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9 th Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance Meeting

9 th Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance Meeting LanammeUCR , Costa Rica, 21-23 Aug. 2013. 6 th Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance Meeting. J. Kent Newman, PhD Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory Engineer Research and Development Center. Don Alexander 1956-2009.

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9 th Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance Meeting

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  1. 9thHeavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance Meeting LanammeUCR, Costa Rica, 21-23 Aug. 2013

  2. 6th Heavy Vehicle Simulator International Alliance Meeting J. Kent Newman, PhD Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory Engineer Research and Development Center

  3. Don Alexander 1956-2009

  4. Welcome • Special Thanks to the University of Costa Rica for hosting our meeting • Attendees are here from: • South Africa • United States • California – UC Davis • Florida DOT • Federal Aviation Administration • Dynatest • Indonesia • Costa Rica

  5. Introduction • HVSIA History • Conceived in 2002, founded in 2003 • Initiated based on discussions at the HVS workshop between CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) and Gauteng Department of Public Works (Gautrans) in 2002 • HVSIA Approach • Provide a forum for communication • http://www.hvsia.co.za • Meetings usually once a year • Collect and disseminate information relating to the HVS and related technology • Website Matrices

  6. HVSIA Objectives • Promote and share knowledge related to HVS technology • Establish a structure for ongoing interactions on topics related to pavement engineering with a specific focus on the HVS • Establish mechanisms for cooperation, funding, monitoring and completing studies of common issues through the optimum participation of members • Provide expertise so that studies of interest can be expeditiously defined, managed, analyzed, and results reviewed

  7. HVSIA Objectives • Optimize the use of resources through the coordination of HVS related research. • Discuss and document HVS-related research practice and implementation of results, and • Identify new technology, upgrades, techniques, and procedures desired by the group.

  8. HVSIA Members • Members • Gautrans through the CSIR Built Environment Groups • CalTrans (California Department of Transportation) though the UCPRC (University of California Pavement Research Center) • US Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center • Sweden VTT • Florida Department of Transportation • India – delivered in 2009 • China – delivered in 2009 • Costa Rica – delivered in 2012 • FAA – Delivery scheduled for Fall 2013 • Indonesia IRE – Delivery scheduled for Fall 2013 • Korea KICT • Mexico • Saudi Arabia MOT • Potential Members • Canada • Spain

  9. HVSIA Meetings • Annual meeting • Various locations • South Africa • California • Mississippi • Florida • Costa Rica • Who attends? • Members and their associated operating organizations • Others invited by current Chair to advance the topics for the meeting • General Agenda • Review of current activities by each program • Workshops on selected topics • Committee Activities

  10. HVSIA Meetings • 2002 - Pretoria, South Africa Gautrans Workshop • 2003 - Pretoria, South Africa • 2005 - Pretoria, South Africa • 2006 - Cape Town, South Africa • 2007 - South Lake Tahoe, California • 2008 - Richmond and Davis, California • 2009 - Vicksburg, MS • 2010 - Pretoria, South Africa • 2011 - Gainesville, Florida • 2012 – Davis, California • 2013 – San Jose, Costa Rica

  11. HVSIA Management • Executive Committee (ExCo) with one representative from each owner organization • Duties of the ExCo: • Manage affairs, policies, website, meetings… • Establish subcommittees for specific actions • Approve membership • Elect Lead Agency and Chairperson (every 2 or 3 years) • Voting: • Activities and operations, all members vote • Membership, constitutional and administrative matters voting by Executive Council

  12. HVSIA Products • HVSIA website and matrices • Current and Future Activities • See who’s doing what, when, how and why • Instrumentation • A host of information on the types and use of different sensors such as pressure cells, deflectometers, temperature gauges, etc. • Suggested data formats and handling • Test protocols and procedures • Test protocols and procedures for use in accelerated pavement testing • Guidance on the planning and execution of HVS tests, as well as collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.

  13. HVSIA Products • HVSIA related papers • Conferences • TRB • AAPT • SATC • International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing • Davis, California, USASeptember 19-21 2012 • Other pavement and accelerated testing conferences and meetings

  14. HVSIA Products • Location and project summary of HVS’s • A summary of the location of most HVS tests conducted by the various HVS programs can be found on the HVS website. You can download a KMZ file for use in Google Earth. On each of the relevant test locations, a short summary of the tests conducted at the site, as well as links to reports are provided.

  15. Home Page - HVSIA Website • www.hvsia.co.za

  16. HVSIA Matrices - HVSIA Website

  17. HVSIA Achievements • Small group with common interests meets and completes projects that aid some or all • Self-funded • Regular Meetings • Growing… • Share information, results, experiences, and provide critique • Develop common protocols and definitions • Voluntary use • Have common voice when needed

  18. Summary • HVSIA group dedicated to collaboration on HVS Issues • Testing protocols/instrumentation • Develop procedures/practices common to all users • Shared Experiences • Data • Instrumentation • Problems • Collaboration

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