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Learn about the four main types of body tissues and delve into the details of epithelial tissue, its functions, and classifications. Discover how multicellular cells specialize to maintain homeostasis and benefit the body as a whole.
WARM-UP- September 19, 2018 Objective (copy the following): I can differentiate between the 4 types of body tissue, and describe epithelial tissue in detail. Answer the following:How did 1) Turn in Innocence Project WSoupdefine a molecule? How did your group define an atom?
WARM-UP- September 19, 2018 Homework: - Finish Ch. 5 Tissues reading guide – Due Fri. 9/21 Agenda: REMINDER: Office hours today!! -Grades posted -Unit 1 exam (if absent yesterday) - Ch. 5 reading guide -Homeostasis labs -Cadaver lab info & survey -Notes: Types of tissue/epithelial tissue
Tissues Essential Question:How do multicellular body cells specialize to perform specific functions that help maintain homeostasis and benefit the body as awhole?
Definition: A group or mass of similar cells working together to perform certain common functions. Four major types oftissue: Epithelial Connective Muscle Nervous What istissue?
Tissues Epithelialtissue Connectivetissue Nervoustissue Muscletissue
EpithelialTissue • Covers all body surfaces/organs, lines cavities,organs, and tubules, not just skin linesEVERYTHING!! • Classified by cell shape and number oflayers. • Usually avascular (has no bloodsupply). • Cells reproduce rapidly (rapidhealing). • Cells tightly packedtogether. #1 Skin is the humanbody's largestorgan The average skin, when stretched out,is 2Meters Square ofyourbodyweight. If a girl weighs 100 pounds, how much of her weight isskin?
WARM-UP- September 20, 2018 Objective (copy the following): I can identify microscopic images of epithelial tissue and differentiate between its 9 types. Answer:did What are the main functions of epithelial tissue?ea Identify at least one epithelial cell structure and describe how it helps the cell to function. Can be from any of the 9 types of epithelium.
WARM-UP- September 20, 2018 Homework: - Finish Ch. 5 Tissues reading guide – Due tomorrow, Fri. 9/21 Agenda: -Vitiligo: NYT article & q’s -Images: Epithelial tissue vs. other tissue types -Epithelia classification
WARM-UP- September 21, 2018 Objective (copy the following): I can describe the mechanism of face transplantation, as well as ethical issues associated with the procedure. Answer:did Stratified epithelia are “built” for protection or to resist abrasion. What are the simple epithelia better at? Some epithelia are pseudostratified. What does this mean? Where is transitional epithelium found and what is its importance at those sites?
WARM-UP- September 21, 2018 Homework: none Agenda: -Article: Ethical Issues in Face Transplantation -Nat Geo: Changing Faces
WARM-UP- September 24, 2018 Objective (copy the following): I can describe the properties of each major type of connective tissue and distinguish between them. Answer:did For each epithelial cell type, identify 1-2 human body parts in which it can be found. Try first without using your notes, and then supplement whatever you couldn’t remember with notes. Simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, pseudostratified columnar, stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, transitional, glandular
WARM-UP- September 24, 2018 Homework: Tissues quiz will be on Monday 10/1 Agenda: -Debrief Changing Faces -Notes: Connective Tissue
-Most abundant tissue in yourbody. -Binds structures together. -Provides support, protection, framework, fills space, stores fat, produces blood cells, and fightsinfection. -Composed of more scattered cells within matrix (more space inbetween) -Made up of a ground substance (fluid orsemi-solid) and fibers (collagen orelastic) -Vascular -Cells candivide ConnectiveTissue
Three common types of cells found in connective tissue matrix: • Mast cells - Prevent blood clots • Macrophages– First line of defense in immune system; fight microorganisms • Fibroblasts- Most abundant cells, produce fibers .
Main types ofFibers Collagenous fibers - Strong, and flexible but not very elastic, also known as white fibers. Composed of protein and found in bones, ligaments, andtendons. Reticular- Thin, delicate mesh like structures.Found in organs like thespleen. Elasticfibers-weak,butveryelasticfibersthatstre1 and recoil easily, also known as yellow fibers.
Categories of Connective Tissue: 3 main types; 1) Proper, 2) Fluid, 3)Supporting , I I , Cartilage forming cells Adipose tissue Matrix f!!I - - Cell nucleus Collagen fibers Fibrousconnective tissue(forming atendon) Collagen , fiber--- Elastlc""-,J,llh-iil•:il fibers Looseconnective tissue(under theskin) Blood
Muscle Tissues Smooth muscle cell
M - In pairs, atseats V -Quietly P - Create poster ontissues