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EPJ series a 11 years old publication covering: Hadrons and Nuclei; Condensed Matter and Complex Systems; Particles and Fields; Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics; Soft Matter and Biological Physics; Applied Physics. Combined archives available on www.epj.org.
EPJ series a 11 years old publication covering:Hadrons and Nuclei; Condensed Matter and Complex Systems; Particles and Fields; Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics; Soft Matter and Biological Physics; Applied Physics Combined archives available on www.epj.org
NEW! EPJ Web of ConferencesEPJ launches EPJ Web of Conferences, not a journal but an open-access publishing service dedicated to the publication of conference proceedings (speed and flexibility guaranted)
The EPJ merger : a comprehensive effort in european publishing • 1990s negotiations began between Italian and French Physical Societies and Springer Publ. • 1998 EPJ was launched as a merger of the bulk of : Journal of Physics, Il Nuovo Cimento and Zeitschrift für Physik • Succession of mergers: Acta Physica Hungarica, Anales de Fisica, Czechoslovak Journal and Portugaliae Physica
An International Editorial Board of 44 members! • Well-renowned scientists withhight competences in traditionnal and new fields of research • Flexible and renewed according to scientific criteria and progress • Meets once a year • Priority: • Keep the scientific quality of the journal • keep the identity and the cultural unity of the journal
A new Editor-in-Chief • WELCOME TO KURT BECKER as a new Editor-in-Chief of EPJD ! Professor of Physics and the Associate Provost for Research and Technology Initiatives at Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly) in Brooklyn, NY. His background is in experimental atomic, chemical, and plasma/discharge physics. ********************************************************************************************** • Franco A. Gianturco • Universita La Sapienza, Rome • Quantum dynamics of molecules, with all aspects of elementary processes involving molecules as at least one of the acting partners: inelastic and reactive collisions, intramolecular dynamical processes, redistribution of vibrational, rotational and electronic energy, unimolecular decomposition, predissociation and photodissociation, electron attachment, photoionization and ion-molecule interactions • Claude Fabre • Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris • Atomic physics (Rydberg states) • Light-matter interaction • Specific quantum aspects of light and light matter interaction: squeezing, quantum correlations and entanglement • Quantum effects in optical images and light pulses • Quantum limits in optical measurements
An International Readership TOP 10 predominant countries in EPJD (all publications from 1998)
A High Visible JournalRead in over 4.200 institutions worldwideEPJD is regurlarly promoted through conferences and scientific talksAuthors whose paper is accepted receive a free copy of the related journal
11 papers highlighted in EUROPHYSICS NEWSFREE access on http://www.europhysicsnews.org/ “The new section in Europhysics News is launched to draw the attention of the readers to high quality original articles that have appeared recently in various physics research journals published in Europe.” Participants : EPL (Europhysics Letters), NJP (New Journal of Physics), all EPJ sections (European Physical Journal) , J. Phys. (Journal of Physics).” Material required from authors: - a clearly written and properly introduced summary of 300 words - one figure + caption (optional) III M. Genkin and E. Lindroth, ‘Possibility of resonant capture of antiprotons by highly charged hydrogen-like ions’, Eur. Phys. J. D 51, 205 (2009)
Impact factor and Rank? Among Journals related to PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL (sorted by IF) 19e rank /31 journals The IF has exceptionally decreased in 2008 (1.397) due to the editorial choice of increasing the number of published papges to follow the general increasing flow of accepted papers. 1.7 = average over the last past 5 years.
In 2008 Average time from submission to acceptance (revision time included) 3 months and a half Time from submission to first contact with referees : 11 days Average time from « accepted » to « proofs sent to authors » :16 days Very Short Processing Times
Privileged Relationship with Authors and Referees • Personalized communication with authors and referees • Scientific competence of the editors thought traditional careful and personalized evaluation. • kindness, thanks, detailed reply and explanations. The editorial office replies to all requests. • Rewarding referees • Free subscription to the on-line version of EPJD for a period of 6 months • In order to better reward the referees who have remarkably helped EPJD, the publishers offer a book from the catalog of either EDP Sciences, Springer or SIF. • a copy of the journal to which he contributed is deliveried for free • Quality of the copy-editing : A high quality paper version + electronic edition
EPJD: Stay competitive, be innovative, make the difference! • Colloquia • Highlight in EPJD and EPN • Topical issues
Colloquia EPJD has published its first « Colloquia paper » Physisorption kinetics of electrons at plasma boundaries, by F. X. Bronold, H. Deutsch, H. Fehske FREE ACCESS on epj.org Scientifically: • Manuscripts that describe the development of new areas of research, as well as promising new experimental or theoretical approaches. • Introduce new research directions and novel experimental/theoretical techniques in their early stages of development. • Capture the attention of both specialists and non-specialists eager to learn of new developments and new fields. • Opportunity for researchers in the early stages of their scientific career to present their field of research in order to obtain higher international visibility. Instructions: • No explicit constraint of length (20 to 40 printed pages seems appropriate). • Possible sources: submitted or invited paper, open paper of conferences , Colloquia introducing a topical issue • Usual refereeing procedure applied • If accepted, authors will receive a financial compensation (200 euros). • Colour figures in print will be free of charge; paper will be highlighted and in FREE ACCESS.
Highlight procedure to favour excellent papers • Selection and identification by the editors • Introduced by a short introductory • Fast publication processing • FREE electronic access (www.epj.org) • Possibly highlighted in Europhysics News
Topical issues • well cited issues and scientifically highly visible! • For ex: vol. 31/2 on « Ultracold polar molecules » by J. Doyle, B. Friedrich, R.V. Krems and • F. Masnou-Seeuws- editorial «Quo vadis, cold molecules?», kind of perspective paper cited 124 times • definitely a way to make connection with new communities that do not publish in EPJD. • contain only original and new materials (in contrast to Conference proceedings). • topical contributions =15% of our submissions (89% are accepted). • Forthcoming topical issues in 2009-2010: • Fundamental physics and ultra-highlaser physics • Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems • Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics • Dissipative Optical Solitons • Hybrid Quantum Systems – New Perspectives on Quantum State Control