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WELCOME. Data Updates. SEDAC Upload. UPLOAD ERROR MESSAGE REPORT. Error messages for each student record are displayed after the upload is processed. Important: Save the “Error Messages Report” to your computer .
WELCOME Data Updates
SEDAC Upload
UPLOAD ERROR MESSAGE REPORT • Error messages for each student record are displayed after the upload is processed. Important: Save the “Error Messages Report” to your computer. • If a student’s SASID, Last Name, DOB or Facility Code cannot be verified: The Record will not upload! • Search the Error Messages Report for: “SASID provided is not valid.”
Reason FAPE at three not on time 1-Late Referral (less than 90 days before 3rd birthday; OR referred after 3rd birthday) 2-Parental Choice (requested delay in implementation of IEP) 3-Other (when selected the SEDAC user must provide a response in the text box) 4-FAPE met via earlier PPT (when selected the SEDAC user must provide the date of initial PPT) 5-Child initially found not eligible by age 3 (re- referred to district at a later date) 6-Moved into district late 7-PPT rescheduled due to weather/emergency
NEW Federal Reporting Groups for 3-5 Placement Setting • Regular E.C. Program 10 hours or More/Week • Majority of Special Ed delivered in Regular EC Program • Majority of Special Ed delivered outside of Reg. EC Program • Regular E.C. Program Less than 10 hours/Week • Majority of Special Ed delivered in Regular EC Program • Majority of Special Ed delivered outside of Reg. EC Program • E.C. Special Education program: (no changes) • Separate Class • Separate School • Residential Facility • Home (no changes) • Service Provider Location (no changes)
Federal Environment Groups for children ages 3, 4, and 5. • 3-5 Placement Settings on Page 12. No changes. • Page 11 Hours Fields • should reflect only the programming provided as part of the IEP. No changes. • NEW “E.C. Program Hours (Not part of IEP)” • added to page 12 (Data Collection Page of the IEP) • collected in SEDAC
Moves after SEDAC Freeze Moves during Collection
SEDAC Grade Twelve Report 7/5/2011 7/5/2011 15 6/27/2011 6/27/2011 20 Accuracy in Reporting District Exit Dates • If a student graduated prior to 7/1 be sure to use a District Exit Date before 7/1 in order to receive credit for the graduate in the correct federal fiscal year calculated graduation rate. • Incorrect reporting of exit dates may negatively affect the calculation of a district’s graduation and dropout rates. • Graduated with regular, advanced, international baccalaureate, or other type of diploma (PSIS Exit Code 15) • Student participates in the graduation ceremony, but does not take receipt of the diploma, you should not see a PSIS Exit. • Completed school with other credentials (PSIS Exit Code 16) • Reached maximum age (PSIS Exit Code 20)
SEDAC and other SYSTEMS 13
Resolution Meetings Collection • Resolution meetings must be held or waived (in writing) within 15 calendar days of the receipt of the due process hearing request.
Resolution Meetings Collection2011-2012 (Individual – not aggregate)
Birth to Three Notifications • This report is provided by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) three times a year: • August (NEW data are live!) • December • April 17
Review of the “Timeline” Indicator 11: Timelines Data Collection
Evaluation Timelines - FAQs Daycare/Preschool, Birth-to-three, and home schooled referrals are ALL Private Pay. Students were not enrolled in a public school at the time of consent, and therefore must be reported as private pay. Foster Care (Ed Stability Bill/DCF 15% rule): Due to the problem of identifying the responsible district for IDEA evaluation through PSIS Active Roster/Registration, we have added a FOSTER CARE module to the timelines database. LEAs must call the CSDE to add a SASID to the module. Eligible – Exited (Re)Referred: We are currently writing a module to allow these cases in. We will update you as soon as it is ready.
Eval. Timelines: Noncompliance Notice Corrective Actions1) Report individualized student data for monitored submission review using the Evaluation Timelines online data collection for the following time periods: By the due date above, send an e-mail stating your completion of this step to the e-mail address below.
Eval. Timelines: Noncompliance Notice Corrective Actions cont. 2) Submit a statement of assurance, on district letterhead, that the district has reviewed, and if necessary, revised its policies, procedures and practices related to conducting and completing initial evaluations in order to ensure future compliance.3) Submit a copy of the district's Special Education Policy and Procedures Manual, if any changes or updates have been made since the district's most recent IDEA grant application submission.
DESK AUDIT – 100% MATCH The desk audit system (§300.640) compares randomly sampled IEPs to data reported in SEDAC October 1. Summary of Findings: • The IEP Implementation Date collected in SEDAC should come from Page 11 of the IEP, not the page 3 Prior Written Notice Page. IEP implementation date should reflect the data services were to be delivered from the page 11 grid. If multiple implementation dates exist, please report the date closest to October 1. • On page 6, the Academic Program question (#6) must have one of the two options checked for all students of transition age. IEPs had text but no check, or nothing at all.
DESK AUDIT – findings continued • If a district actually represents several feeder districts and a regional, the IEP should list the appropriate district at the top. For example, Regional SD #1 has 4 feeder LEAs and a regional high school. The IEPs of elementary/middle school students should indicate the appropriate K-8 LEA the student attends (Canaan, Cornwall, Kent or North Canaan), not RSD #1. • EIS/EIP from page 12: once this field is reported the answer should never change and should be carried over from IEP to IEP. • Expected Graduation Year: once this field is reported the answer should never change and should be carried over from IEP to IEP. (The only time this field can change is if a student transfers into your district; you can reconsider the graduation year reported by the previous district.)
DESK AUDIT – findings continued • Page 7 – Districts appear to be selecting the “other” box and typing in “employment/postsecondary training”. This is not appropriate. IEPs for students of transition age should have at least one page 7 with Employment checked and at least one page 7 with Postsecondary Education/Training checked. • The hours fields (Total School Hours/Special Ed Hours/ Non-Disabled Peer Hours) reported to SEDAC for October 1st must be what is in effect on October 1st, including any amendments that are put into effect after the Annual Review.
Possible Changes to Desk Audit • BSE is considering using the Desk Audit or the FM File Review systems to address the IDEA requirement to conduct compliance reviews. • This might include review of: • student records • IEPs • Professional Development Plans • Teacher Certification • Provision of Accommodations/Modifications
APR Indicators 28
ESEA versus NGA Grad Rates ESEA – required 4-year formula • Cohort assigned by 9th grade entry year • 4-year rate is reported with AYP/NCLB • Can calculate a 5-yr, 6-yr, & 7-yr rate too • Anticipated Grad Year has NO bearing • Used for SPP/APR reporting under Ind. #1 NGA – all governor’s agreed to report • Cohort assigned by Anticipated Grad Year • Calculate “on-time” graduation rate (once)
ESEA versus NGA Grad Rates Diane is 1st time 9th grader in Oct. 2006. • 4-year graduation rate = 2009-10 • Anticipated Graduation Year determined at 9th grade PPT is 11-12 (2 years of transition). • Diane Graduates (exits) in June of 2012. • Reported in: • 2009-10 ESEA/AYP 4-year rate: Still Enrolled category • 2009-10 ESEA/AYP 5-year rate: Still Enrolled category • 2009-10 ESEA/AYP 6-year rate: Graduate • 2011-12 NGA On-Time rate: Graduate
4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate Cohort includes: • # students 1st time 9th graders (Oct. 1, 2006) • Minus transfers out • Plus transfers in • Of these students, sort into 4 categories depending on status as of Sept./Oct. 2010. • Graduate, Still Enrolled, Certificate, Dropout
Indicator 4: Suspension and Expulsion • Significant Discrepancy (Ind.4B; 10+ days) • Over-Representation only • All Races • RRI >= 2.0 • Discrepancy due to inappropriate Policies, Practices or Procedures • 15% - CEIS - Significant Disproportionality • Over-Representation only • All Races • RRI >= 4.0 for 2 consecutive years • Disproportionality driven by numbers only OSEP WARNING 33
Indicator 7 ECO 34
Indicator 7: Understanding Your ECO Data ECO is comprised of three developmental and functional progress areas: (1) social emotional skills including positive social relationships; (2) acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, including language and early literacy; and (3) behavior to meet needs. There are multiple Brigance IED-II subtests that inform or contribute to the data in the three areas. 35
Indicator 7: Understanding Your ECO Data Districts can run their own ECO data by student and by aggregate Progress Area. The SPP/APR indicator data represent progress categories that have been collapsed in order to provide ‘summary statements’. Individual Student Subtest Report Student-Level Progress Area Report District Aggregate Progress Area Report 36
Indicator 7: How we aggregate ECO Progress Data into Summary Statements Summary Statement 1: Of those preschool children who entered the preschool program below age expectations in each Outcome, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they exited the program. Measurement for Summary Statement 1: Percent = (c + d) / (a + b + c + d) times 100. 41
Indicator 7: How we aggregate ECO Progress Data into Summary Statements Summary Statement 2: The percent of preschool children who were functioning within age expectations in each Outcome by the time they exited the program. Measurement for Summary Statement 2: Percent = (d + e) / (a + b + c + d + e) times 100. 42
Indicator 7: Consider the following questions: • Of those children represented in the data – what were the ‘disability categories’? • Of those children represented in the data – what was the length of time in service? Is this a district that has a great deal of mobility, diversity, changing population? • In what areas did the district not meet the target? How different was the district data from the state data? 43
Indicator 7: Consider the following questions: • What is the relationship between the ECO area that the district did not meet the state target and the district’s use of a curriculum or instruction. • For example, if a district did not meet the target for ‘behavior to meet needs’, does the district have a curriculum that includes the developmental areas included in this indicator area (e.g., motor, self-help, etc.) 44
Indicator 7: Consider the following questions: • What is the relationship between the two summary statements in an area? • For example, maybe a district exceeded the target in the percent of children who were functioning at age appropriate but did not meet the state target for the percent of children who substantially increased their rate of growth. What does that tell you? • A district may wish to consider looking at other nearby similar districts to compare data. 45
Teacher-Course-Student Implications for Directors and District Offices of Special Ed
What is TCS? • A data link for Students, Teachers, Courses, and “Outcomes” (i.e., grades) • Linking student SASIDs, teacher EINs, and NCES course codes (in 2012); • Includes all students registered in your district on the last day of the 2010-2011 school year (students reported in your district’s June PSIS).
Why is TCS being implemented? • Requirement for CT’s State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Grant with a deadline of August 2012. • New Data Requirement mandated by the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Program with a deadline of September 2011.
Who will implement TCS? Implementation of TCS will require: • District Level Staff • Data Managers for TCS, PSIS, ED163 • Directors of Special Education and Curriculum • Others • Bureau of Data Collection, Research and Evaluation • Bureau of Information Technology • SIS Vendors • Choice Solutions, Inc.