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A man and his Missio n: Your Life Purpose!

A man and his Missio n: Your Life Purpose!. Genesis 2 – From God’s account of creation, He says that man has…. - A work to do - A will to obey - A woman to love. A biblical man-. - rejects passivity a ccepts responsibility l eads courageously

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A man and his Missio n: Your Life Purpose!

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  1. A man and his Mission: Your Life Purpose!

  2. Genesis 2 – From God’s account of creation, He says that man has…

  3. - A work to do - A will to obey - A woman to love

  4. A biblical man-

  5. - rejects passivity • accepts responsibility • leads courageously • expects the greater reward – God’s reward

  6. As we study a man and his mission, we will address the following items:

  7. - Your life purpose - Your life plan - Your life perseverance

  8. God has a uniquely designed journey for a man from his first breath to life.

  9. Your primary mission: The Westminster Shorter Catechism says “What is the chief end of man? A man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”

  10. Revelation 4:11 (NASB95) “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.”

  11. Every man must have a transcendent cause. If your only cause is yourself, you will never experience the joy, abundance, and fullness of the life God intended.

  12. 2. Your personal response: • the example of Joshua

  13. Fiercely embrace • Courageously pursue

  14. Small group: There are two examples, Joshua whose legacy carried on after his life (Joshua 24:31) and Judges 2:10, where the generation that arose did not know the Lord.

  15. Discuss with your group what actions you think contribute to leaving a legacy of faith and also what actions inhibit faith being passed to future generations.

  16. Take away: Building from your small group discussion, read Joshua 24 and Judges 2. Answer the following question before next week: What plans do I have for purposefully leaving a legacy of faith?

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