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针刺治疗痛证 Acupuncture Analgesia. 石学敏 教授 Shi Xue Min Professor. 针 法 特 点 Characteristic of the theraphy. 强 调 调 神,治 病 求 本 Regulate the vitality 刺 络 疗 法,祛 瘀 通 络 Blood-letting puncture 临 证 加 减,辨 证 论 治 Select the points according to differential diagnosis. 上 肢:外 关
针刺治疗痛证 Acupuncture Analgesia 石学敏 教授 Shi Xue Min Professor
针 法 特 点 Characteristic of the theraphy • 强 调 调 神,治 病 求 本 • Regulate the vitality • 刺 络 疗 法,祛 瘀 通 络 • Blood-letting puncture • 临 证 加 减,辨 证 论 治 • Select the points according to • differential diagnosis
上 肢:外 关 • Arm: Waiguan(SJ5) • 下 肢:飞 扬 • Leg:Feiyang(BL58) • 腰 部:大 肠 俞 • Lumbus:Dachangshu(BL25) • 全 身:人 中 • The Whole body:Renzhong(DU26) 止 痛 要 穴
1.头 面 躯 体 痛 证 1.Painful disease of cephalofacial and somatic region 1.1头痛1.1 Headache 1.1.1血管性头痛 1.1.1 Vascular headache 治则:疏解少阳、活血化瘀。 Principle:Regulate Shaoyang meridian,Activate blood flow and dispel blood stasis 配方:风池、完骨、太阳、头维透率谷、中封、阳辅。 Prescription :Fengchi(GB20),Wangu(GB12),Taiyang(EX-HN5), Touwei(ST8) to Shuaigu(GB8) ,Zhongfeng(LR4) Yangfu(GB38)
1.1.2 神经性头痛 1.1.2 Nervous headache 治则:调神理气、通络止痛。 Principle: Regulate the Vitality and Qi,Activate the collaterals and relieve pain 配方:内关、人中、太冲、百会、四神聪、风池、完骨、天柱。 Prescription:Neiguan(PC6),Renzhong(DU26),Taichong(LR3), Baihui(DU20),Sishencong(EX- HN1), Fengchi(GB20), Wangu(GB12), Tianzhu(BL10) 1.1.3 眼性头痛 1.1.3 Ocular headache 治则:通络止痛。 Principle: Activate the collaterals and relieve pain 配方:风池、太阳、睛明、球后、四白。 Prescription:Fengchi(GB20),Taiyang(EX-HN5),Jingming(BL1), Qiuhou(EX-HN7),Sibai(ST2)
1.1.4 颈性头痛 1.1.4 Cervical headache 治则:通络止痛。 Principle: Activate the collaterals and relieve pain 配方:风池、完骨、天柱、颈椎夹脊刺。 Prescription:Fengchi(GB20),Wangu(GB12),Tianzhu(BL10),cervical Jiaji(EX-B2) 1.1.5 高颅压性头痛 1.1.5 Ocular headache 治则:醒神开窍、滋阴潜阳、通络止痛。 Principle: XNKQ, Nourish yin and yang, Activate the collaterals and relieve pain 配方:上星透百会、太阳、风池、完骨、三阴交、合谷、太冲。 Prescription:Shangxing(DU23) to Baihui(DU20), Taiyang(EX-HN5), Fengchi(GB20), Wangu(GB12), Sanyinjiao(SP6),Hegu(LI4), Taichong(LR3)
1. 2 面颊痛(三叉神经痛) 1. 2 Prosopalgia 治则:活血化瘀、通络止痛。 Principle: Activate blood flow and dispel blood stasis, Clear the collaterals to relieve pain 主方:下关、四白、风池、翳风,痛点刺络拔罐。 Prescription:Xiaguan(ST7),Sibai(ST2),Fengchi(GB20),Yifeng(SJ17) And blood-cuping on Ashipoint 配穴: 第一支痛加攒竹、太阳。 Associated points:To the frist branch:Cuanzhu(BL2),Taiyang(EX-HN5) 第二支痛加颧髎。 To the second branch:Quanliao(SI18) 第三支痛加颊车、迎香。 To the third branch:Jianche(ST6),Yingxiang(LI20)
1. 3 落枕(斜方肌痉挛) 1. 3 Stiff neck 治则:调气活血、疏通经络。 Principle: Regulate Qi and activate blood, Regulate and clear the meridian 配方:风池、完骨、天柱、颈椎夹脊刺、绝骨、后溪。 Prescription:Fengchi(GB20),Wangu(GB12),Tianzhu(BL10), cervical Jiaji(EX-B2), Juegu(GB39),Houxi(SI3) 1.4 颈痛(颈椎病) 1.4Cervical spondylopathy 治则:活血通络、祛风止痛。 Principle: Activate blood and clear the meridian, Dispel wind to relieve pain 配方:风池、完骨、天柱、颈椎夹脊刺。 Prescription: Fengchi(GB20),Wangu(GB12),Tianzhu(BL10), cervical Jiaji(EX-B2)
1.5 脊痛(退行性脊柱炎) 1.5Retrogressive spondylitis 治则:祛瘀通络、通调督脉、膀胱经气。 Principle: Dispel blood stasis and clear the meridian, Regulate QI of Du and bladder channel 配方:1.双侧环跳、大肠俞、委中、阳陵泉刺络拔罐。Prescription:Ⅰ:Huantiao(GB30),Dachangshu(BL25),Weizhong(BL40), Yanglingquan(GB34) Ashipoint with blood-cuping 2.人中、肾俞、大肠俞、环跳、腰阳关、委中、养老、 阿是穴。 Ⅱ:Renzhong(DU26),Shenshu(BL23),Dachangshu(BL25),Huantiao(GB30), Yaoyanghguan(DU3),Weizhong(BL40),Yanglao(SI6),Ashipoints
1.6肩臂痛(臂丛神经痛) 1.6 Brachial plexus neuralgia 治则:行气散瘀、通经止痛。 Principle:Circulate Qi and dispel blood stasis, Clear the meridian to relieve pain 配方:颈夹脊刺、 肩外俞、阿是穴刺络疗法 Prescription: cervical Jiaji(EX-B2),Jianwaishu(SI14), Ashi point with blood-letting puncture
1.7 肩凝症(肩关节周围炎) 1.7 Periarthritis of shoulder 治则:活血化瘀、通络止痛。 Principle:Activate blood and dispel blood stasis, Clear the collaterals to relieve pain 配方:1.患侧肩髃、肩贞、臑俞、天宗、曲垣、肩外俞 或以痛为俞刺络拔罐。 Prescription:Ⅰ:Illness side points of Jianyu(LI15),Jianzhen(SI9),Naoshu(SI10), Tianzong(SI11) ,Quyuan(SI13),Jianwaishu(SI14) And blood-cuping on Ashi point 2.患侧肩髃、肩贞、臑俞、天宗、秉风、曲垣、肩外俞、 肩中俞、条口。 Ⅱ:Illness side points of Jianyu(LI15),Jianzhen(SI9),Naoshu(SI10), Tianzong(SI11), Bingfeng(SI12),Quyuan(SI13), Jianwaishu(SI14), Jianzhongshu(SI15),Tiaokou(ST38)
1.8 肘劳(肱骨外上髁炎) 1. 8 External humeral epicomdylitis 治则:治则:舒筋活血、通络止痛。 Principle:Relax tendons and promote blood circulation, Clear the collaterals to relieve pain 配方:曲池、肘髎、手三里、合谷、阿是穴(施阻力针法)。 Prescription:Quchi(LI11),Zhouliao(LI12),Shousanli(LI10),Hegu(LI4), Ashipoint with special manipulation
1.9 胁痛(肋间神经痛) 1.9 Intercostal neuralgia 治则:疏肝理气、通络止痛。 Principle:Regulate Qi of liver, Clear the collaterals to relieve pain 配方:支沟、阳陵泉、太冲、三阴交、期门、日月、膈俞、丘墟。 Prescription:Zhigou(SJ6),Yanglingquan(GB34),Taichong(LR3),Sanyinjiao(SP6), Qimen(LR14), Riyue(GB24),Geshu(BL17),Qiuxu(GB40)
1.10 腰痛 • 10 Lumbago • 1.10.1 急性腰扭伤 • 1.10.1 Acute lumbar sprain • 治则:行气活血、通络止痛。 • Principle: Promote Qi and blood, Clear the collaterals to relieve pain • 配方:以局部俞穴和循经取穴为主,采用后溪、委中、大肠俞、 • 肾俞。疼痛甚者,取内关、人中、痛点施阻力针法。 • Prescription:Houxi(SI3),Weizhong(BL40),Dachangshu(BL25),Shenshu(BL23). • And Neiguan(PC6),Renzhong(DU26), • Ashi point with special manipulation if Serious pain
1.10.2 腰椎间盘突出症 1.10.2 Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc 治则:活血化瘀、消肿止痛。 Principle: Promote blood and dispel stasis, Repercussion to relieve pain 配方:取患侧阿是穴、环跳、殷门、阳陵泉、足三里、委中、 承山、悬钟。 Prescription:Illness side points of Ashi,Huantiao(GB30),Yinmen(BL37), Yanglingquan(GB34), Zusanli(ST36), Weizhong(BL40), Chengshan(BL57), Xuanzhong(GB39)
1.10.3 腰肌劳损 1.10.3 Lumbar muscule strain 治则:舒筋活血、通经活络、祛寒止痛。 Principle: Relax tendons and promote blood circulation, Dispel cold to relieve pain 配方:以局部俞穴和阿是穴为主,重点采用肾俞、关元俞、 膀胱俞等。 Prescription:Ashi point,Shenshu(BL23), Guanyuanshu(BL26), Pangguangshu(BL28) etc.
1.11 腰腿痛(坐骨神经痛) 1.11 Sciatica 治则:活血止痛、疏通经络。 Principle: Promote blood to relieve pain,Regulate meridian 配方:1.刺络法:分别于疼痛侧太阳经、少阳经经络所过之处的 大肠俞、环跳、风市、承山等部位刺络拔罐。 Prescription:Ⅰ:Blood-cuping on painful side of Dachangshu(BL25), Huantiao(GB30), Fengshi(GB31),Chengshan(BL57)etc. 2.大肠俞、环跳、委中、阳陵泉、风市、飞扬、昆仑、承山 Ⅱ:Dachangshu(BL25),Huantiao(GB30),Weizhong(BL40),Yanglingquan(GB34), Fengshi(GB31),Feiyang(BL58), Kunlun(BL60),Chengshan(BL57). 肾虚者加刺肾俞、太溪; If kidney deficiency associated with Shenshu(BL23),Taixi(KI3); 血瘀者加刺血海、膈俞; If blood stasis associated with Xuehai(SP10),Geshu(BL17) 风寒者加刺风池。 If wind-cold associated with Fengchi(GB20)
1.12 膝痛(膝关节骨关节炎) 1.12 Gonitis 治则:活血化瘀、通络止痛。 Principle: Promote blood and remove stasis, Clear the collaterals to relieve pain 配方:膝眼、鹤顶、阳陵泉、阴陵泉、膝阳关、梁丘。 Prescription:Xiyan(EX-LE4,5),Heding(EX- LE2),Yanglingquan(GB34), Yinglingquan(SP9), Xiyangguan(GB33),Liangqiu(ST34). 1.13 足底痛(跖神经痛) 1.13 Plantalgia 治则:滋阴补肾、温养经络。 Principle: Nourishing yin of kidney,Warming meridian 配方:太溪、三阴交、足底排刺。 Prescription:Taixi(KI3),Sanyinjiao(SP6),Line puncture on planta
1.14 痹证(风湿性、类风湿性关节炎) 1.14 Arthralgia syndrome 治则:舒筋活络、行气活血、散风蠲痹。 Principle: Relax and activate tendons, Promote Qi and blood, Dispel wind to relieve pain 主穴: 风池、曲池、血海、合谷、太冲、华佗夹脊刺。 Main point:Fengchi(GB20),Quchi(LI11),Xuehai(SP10),Hegu(LI4),Taichong,Jiaji(LR3). 配穴: Assist point: 热痹:大椎 Heat-type:Dazhui(DU14) 颌关节:下关、翳风、合谷。 Jaw:Xiaguan(ST7),Yifeng(SJ17),Hegu(LI4)
颈、胸椎关节:完骨、天柱、华佗夹脊刺。 Cervical and thoracic vertebrae:Wangu(GB12),Tianzhu(BL10),Jiaji(EX-B2) 肩关节:肩髃、肩贞、肩中俞、肩外俞、臂臑、天宗透肩峰。 Shoulder joint:Jianyu(LI15),Jianzhen(SI9),Jianzhongshu(SI15),Jianwaishu(SI14), Binao(LI15), Tianzong(SI11) to Jianfeng 肘关节:小海、肘髎、手三里。 Elbow joint:Xiaohai(SI18),Zhouliao(LI12),Shousanli(LI10) 腕关节:外关、阳池、阳谷、阳溪、腕骨。 Wrist joint:Waiguan(SJ5),Yangchi(SJ4),Yanggu(SI5),Yangxi(LI5),Wangu(SI4).
掌指关节:八邪、后溪。 Metacarpophalangeal joint:Baxie(EX-UE9),Houxi(SI3) 腰椎关节:大肠俞、命门、八髎、委中。 Lumbar vertebrae:Dachangyu(BL25),Mingmen(DU4),Baliao(BL31-34),Weizhong (BL40) . 骶髂关节:关元俞、小肠俞、白环俞、环跳、秩边。 Sacroiliac joint:Guanyuanshu(BL26),Xiaochangshu(BL27),Baihuanshu(BL30), Huantiao(GB30), Zhibian(BL54) 髋关节:环跳、阳陵泉、髋关节围刺。 Hip joint:Huantiao(GB35),Yanglingquan(GB34),surrounding puncture
膝关节:鹤顶、犊鼻、膝眼、曲泉、委中。 Knee joint:Heding(EX-LE2),Dubi(ST35),Xiyan(EX- LE4,5), Ququan(LR8),Weizhong(BL40) 踝关节:解溪、商丘、丘墟、昆仑、太溪、申脉、照海。 Ankle joint:Jiexi(ST41),Shangqiu(SP5), Qiuxu(GB40),Kunlun(BL60), Taixi(KI13), Shenmai(BL62), Zhaohai(KI6) 跖趾关节:公孙、太冲、足临泣、八风。 Metatarsophalangeal joint:Gongsun(SP4),Taichong(LR3),Zulinqi(GB41), Bafeng(EX-LE10)
2.脏腑痛证 2. Visceral pain 2.1 胸痹(心绞痛) 2.1 Angina pectoris 治则:养心血、益心气、通心阳。 Principle: Nourishing blood and qi of heart,Promote yang of heart 配方:内关、郗门、膻中、厥阴俞、心俞、膈俞。 Prescription:Neiguan(PC6),Ximen(PC4),Tanzhong(RN17),Jueyinshu(BL14), Xinshu(BL15), Geshu(BL17)
2.2 胁肋痛(胆囊炎、胆石症) 2.2 Cholecystitis,Gallstone 治则:疏肝利胆、理气止痛。 Principle:Soothing liver and gallbladder,Regulate qi to relieve pain 配方:膈俞、胆俞、日月、阳陵泉、中脘。 Prescription:Geshu(BL17),Danshu(BL19),Riyue(GB24),Yanglingquan(GB34), Zhongwan(RN12)
2.3 腰痛(肾结石) 2.3 Calculus of kindey 治则:通淋排石、实则清热、虚则补虚。 Principle:Relieve stranguria and remove the stons, Expel heat for excess syndrome Reinforcing method for deficiency 配方:以足太阳膀胱经和足阳明经及背俞穴为主。重点取 膀胱俞、肾俞、三焦俞、次髎、中极、秩边透水道等。 Prescription:Pangguangshu(BL28),Shenshu(BL23),Sanjiaoshu(BL22), Ciliao(BL32), Zhongji(RN3),Zhibian(BL54) to Shuidao(ST28) etc.
2.4 胃脘痛(慢性胃炎) 2.4 Gastralgia 治则:健脾养胃、化瘀止痛。 Principle:Nourish spleen and stomach,Remove stasis to relieve pain 配方:足三里、左梁丘、左天枢、关元、中脘、 血海; Prescription:Zusanli(ST36),left Liangqiu(ST34),left Tianshu(ST25), Guanyuan(RN4) , Zhongwan(RN12),Xuehai(SP10); 膈俞、肝俞、胆俞、脾俞、胃俞、夹脊刺。 Geshu(BL17),Ganshu(BL18),Danshu(BL19), Pishu(BL20), Weishu(BL21), Jiaji(EX-B2)
2.5 腹痛(胃肠功能紊乱) 2.5 Abdominalgia 治则:清热利湿、健睥通腑。 Principle:Disperse damp and heat, Reinforcing spleen and clear fu organs 配方:内关、足三里、天枢、上巨虚。 Prescription:Neiguan(PC6),Zusanli(ST36),Tianshu(ST25),Shangjuxu(ST37).
3.五官科痛证 3.Pain of five sense organs 3.1 目赤肿痛(结膜炎) 3.1 Conjunctivitis 治则:清热降火、疏风明目。 Principle:Remove heat and fire, Dispel wind evil to improve eyesight 配方:臂臑、蠡沟、合谷、太冲、风池、睛明、太阳。 Prescription:Binao(LI14),Ligou(LR5),Hegu(LI4),Taichong(LR3), Fengchi(GB20), Jingming(BL1),Taiyang(EX-HN5)
3.2 咽喉肿痛(急性扁桃体炎、急慢性咽炎) 3.2 Sore-throat 治则:疏风解表、清热利咽; 滋阴降火、生津润燥。 Principle:Dispers wind to expel exogenous pathogen, Remove heat to clear throat; Nourishing yin and expel heat, Induce saliva to moisten dryness 配方:实热证取曲池、列缺、大椎、合谷、内庭; Prescription: Excess type with Quchi(LI11),Lieque(LU7), Hegu(LI4), Dazhui(DU14), Neiting(ST44); 阴虚症取列缺、照海、曲池、太溪、鱼际。 Deficiency with Lieque(LU7),Zhaohai(KI6), Quchi(LI11), Taixi(KI3), Yuji(LU10).
3.3 舌痛(舌炎) 3.3 Glossalgia 治则:补益心脾、生津润燥。 Principle:Nourishing heart and spleen, Induce saliva to moisten dryness 配方:心俞、脾俞、通里、三阴交、金津、玉液。 Prescription:Xinshu(BL15),Pishu(BL20),Tongli(HT5),Sanyinjiao(SP6), Jinjin(EX-HN12),Yuye(EX-HN12).
3.4 牙痛 3.4 Toothache 治则:补益心脾、生津润燥。 Principle:Remove heat evil to relieve pain 主穴:合谷、下关、颊车。 Main point:Hegu(LI4),Xiaguan(ST7),Jiache(ST6) 配穴:风热牙痛加风池、外关。 Assist point:wind-heat type Fengchi(GB20),Waiguan(SJ5) 胃火牙痛加内庭、足三里。 Stomach-fire type Neiting(ST44),Zusanli(ST36) 虚火牙痛加太溪、三阴交。 Asthenic fire type Taixi(KI3),Sanyinjiao(SP6)
4.痛经(原发性痛经) 4. Dysmenorrhea 治则:理气化瘀、活血止痛; 温经散寒、除湿止痛; 益气补血、滋养胞脉。 Principle:Regulate qi and dispel stasis,Promote blood to relieve pain Warm meridian dispel cold, Remove damp to relieve pain Reinforcing qi and blood, Nourishing uterine collaterals 配方:气滞血瘀:气海、气穴、合谷、三阴交、太冲。 Prescription: With stagnation of qi and blood: Qihai(RN6),Qixue(KI13),Hegu(LI4), Sanyinjiao(SP6), Taichong(LR3) 寒湿凝滞:中极、水道、命门、阴陵泉。 With stagnation of cold and damp:Zhongji(RN3),Shuidao(ST28), Mingmen(DU4),Yinlingquan(SP9) 气血虚弱:气海、关元、肾俞、足三里。 With weakness of qi and blood:Qihai(RN6),Guanyuan(RN4), Shenshu(DU4),Zusanli(ST36)