critical Illness New Critical Illness Carrier – Allstate Three options to choose from: All 3 options are guarantee issue. There are no pre-existing condition limits; however, participants must be 12 months treatment/symptom-free to receive benefit for cancer. No benefit waiting period Current enrollees in the Continental/Aflac plan will receive credit for time covered. If employee or spouse/partner are tobacco users you will be charged the tobacco rate for both employee and spouse coverage Additional Wellness Benefits All insured’s, including children, are eligible for the wellness benefit No benefit reduction due to age 15
Critical Illness • Supplemental Critical Illness benefits now included: • Current participants: • If you currently participate in the Critical Illness program with Continental Life Insurance/Aflac, you do not need to do anything. Your current coverage will automatically transfer to Allstate. If you want to make changes to your current coverage you may do so during annual enrollment. • If one or both you or your spouse/partner are tobacco users you will be charged the tobacco rate for both your coverage and your spouse/partner coverage. • If you no longer want to participate in this coverage you will need to waive the coverage election during Annual Enrollment. • If you prefer to keep your current policy with Continental/Aflac and not automatically transfer to Allstate, please contact Continental directly. You may continue the coverage on a direct bill basis. 16
RedBrick HealthWillis Wellness Partner • The New Wellness year began on October 1! Don’t wait to get started! RedBrick Health can help you stay motivated to reach your wellness goals. You can also earn financial incentives for your participation such as: • Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) Funding • New for 2014! Health Savings Account (HSA) Funding • Medical Premium Discounts • Gift Cards • Medical Premium Discount in 2015 18
RedBrick Health Willis Wellness Partner • All Associates are eligible to participate (do not have to be enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan) • Associates complete an online Health Assessment and Health Screening • No cost to Associates enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan • Screening cost is $55.00 if not enrolled – will be payroll deducted • Two reports provided with on-site screenings only: • You will receive your screening results at your home address by US Mail • You will receive a Personal Wellness Report at the email address used to schedule your screening • Results of Health Assessment and Health Screening help identify programs (online and phone) to assist you in maintaining or improving your health • Receive guidance from a Health Advisor who can assist with getting you engaged 19
RedBrick HealthWillis Wellness Partner If you are a registered user of RedBrick - Step 1: Complete the online Health Assessment. Upon logging in you’ll be prompted to take the online Health Assessment. Completing this interactive questionnaire is required before you can complete a Health Screening, participate in any RedBrick Health program and to earn HRA or HSA funding. The questionnaire only takes about 15 minutes to complete. Step 2: Complete a Health Screening. You have three options: Participate in an on-site health screening (not available in all locations) Visit a Quest Diagnostics lab (formerly LabCorp) (must make an appointment by going to www.redbrickhealth.com and selecting Health Map> Numbers> Community Access: Appointment Information) If you have had an annual physical within the past 90 days have your doctor complete and return the Health Screening form to RedBrick Health. You can find the Health Screening form on www.redbrickhealth.com. 20
RedBrick HealthWillis Wellness Partner If you are not currently registered with RedBrick - Step 1: Register with RedBrick Health at www.redbrickhealth.com. You’ll be asked for your first and last name as it appears in myhr.willis.com, the last four digits of your Social Security Number and date of birth. Your covered spouse/partner will also need to open a separate account. Step 2: Complete the online Health Assessment. Upon logging in you’ll be prompted to take the online Health Assessment. Completing this interactive questionnaire is required before you can complete a Health Screening, participate in any RedBrick Health program and to earn HRA or HSA funding. The questionnaire only takes about 15 minutes to complete. Step 3: Complete a Health Screening. You have three options: Participate in an on-site health screening (not available in all locations) Visit a Quest Diagnostics lab (formerly LabCorp) (must make an appointment by going to www.redbrickhealth.com and selecting Health Map> Numbers> Community Access: Appointment Information) If you have had an annual physical within the past 90 days have your doctor complete and return the Health Screening form to RedBrick Health. You can find the Health Screening form on www.redbrickhealth.com. 21
2014 Premium Discount • Based on Wellness Scores as of September 30, 2013 • Both you and your covered spouse/partner can qualify for the discount. • The discount will be calculated on each portion of the premium (i.e. if only the Associate qualifies, the appropriate discount amount will be calculated on the Associate’s portion of the total premium.) • Children discount follows the Associate. • You must be enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan to receive the credit. • The premium credit will first be applied to your medical plan cost. • If there is a credit remaining you can use it toward any pre-tax benefit, with the exception of a Health FSA, Dependent FSA, Limited FSA or Health Savings Account. • Any credit not used toward medical or another pre-tax benefit will be forfeited. • Total Scores of at least 800 will qualify for a discount. • In no event will there be more than a 20% discount off the combined cost of employee plus spouse/partner coverage. 23
For those enrolled in the Healthy Rewards Plan and Healthy Savings Plan, you must earn your HRA/HSA dollars through your participation in RedBrick Health. By completing the online Health Assessment and a Health Screening you will earn: *HRA contributions are pro-rated on a quarterly basis, so you must complete your required steps by March 31, 2014 to earn your full HRA! **IRS maximum HSA amount is reduced by possible HSA company contribution. HRA and HSA Incentives 24
Wellness Incentives Hallmark Rewards • All Willis Associates can earn rewards for participation in RedBrick Health regardless of whether you are enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan: • Maximum Hallmark Reward points - 150 • Reward dollars can be redeemed for gift cards valued up to $150. Please note the value of the gift card is 100% taxable income to you. 25
*Wellness Scores between: Healthy Factors points earned 5% discount 800 – 899 points earned 5% discount 900 – 949 points earned 10% discount 950 – 999 points earned 15% discount 1,000 points earned 20% discount Both you and your covered spouse or domestic partner qualify independently for the discounts The Associate’s discount will be applied against the Associate’s portion of the medical cost (if children are covered, the Associate’s discount will also apply to the children’s portion). The Spouse’s discount will be applied against the spouse’s portion of the medical cost. You must be enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan in 2014 to receive the discount The premium credit will first be applied to your medical plan cost. If there is a credit remaining you can use it toward any pre-tax benefit with the exception of a FSA or HSA. Any credit not used will be forfeited. * Minimum discount: $1.00 Wellness Discounts 26
Dental Plan Changes Allowable 2014 Dental Elections • If you currently waive dental, you will be limited to the Low or High plan options in 2014. Note that beginning in 2015 you will only be able to increase one option per year. • If you are currently enrolled in the Low Option Dental Plan you are restricted to the High Option. You can increase by one level during subsequent enrollment periods. • If you are enrolled in the High Option Dental you can enroll in any option. • You can add an eligible dependent to your current plan and/or change to any dental option as outlined above. • If you are adding a dependent for the first time, documentation will be required. 28
Vision Plan Changes Allowable 2014 Vision Elections • If you currently participate in the Vision Plan you will automatically be defaulted into the Basic Plan option. If you wish to be enrolled in the Premier Plan you will need to make this election in the online enrollment system. • You can add an eligible dependent to your current plan and/or change to any vision option • If you are adding a dependent for the first time, documentation will be required. 29
A Few Annual Enrollment Specifics 2014 Annual Enrollment Dates: Tuesday, November 5th – Friday, November 22nd Annual enrollment documents posted on www.willisbenefits.com Packet mailed to the home containing What’s New in 2014 brochure, eEnrollment instructions, RedBrick Health Instructions, Vision Plan Comparison and Dental Plan Comparison. Go online to enroll only if you want to: Complete your annual Tobacco-Free Declaration for you and/or your covered spouse/partner to receive your Tobacco-Free Credit Make changes to your current plan choices or enroll in a coverage you are not currently enrolled in Re-enroll in a Health FSA, Dependent FSA, Limited FSA or Health Savings Account (they will not carry over into 2014) Waive Critical Illness coverage if you are currently enrolled 30
What happens if I “do nothing?” Your 2013 elections will default (carry over) and become your 2014 elections Your elections for the following accounts will be waived for 2014: Health Flexible Spending Account Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Limited Health Flexible Spending Account Health Savings Account You will be charged the Tobacco User rate even if you are not a tobacco user! This applies if you also cover your spouse or domestic partner (even if you declared you were tobacco free during last year’s annual enrollment). This is an annual declaration. If you have the Vision Plan, it will default to the Basic Vision Plan. If you have Critical Illness, it will default to the Allstate Critical Illness. You must enroll online and on time - Late submissions cannot be accepted! 31
ID cards Medical/Pharmacy An ID card will be received the last week in December from Aetna if you enroll in the plan for the first time or change plan options. You can also print a customized card at www.aetnanavigator.com. Dental MetLife ID cards will not be mailed to the home. No ID card is required, but an online card is available for you to view and print. Go to https://mybenefits.metlife.com. Vision VSP ID cards will not be mailed to the home. A personalized online Member Vision card is available on vsp.com. Links to the Aetna Navigator, MetLife, and VSP are found on willisbenefits.com. You must be registered on each of these sites to generate a custom card. 32
Medical Plan 34
100% coverage of eligible preventive care expenses (no deductible – no limit). Tests covered at 100% whether routine or diagnostic (no deductible) Mammogram Cervical Exam Colonoscopy No Medical Lifetime Dollar Limit Dependents up to age 26 eligible regardless of full time student status, dependency, residency or eligibility for other group coverage RedBrick Health Management Program available to all full-time regular Associates, including Hallmark Rewards gift card program Tobacco-Free Credit Highest Wellness Scores earn a Wellness Premium Discount in 2014 All Medical Plans 36
Best Doctors is a free and confidential service available to Willis Medical Plan participants. Services include: Comprehensive review to correct or confirm the original diagnosis and treatment plan Help in locating a specialist in your area How do you use Best Doctors? Call 866-904-0910 to speak to a member advocate Best Doctors compiles your medical information and selects a “best” doctor from their data base of over 40,000 world-renowned doctors to review your case Best Doctors delivers an easy to understand report for you to share with your physician and determine the most appropriate next steps together Best Doctors 37
What is Health Advocate? A benefit provided at no cost to you that provides a Personal Health Advocate to assist you in navigating the healthcare system. Available to all Willis Associates and their dependents. Participation in the Willis Medical Plan is not required Parents and parents-in-laws can even use the service Your Personal Health Advocate can help you: Untangle claims Correct billing errors Find the right doctor, hospital or testing facility (especially if you are traveling) Assist with the transfer of medical records Navigate your insurance plan Explain conditions and treatments Locate eldercare services Resolve Medicare questions Health Advocate 1-866-799-2728 HealthAdvocate.com/willis Email: answers@HealthAdvocate.com 38
Did you know that even in-network, healthcare provider charges vary widely? Castlight helps you find a high-quality doctor for an affordable price before you make an appointment. Using Castlight online or over the phone, you can: Compare nearby doctors, medical facilities, and health care services based on the price you’ll pay and quality of care. Better manage your out-of-pocket costs and make your HSA/HRA/FSA go further. See personalized cost estimates based on your location, your health plan, and whether or not you’ve already paid your deductible. Review step-by-step explanations of past medical spending so you know how much you paid and why. You can also see how much you would have saved if you had chosen another provider Castlight www.castlighthealth.com 888-722-4888 You must be enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan to access this tool. 39
Teladoc A national network of board-certified physicians who specialize in internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine and emergency medicine and who provide quality healthcare through the convenience of phone or online video consultations. (video conference not available in all states) Available to Willis Associates and their dependents enrolled in the medical plan Cost in 2014 is $40 Teladoc physicians can diagnose, treat, and write prescriptions, when necessary, for routine medical conditions for members of any age Teladoc can assist with: - Cold and flu symptoms - Urinary tract infections - Bronchitis - Respiratory infections - Allergies - Sinus problems - Poison ivy - Ear infections - Pink eye 1-800-Teladoc (835-2362) www.teladoc.com/aetna
BE REWARDED FOR BEING TOBACCO-FREE!! Credit Amount: $20.00 per pay period each ($40 per month), for you and a covered spouse/partner (if applicable). Maximum credit - $80 per month. To receive your credit, you must affirmatively declare you and a covered spouse/partner, if applicable, are tobacco-free via the Willis Online Enrollment System each year (i.e. haven’t used tobacco more than 5 times in the last 90 days.) This is an annual declaration. The system assumes everyone, including a spouse or domestic partner, is a tobacco user. You will be asked to answer Yes or No for both yourself and your covered spouse/partner. We ask that you answer the question truthfully. If you have declared that you are tobacco-free via the online enrollment system, and you have made your benefit elections, you will see a Tobacco-Free Credit on your online Enrollment Summary page. Tobacco is defined as any product containing, made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed or ingested. Tobacco-Free Premium Credit 41
Unlimited – no maximum benefit! Pharmacy: (Administered by Aetna) Annual limit of 2 cycles of treatment (12 weeks per cycle) Covered 100% - no copay Generic only nicotine replacement products with prescription Generic Zyban and Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Brand name drugs Zyban, Wellbutrin, and Chantix are covered with copay Brand name nicotine replacement products are not covered (ex. Nicorette) Rx or covered OTC requires a prescription Medical Plan (Administered by Aetna) Covered expenses includes physician office visits, acupuncture (administered by a licensed medical doctor), counseling, and non-experimental programs Tobacco Cessation Program 42
Healthy Rewards Plan Earn Hallmark Reward points that can be redeemed for gift cards by engaging with RedBrick Health! 43
Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) For those enrolled in the Healthy Rewards Plan, you must earn your HRA dollars through your participation in RedBrick Health. By completing the 2 actions (Health Assessment and Health Screening) you will earn: Earn Your Full HRA Healthy Rewards Plan 44
Healthy Rewards Plan Earn Your Full HRA! Earn Your Full HRA Healthy Rewards Plan HRA contributions are pro-rated on a quarterly basis, so you must complete your required steps by March 31, 2014 to earn your full HRA! 45
Earn Your Full HRA Healthy Rewards Plan • Complete your Health Assessment at RedBrick Health (www.redbrickhealth.com) • Get your Health Screening: (free to Associates and covered spouse/partners if enrolled in the Willis Medical Plan) • On-site screenings will be held in larger Willis offices for a limited time • Visit a Quest Diagnostices (previously Labcorp) facility. To find one near you, visit www.redbrickhealth.com • If you’ve completed an annual physical with your healthcare provider in the past 90 days, ask your provider to complete and sign the Health Screening Form found at www.redbrickhealth.com • Schedule an appointment with your provider to do the Health Screening and ask your healthcare provider to complete and sign the Health Screening Form NOTE: If you have not registered for RedBrick Health you will be required to register prior to completing the above 46
Healthy Savings Plan • All drugs are subject to deductible and co-insurance • Some prevention medications are provided at no cost to you (see Preventive Drug List on www.willisbenefits.com) • Use of your Aetna card at a network pharmacy will provide discount • Earn up to 150 points that can be redeemed for Hallmark Reward gift cards by participating in RedBrick Health • Earn a premium discount in 2015 • You are eligible for a Health Savings Account • Enroll in the Willis Health Savings Account and the deduction will be deducted from your Willis paycheck on a pre-tax • Earn a company funded Health Savings Account (HSA) contribution • You own it; and it is portable. • You are eligible for a Limited Flexible Spending Account. 48
Health Savings Account Changes If you are enrolled in the Healthy Savings Plan you can earn a company funded contribution to your Willis Health Savings Account (HSA) • Elect to deposit a minimum of $100 in a Willis Health Savings Account • Complete a RedBrick Online Health Assessment and Health Screening and earn: • $250 – Employee Only • $350 – Employee + Children (Only Associate must complete the steps) • $500 – Employee + Spouse (Associate and Spouse/Partner must complete the steps) • IRS Health Savings Account 2014 Maximum Contributions: • Individual Coverage: $3,300 • Family Coverage: $6,550 The IRS allowed maximums are reduced in the Online Enrollment system by the above Willis funding you are eligible to earn. The maximum Willis HSA elections you can elect through the Willis Online Enrollment System are: • Individual Coverage: $3,050 • Family Coverage: $6,050 49