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Welcome. Porter Elementary. A Learning Community. Porter Elementary School. Johnson County Schools. Home of the Panthers. Our Mission. To ensure that all students achieve their highest level of performance in all areas of development: Through academic

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  1. Welcome Porter Elementary A Learning Community Porter Elementary School Johnson County Schools Home of the Panthers

  2. Our Mission To ensure that all students achieve their highest level of performance in all areas of development: Through academic achievement, creativity, independent thinking, problem solving, physical well being and social skills, each student will become a successful member of society.

  3. School Slogan Every Child, Every Day… Whatever It Takes!

  4. Schedule ARRIVAL • Students travel to classrooms at 7:45 a.m. • Students are considered tardy after 8:00 a.m. • All parents/visitors need to have exited the building by 8:00 a.m. • All parents/visitors who enter the building after 8:00 a.m. must come to the office to sign-in and receive a Visitor Pass. DISMISSAL • Students aboard the bus between 2:45 - 3:00 p.m. • Students being picked-up will be dismissed to parents at 3:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. • Children who are regular pick-ups will meet their parent/guardian in the cafeteria. Students will be brought to the cafeteria by a teacher or aide. Please do not pick your child up in undesignated areas as this is a safety issue.

  5. Attendance Attendance is crucial for student success in school. Simply put, we can’t teach an empty chair and teachers can not duplicate what goes on during the day with worksheets sent home. • Your child is considered tardy if he/she signs-in to school after 8:00 a.m. and/or signs-out before school dismisses at 3:00 p.m. • A Tardy is cumulative and will add up to minutes/hours toward and absence. • A Perfect Attendance trip will be rewarded at the end of the school year for students maintaining perfect attendance. • An Excellent Attendance activity will be planned for students maintaining less than 5 cumulative absences. • Students may be rewarded for Perfect Attendance weekly, monthly, and quarterly by his/her teacher or the principal.

  6. Visitors/Volunteers Visitors • In order to ensure the safety of our students and staff, we ask that all visitors report to the office upon arrival. • If you are staying with us, you will be asked to sign-in and receive a Visitor Pass. • Please don’t be offended if we ask for your name or for an ID. There are lots of families in our Porter family and not everyone knows everyone. Be patient with us as we are only looking out for our student’s safety. Volunteers • All Volunteers must receive a Criminal Background Check, TB Skin Test, and first be approved by the Johnson County Board of Education.

  7. Parking • Please park in designated and legal parking areas for parents/visitors. • Please do not park in front of the school in the emergency lane/bus circleor in undesignated parking areas.Parking illegally is a safety hazard for our students and staff and will be enforced. When everyone follows these rules it allows for a much smoother and safer exit.

  8. Transportation Home Children will be transported by bus unless the office staff is notified by a written note from a parent/guardian. The written note is to be handed in to the principal or designee (school secretary) upon arrival to school. • We will not accept phone calls for a change of transportation. • A fax or an e-mail by the parent/guardian is acceptable if made by 1:00 p.m. However, we ask that you call the office staff to confirm that they received the note since technology sometimes does not work immediately/appropriately. • Students will not be allowed to leave with anyone who is not on their pick-up list or if the person picking the child up cannot provide proper photo identification. • You may pick your child up after school in the cafeteria. Please do not attempt to pick your child up in any undesignated area as this is a safety problem. Parents will be asked to pick their child up in the cafeteria at 3:00PM on regular pick-up days. • Out of district students will need to be picked up by 3:00PM. in the cafeteria. • Students attending our FRC After School program will be dismissed to • the After School teacher at 3:00PM in the cafeteria.

  9. Safety Concerns • Use of Cell Phones: Elementary children normally do not need to carry a cell phone to school. Cell phones are not permitted to be used during the instructional day. • Clothing Items: Please do not let your child wear flip flops, loose jewelry, or clothing that is inappropriate for the school setting. These items are a distraction or safety hazard to the learning environment and/or a safety hazard. Parents may be contacted if these items are worn. • Bringing Items From Home: Students should not bring to school toys, stuffed animals, games, or other items that are not appropriate for the learning environment. Normally, this becomes a problem because other students bother or take the item(s) or the student uses the items during class time. • Note: Teachers will let you know by a phone call, note in the student’s planner, or a letter if they need students to bring something from home to use for instructional purposes at school.

  10. All Means All…at PES Children are offered a variety of ways to learn at Porter Elementary. • Breakthrough to Literacy (K-2) • Accelerated Reader/STAR (K-6) • Study Island (2-6) • Reading Eggs (K-2) • Read to Achieve Grant (K-3) • Math Achievement Fund Grant (K-3) • Curriculum Coaches - Title I (K-6) • Extended School Services Daytime Tutor • Intervention Specialist Services (K-3) • Special Education Services • Gifted and Talented Services

  11. Technology • Computers in every classroom for student use. • A computer lab that teachers may utilize for their entire class. • Each classroom is equipped with a 50” Monitor. • Each class has access to the newest 21st. century technology (SmartBoard, Student Responders, Internet, etc.). • NOTE: Our goal is to get technology in the hands of every student!

  12. Extra-Curricular Activities Our school offers a variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for students to get involved in. Students who are involved in school activities perform better in school. Some of the ways your child can be involved are • Football (3-6) • Boys and Girls Basketball (4-6) • Academic Team (4-6) • 4-H 4-6) • Band (4-6) Chorus (5-6) • Gifted and Talented/FPS (4-6) • Pee-Wee Cheerleading, Basketball, and Football (P-2) • Dance Team (K-3) • Cheerleaders (4-6) • *Some activities are offered through community programs or JCHS: Soccer, JCY Baseball/Softball, Swimming, Wrestling, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Gymnastics, Buddy Ball, etc.

  13. Communication School-to-Home • The school newsletter/calendar along with a message from the principal will be sent home at the beginning of each month with your child. • The school lunch menu will also be sent home at the beginning of each month with your child. Lunch menus are subject to change. • If you need additional copies of the newsletter/calendar or lunch menu you may obtain these in the main office or on our school web page.

  14. Family Resource Center • A school nurse (Nurse Jackie) is available for students during the school day. All student medications must be kept in the Nurse’s Station and given by the school nurse. If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse in the main office. • FRC programs are offered throughout the school year. Nurse Nancy Allison, our school’s Health Advocate and FRC Director, Mrs. Lynn Wilcox, will be happy to provide you with more information . Please contact center located in the main office at PES or call 789-3181. • An after-school day care program is provided for students each day until 5:30p.m. in addition to our Day Care program that is open year-round. For more information contact the Day Care Director, Ms. Wanda Wilson in the main office at PES.

  15. BEE… a Healthy Child Think Win-Win Be Proactive Put First Things First Begin With the End In Mind Sharpen the Saw Synergize Seek First to Understand Pride and Respect

  16. Music Art P.E. Library Special Classes Special classes are offered to all students each week. Writing Lab

  17. Special Classes Some classes are offered to students based on interest, academic performance, or need. Choir Band Gifted and Talented Drug Education Speech & Language Counseling Curriculum Coaches RTI Special Education Intervention Enrichment

  18. Physical Wellness Physical Wellness is encouraged through recess, class movement, and Physical Education classes. Students may purchase healthy snacks for Snack Time. We encourage participation in the healthy snack program. We discourage sending unhealthy snacks with students from home. A walking program is scheduled each week during P.E. class. Walking is encouraged as an activity for all to enjoy.

  19. Parent Involvement Parent involvement is essential to school success. There are lots of ways to be involved. • Attend Parent Conferences that are offered at least once every nine weeks. • Make sure your child comes to school prepared each day and completes his/her homework. • Contact your child’s teacher when you feel there may be a problem. • Attend your child’s functions (school plays, ballgames, award ceremonies, etc.) • Join the PTO. Volunteer to use your talents. • Be positive about school! It is very important that everyone in the community hears the great things that are going on at Porter Elementary.

  20. High Expectations • PES teachers believe that all students can learn. • PES teachers have high expectations for student learning and lessons reflect New Core Standards. • Each teacher at PES has specific learning goals and academic outcomes to teach in all core academic areas. • Teachers will offer small and large group instruction. As well, teachers will provide individualized instruction as needed to meet each child’s special needs. • Students will be regularly assessed to address any intervention needs and/or enrichment needs and to monitor academic progress. • Teachers and students will use technology in the classroom. • Teachers will report student progress to parents at least every four and a half weeks via Progress Reports and Student Work Samples (KELP, Portfolio Pieces, Writing Folder, etc.).

  21. Rules • Class rules and procedures are clearly explained and posted in all classrooms. • A Code of Conduct/Agenda Book that outlines all school rules is given to students at the beginning of the school year or when a new student enrolls in our school. • Students are expected to follow school rules during school and at after school activities. • Rules are set in place for the safety and well being of our staff and students. PAWSitively Good Leader Program—recognizes students who exhibit positive behaviors!

  22. Porter Elementary… Striving for Excellence… Every Child, Every Day, Whatever It Takes! Visit our School’s Web Page for more information. Have a wonderful school year!

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