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  2. Learning objectives :at the end of the class the students will be able to :define guidance and counseling discuss the purposes and needsenlist the basic principles of guidance and counseling list the types and approaches of guidance and counseling explain the counseling process ,tools and techniques describe the role and preparation of counselor 9/20/2018

  3. Conti…discuss the organization of counseling services in nursing institutions enlist the issues for counseling in nursing studentsexplain the management of crisis and referral 9/20/2018

  4. INTRODUCTION Guidance & counselling are twin concepts & have emerged as essential elements of everyeducational activity. Guidance & counselling are not synonymousterm. Counselling is a part ofguidance. Guidance,ineducationalcontext,meanstoindicate,point out,showtheway,leadout&direct. 4 9/20/2018

  5. Conti…. Counseling is a specialized service of guidance. It is the process of helping individuals learn more about themselves & their present & possible future situationsto make a substantial contribution to thesociety. 9/20/2018

  6. DEFINITION OFGUIDANCE Guidance is an assistance made available by a competent counselor to an individual of any age to help him direct hisownlife,develophisownpointofview,makehisown decision & carry his ownburden. - Hamrin &Erikson Guidance is a process of helping every individual,through his own effort to discover & develop his potentialities for his personal happiness & socialusefulness. - RuthStrang 6 9/20/2018

  7. DEFINITION OFCOUNSELLING Counseling is essentially a process in which the counselor assists the counselee to make interpretations of facts relating to a choice,plan or adjustment which he needs tomake. - Glenn F.Smith Counseling is a series of direct contacts withthe individual which aims to offer him assistance in changing his attitude &behaviors. - CarlRogers 7 9/20/2018



  10. PURPOSES OF GUIDANCE ANDCOUNSELLING • Providing the needed information &assistance • Helping in individual to make wisechoices • Improve the understanding ofself • Facilitate theadjustment • Helps in adapting to the changes or newenvironment • Making self-sufficient &independent 10 9/20/2018

  11. PURPOSES OF GUIDANCE ANDCOUNSELLING • Efficient use of capabilities &talent • Promote the optimal personal & professional development • Balancedphysical,psychological,emotional,social& spiritual growth • Helps in overall development & to live productive life 11 9/20/2018

  12. Other functions of guidanceand counselling… To provide optimum development & well-beingfor individual. To help individuals adjust to themselves & thesociety. To help people understand themselves in relation tothe world. To aid individuals in efficient decisionmaking. . 12 9/20/2018

  13. Conti…. • To help individuals plan for a productive life in their socialcontextbyfocusingontheirassets,skills,strengths & possibilities for furtherdevelopment. • To bring about changes in the attitude & behaviorof individuals 9/20/2018

  14. CHARACTERISTICS OFGUIDANCE It isprocess It is a continuousprocess Choice & problem points are the distinctive concerns of guidance It is the assistance to the individual in the process of development rather than a direction of that development Guidance is a service meant for all Guidance is both generalized & aspecialized service 9/20/2018

  15. Cont… Guidance is an organized service & not an incidental activity of theschool. Guidance is not a branch of any discipline Guidance baslimits Guidance is more an art than science Guidance bas its roots in the educationsystem Guidance is centered around the needs & aspirations of students. 9/20/2018

  16. CHARACTERISTS OFCOUNSELLING Counselling involves two individuals-one seeking help& the other a professionally trained person who can help thefirst. There should be a relationship of mutualrespect between the twoindividuals. Counselling is aimed at bringing about desired changesin the individual for self-realisation & providing assistance to solve problems through an intimate personal relationship. 9/20/2018

  17. Conti.. • The counselor discovers the problems of thecounselee & help him to set up realisticgoals • Ifcounseleeisa student,counsellinghelpshimtotakea decision, make a choice or find a direction in matters related to an educational programmeorcareer. • It helps the counselee acquire independence & developa sense ofresponsibility. • It is more than advicegiving. 9/20/2018

  18. Conti… It involves something more than offering an assistanceto find a solution to an immediateproblems. Counselling isdemocratic. Counselling concerns itself with attitudes as well asactions Counselling is centered around the needs & aspirations of students 9/20/2018

  19. SCOPE OF GUIDANCE ANDCOUNSELLING Guidance & counselling for personalneeds/problems Guidance & counselling for educationalneeds/problems Guidance & counselling for physical, emotional,social, moral & maritalproblems Guidance & counselling for vocational, occupational& professionalneeds Guidance & counselling for career advancement Guidance & counselling for holistic individualdevelopment Guidance &counsellingwwfwo.drrjasyeitshupaattidiaor.bnloagslpopt.rcoomble9/m20/s2013 14 9/20/2018

  20. NEED OF GUIDANCE ANDCOUNSELLING • I. Need s for personal & socialdomain • Personal & social development ofindividual • To adapt in different stages ofdevelopment • Offering art of betterliving • Proper use of leisure time • Holistic personalitydevelopment • Best use of availableopportunities • Motivates for effective utilization & development ofself 9/20/2018

  21. NEED OF GUIDANCE ANDCOUNSELLING • II. Needs for educational/professionaldomain • Helps in academic growth &development • Helps in vocational & professionalmaturity • Facilitates an individual in the right education &profession • Offer help to handle educational & professionalsituations • Helps in the proper utilization of humanresources • Helps in adapting to the changing concept ofeducation 9/20/2018

  22. Conti… • Prepares to adapt in changing professional situations & emerging challenges • Helps in making proper careerchoice • Helps to minimizeindiscipline 9/20/2018

  23. Need of Guidance and Counselling in NursingEducation… • To help students adjusting with the new environment of the nursinginstitute. • To help in developing qualities required for a successful for a nursingpractice. • To help students in getting adjusted with the clinical environment. • To help students keeping in touch with the latest trends in nursing 9/20/2018

  24. Conti… • To help students in developing positive learning habits, especially skilllearning • To help in the development of appropriate coping stragglesinorder to deal with stress in a productivemanner 9/20/2018

  25. Need of Guidance and Counsellingin NursingEducation… • To help nursing students in establishing properidentity. • To help them to develop a positive attitude towardslife. • To help to overcome periods of turmoil &confusion. • To help students in developing their leadershipqualities. • To motivate them for taking membership in professional organizations after competing theirstudies. 9/20/2018

  26. Conti… • Helps them to make advantages of technological advancement in a patientcare. • Helps them to readiness for changes & facechallenges • To carryout responsibilities as a health teammember • Helps them to proper selection ofcareer • Motivate them for higherstudies. 9/20/2018

  27. FUNCTIONS OF GUIDANCEAND COUNSELLLING Adjustmental Developmental Orientation 9/20/2018

  28. PRINCIPLES OFGUIDANCE According to Crow andCrow: All-round development of individuals Principles of individual differences Guidance is related to every aspect of life Cooperating amongpersons Guidance is a continuous & lifelongprocess Guidance forall Principles of elaboration Responsibility of teachers & parents Flexibility Principles of evaluation Guidance by a trainedperson Principle of periodicappraisal 9/20/2018

  29. TYPES/AREAS OF GUIDANCESERVICES Personal guidance Avocational guidance Social guidance Types of Guidance Services Health guidance Educationa lguidance Vocational guidance 9/20/2018

  30. Principles of counseling • Acceptance • Permissiveness • Respect • Thinking • Learning • Democracy 9/20/2018

  31. TYPES OF COUNSELLINGAPPROACHES Eclectic counselling approach Nondirective counselling approach Directive counselling approach 9/20/2018

  32. I. Directive CounsellingApproach It is also known as prescriptive counselling or counsellor-centred approach of counselling. This approach of counselling is advocated by E.G.Williamson, a professor at University ofMinnesota. In directive counselling, the counsellor plays a leading role & uses a variety of techniques to suggest appropriate solutions to the counselee'sproblem.  9/20/2018

  33. CONTI.. • This approach also known as authoritarian or psychoanalytic approach. • The counselloris active & help individuals in making decisions & finding solution to theirproblems. • The counsellorbelieves in the limited capacity of thepatient. 9/20/2018

  34. I. Directive CounsellingApproach Count… The patient makes the decision but the counsellor does all he can to get the patient make decision keeping with hisdiagnosis. The counsellor tries to direct the patient’s thinking by informing, explaining, interpreting &advising. The basic assumptions related to directive counsellingapproach: Makingthe best possibleuse of counselee's intellectual abilities & resources Problem focused rather than patient focused approach Used for patients incapable ofsolving their problems A need- based approach Task of a competent counsellor 9/20/2018

  35. I. Directive CounsellingApproach Count… Steps of the directive counsellingapproach E.G.Williamson has given the following six steps in providing directivecounselling 9/20/2018

  36. I. Directive CounsellingApproach Count… Advantages of the directive counsellingapproach This approach savetime. It emphasizes the problem It lays more emphasis on the intellectual rather thanthe emotional aspects of an individual’spersonality. 9/20/2018

  37. I. Directive CounsellingApproach Count… Limitations of the directive counsellingapproach The patient does not gain any liability for self analysisor solve new problems of adjustment bycounselling. It makes the counselee overdependent on thecounsellor. Sometimes the counselee lacks information regardingthe counselee, leads wrongcounselling. It does not guarantee that the counselee will ableto solve the same problem on his own infuture. 9/20/2018

  38. II. Nondirective CounsellingApproach Thechiefexponentof thiscounsellingapproach,CarpR. It is also known as the permissive counselling approach where the counselor's role is passive & thecounselee’s role isactive. It is a counselee-centred or patient-centredhumanistic approach. 9/20/2018

  39. Conti.. The counselee makes the final decisions as individualsare thoughts to have full right to make final decisions for the self & solve theirproblems. The counsellor has to accept the counselee’s capacityto make adjustment &adapt. 9/20/2018

  40. II. Nondirective CounsellingApproach • count… • The principles of acceptance & tolerance are extremely important in thisapproach. • The basic assumptions related to nondirective counselling approach are: • Patient is given importance than the counselling directions & investigations • Emotional aspects are more significant than intellectualaspects. • Creation of an atmosphere where patients can work out their understanding is more important than cultivating self- understanding in thepatient. • Counselling leads to a voluntary choice of goals & a conscious selection of courses of action. 9/20/2018

  41. II. Nondirective CounsellingApproach count… Steps of the nondirective counsellingapproach Carp R. Rogers given five steps in nondirectivecounselling: Definingthe problemsituation Counselee given freedom toexpress hisfeeling Terminationof counselling 9/20/2018

  42. II. Nondirective CounsellingApproach • count… • Advantages of nondirective counsellingapproach • It is a slow but sure process to make anindividual capable of makingadjustments. • It removes emotional block & helps an individualbring thoughts on a conscious level thereby reducingtension. 9/20/2018

  43. II. Nondirective CounsellingApproach • count… • Limitations of nondirective counsellingapproach • It is a slow & time-consumingprocess. • One cannot rely upon one’s resources, judgment & wisdom as the patient is immature in making the decisionhimself. • It depends too much on the ability & initiative of thepatient. 9/20/2018

  44. III. Eclectic CounsellingApproach This approach is based on the fact that all individuals are different from oneanother. The techniques are elective in nature because they have been derived from all sources ofcounselling. This approach is based on selecting the best & leaving out what is leastrequired. The patient is active & the counsellor remains passive in the beginning. 9/20/2018

  45. III. Eclectic CounsellingApproach • count… • It is a synthesis of directive & nondirective counsellingmethods. • Problem is solved jointly by counselor and counselee 9/20/2018

  46. III. Eclectic CounsellingApproach count… Steps of the eclectic counsellingapproach Establishing rapport Follow- up Diagnosis theproblem Analyzing thecase Counselling Preparing a tentativeplan formodifying behavior 9/20/2018

  47. III. Eclectic CounsellingApproach • count… • Advantages of eclectic counsellingapproach • It is more cost effective & practicalapproach. • It is a more flexible approach ofcounselling. • It is more objective & coordinated approach ofcounselling. • Limitations of eclectic counsellingapproach • The role of counsellor & the counselee are not predetermined. • It requires more skilled counselors to handle the dynamic feature of this counsellingapproach. 9/20/2018

  48. IV. Other types ofcounselling • Based on length of the counsellingsession: • Short-termcounselling • Long-termcounselling • Based on number of counseleesinvolved: • Individualcounselling • Groupcounselling 9/20/2018

  49. IV. Other types ofcounselling count… C) Counselling for educational & professionalpurposes: Studentcounselling Educationalcounselling Vocational counselling Career counselling Placementcounselling 9/20/2018

  50. IV. Other types ofcounselling count… D) Counselling for health-relatedpurposes: Crisis counselling Health counselling Genetic counselling Psychotherapeutic counselling E) Counselling for personal/socialpurposes: Marriage counselling Motivational counselling Personal counselling Developmental counselling 9/20/2018

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