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The CDPP Time Table Manager is a service that allows users to visualise, analyse, and download data from various databases. It offers features such as creating time tables, conditional searches, and applying mathematical functions. Users can also create their own physical parameters and save their workspaces for future sessions.
Time Table manager AMDA service Visualisation module Analysis module Local database Remote database Download module
AMDA system User WorkSpace : •new physical parameters • time tables (event lists) • plot layouts • search conditions AMDA local database are saved for future sessions parameters
AMDA connection to remote database CDAWeb data @ SPDF Access via WebService Data in CDPP format Access via WebService MAPSKP data @ CESR Access via WebService Vex/MAG data @ IWF Access via WebService THEMIS data @ CDPP NFS mounting CDPP is the European mirror site for the SSL Berkeley database Coming soon
Where does CLUSTER encircle the current sheet ? magnetic field magnetic field X coordinate AMDA condition : • X1< -10 Re • BX1 * BX2 * BX3 * BX4 > 0 • min([BX1 BX2 BX3 BX4]) < 0 • max([BX1 BX2 BX3 BX4]) > 0 • Your query : • •position : in the magnetotail • • 2 satellites above the current sheet • 2 satellites below the current sheet
Centre de Données de Physique des Plasmas The CDPP (Centre de Données de Physique des Plasmas) was created in 1998 jointly by CNES and CNRS. The CDPP is the French national data centre for natural plasmas of the solar system. It assures the long term preservation of data obtained primarily from instruments built using French resources, and renders them readily accessible and exploitable by the international community. The CDPP also provides services to allow user defined data visualisation, merging, computation, search and extraction on data content (AMDA service). The CDPP is involved in the development of interoperability, and participates in several Virtual Observatory projects. http://cdpp.cesr.fr • References • International collaborations • Europlanet network • Helio proposal • Time-Table Exchange • SPASE
Create a Time Table by Conditional Search • Edit your search condition with mathematical functions T/T// > 1 mouse click Define a time interval or choose a Time Table
Create a Time Table by Visual Inspection • Record intervals of interest by mouse clicks
Time Table Manager Time table may be - exported : text or VOTable (XML IVOA compliant) - imported : text or VOTable from the user disk or URL - modified : extended, shifted, intersected, merged Edit your time table … and share them apply operations
On the fly data visualisation from multiple remote databases • WIND CDAWeb DB • CASSINI MAPSKP DB • ACE AMDA local DB • THEMIS THEMIS DB solar wind time lag
Analysis : create your own physical parameter • AMDA functions include : • solar wind shift • temporal functions : mean, stdev, … • coordinate transforms mouse click and apply to local and remote DB parameters User WorkSpace • This newly created « user parameter » may be : • - used for conditional search • - visualised • downloaded • Like each parameter from the local or remote DB
http://cdpp-amda.cesr.fr • AMDA is an online analysis tool connected to various databases • compute new physical quantities • search for events on data content • visualize and download data Everything you do is kept in your User WorkSpace ! E. Budnik 2, V. Génot 1, C. Jacquey 1, , R. Hitier 3, M. Bouchemit 1, M. Gangloff 1, A. Fedorov 1, B. Cecconi 4, N. André 1, B. Lavraud 1, C. Harvey 1, F. Dériot 5, D. Heulet 5, E. Pallier 1, E. Penou 1 and J.L. Pinçon1 : CDPP/CESR, CNRS/Université Paul Sabatier, 9, avenue du colonel Roche, 31028 Toulouse, France. 2 : Noveltis, 2, Avenue Europe, 31520 Ramonville Saint Agne, France 3 : Co-Libri, Cremefer 11290 Montréal, France 4 : LESIA, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 5, place Janssen, 92195 Meudon 5 : CNES, Centre spatial de Toulouse, 18 avenue E. Belin, 31401 Toulouse 6 : LPCE, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement, 45071 Orléans, France