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Compass Program Change Management Plan

Compass Program Change Management Plan. July 2008. Agenda. Our Role Our Goal Our Strategy Communication Change Network Stakeholders Closing Thoughts. Our role. Membership Kate O’Brien (Team Lead) Blake Reynolds (Communications Coordinator) Gian Schauer (Content Developer)

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Compass Program Change Management Plan

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  1. Compass ProgramChange Management Plan July 2008

  2. Agenda • Our Role • Our Goal • Our Strategy • Communication • Change Network • Stakeholders • Closing Thoughts

  3. Our role • Membership • Kate O’Brien (Team Lead) • Blake Reynolds (Communications Coordinator) • Gian Schauer (Content Developer) • Laurie Connors (Strategy) • Ted Witherell (Strategy) • Laura Semlies (Strategy) • Lisa Adragna (PMO Liaison) • John Stone (Advisor) • Provide strategy and infrastructure for Compass Change Management

  4. Our goal • The goal of the Change Management Team (CMT) is to move our constituents along the “change curve” from initial contact to positive perception • If we are successful, our efforts will encourage engagement in Corporate Design and support successful implementations at the entities

  5. Our goal • The Change Curve You are here…? Internalization Institutionalization Behavior Change Acceptance Threshold @ Go-live Positive Perception Understanding Awareness Contact Time

  6. Our strategy • We will rely on strong communications to move our stakeholder groups along the Change Curve • Communications will be planned for multiple audiences, with a tailored message for each audience • We have come up with a set of guiding principles to govern our program communications

  7. Our Communication Philosophy • We’ll tell you what we know • We’ll tell you what we don’t know • We’ll tell you if we can’t share something yet

  8. Our strategy • Three core components of change management: • Communication • Change Network • Stakeholders

  9. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible

  10. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible Truthful

  11. Truthful communication • We will tell: • What we know, when we know it • What we think we know • What we don’t know and when we think we will know it • What we know but can’t tell and why • If we aren’t specific about what we know and what we don’t know, the “rumor mill” will fill in the blanks • The “rumor mill” is often worse than the reality

  12. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible Timely

  13. Timely communication • Ensuring that communication is timely in a program this complex will require: • Formal timeline of proactive communications that coincides with the program critical path • Clear vetting process so that proactive and reactive communications can be developed, vetted and disseminated in a timely manner

  14. Timely communication Sample Communication Plan • All information pertinent to all audiences and all key • messages for the Compass program on an ongoing • basis are captured here

  15. Back to requestor/other appropriate person Comm Plan Assn: 1) Exec. Owner 2) CCMT “Doer” Exec. Owner / Doer create Comm. JRNL / PJM review comm. CMT revises comm. Go! Go! CMT provides tools/editing as needed Yes (24 Hours) CT Cmpss Team CMT creates comm. (2 Days) CMT revises comm. CMT revises comm. CMT revises comm. Emerging Need CT/ Proc. Arch. review (3 – 4 Days) JRNL review (2 Days) PJM review (2 Days) Timely communication Development and Vetting Process Reactive Short Timeline No, but we’ll help No Yes Emergency? Do we own it? CMT No Proactive / Reactive Long Timeline

  16. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible Regular

  17. Regular communication • Communications should occur on a predictable – and strategically repetitive – schedule. • Strategic Repetition • People need to hear something three times for it to register as important • Quarterly Themes • Develop core themes and include them in multiple communications over a three-month timeframe • Audience-Based Tracking • Track frequency and message by audience to ensure that communication is appropriate • Communications will be tailored and tracked for each audience (e.g. CFOs, Physicians, Managers)

  18. Regular communication Communication Plan by Phase Summer 2007 Fall 2007 Summer 2008 Fall 2008 NEWTON WELLESLEY CORPORATE DESIGN REPORT OUT LEVEL-SETTING

  19. Regular communication Audience View • A way of tracking and assessing contact with each • audience over time

  20. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible Relevant

  21. Relevant communication • We will ensure that communications are relevant by: • Providing information on current activities • Delivering tailored messages to specific audiences • Linking the communications plan to the program work plan in order to deliver to milestones • Leveraging the Value Plan to craft messages for stakeholder groups • Tracking communications by message (not only frequency)

  22. Relevant communication

  23. Relevant communication

  24. Relevant communication

  25. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible Entity Focused

  26. Entity focused communication • Compass Communications Team (CT) • Includes an HR rep and a Public Affairs rep from each entity (additional members TBD) • Meets monthly to vet communications and facilitate dissemination of communications at each entity • Each entity will have its own communications team during the implementation supported by the Change Management Team (CMT)

  27. Entity 1 Entity 2 Change Management Team (CMT) Entity 5 Entity 4 Entity focused communication • Communications Team (CT) • CMT plus 2 members from each entity (HR + PA) Entity 3 • Entity Communications Teams • 1 CMT representative • 2 CT entity members • 2-3 additional entity reps

  28. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible Multiple Vehicles

  29. Multiple vehicles for communication • E-mail will be used for central messages • If it includes sensitive material, we will use the following sequence: • Process Owners Steering Committee / CT • Senior Partners Leadership • Mangers / Directors • All Staff • Monthly slide deck utilized by the Program Management Organization (PMO) • Compass Web site on the Partners intranet • Presentations • Open forums and regularly scheduled meetings • Other • Mailings, posters, etc.

  30. Multiple vehicles for communication • Each month the Change Management Team (CMT) will create a deck of core slides for the Program Management Organization (PMO) to use in all presentations • Additional info may be added for specific meetings • The deck will address the following questions: • Where is the program now? • What are the current activities? • What do I need to know? • What are my concerns? Monthly Slide Deck

  31. Multiple vehicles for communication • FAQs • Program updates • Recent presentations • Leadership messages (e.g. from Dr. Mongan) • Detailed information linked to email communications • Other Web Site Material

  32. Multiple vehicles for communication • Compass Intranet • Material available on site: • All past communication materials • Executive directors and program leadership bios • ESC and CDC member list by entity • Frequently asked questions • A way for you to submit questions/ comments/ observations • To learn more about Compass, • check out:http://compass.partners.org

  33. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant Branded • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible

  34. Branded communication • Use of Graphic Designer to develop new Compass logo • Simple look for easy brand identification • Develop standards for use in slide decks, e-mail and written material • Develop short video to brand the Compass vision • Geared to Partners managers and new program employees • Develop a robust, professional-looking website with Compass-specific “look and feel”

  35. Our strategy • Communication • Communication needs to be: • Truthful • Timely • Regular • Relevant Flexible • Entity-focused • Delivered in multiple vehicles • Supported by a strong brand • Flexible

  36. Flexible communication • The complexity and scope of the program will require our communications to remain agile and flexible • We will balance maintaining certain elements of consistency with the need to respond to internal program and external PHS changes • Keeping the CMT and CT focused and in step will increase flexibility and responsiveness

  37. Our strategy • Change Network • An interconnected network of people actively enabling change in the organization. It is comprised of linkages between the Compass Program, key stakeholders and stakeholder groups across the organization at multiple levels • Goals are to support change: • with open, timely, and relevant communication • by monitoring "health" of stakeholder groups • by proactively addressing concerns before they impact the Program • by inviting the participation of stakeholder groups

  38. Change agents What is a Change Agent? • Responsibilities • Advocate & evangelize for the Compass Program • Act as the face of Compass change management efforts within assigned group(s) – facilitate meetings, conduct presentations • Serve as the “eyes and ears” of Compass program management • Facilitate Change Management and Communication efforts within group(s) • Will be formally asked to fill this role • Supported by Change Management Team and by Training

  39. Change agents Change Agent Support • All team members are considered Change Agents • A component of every job description • Training • Appropriate training will be provided for the team • Coaching • Will be available • Risks and Issues • Scheduled a weekly PMO meeting to focus on stakeholder risks and issues • Open Forums • Twice monthly Change Management open forum with the entire program team

  40. Our strategy • Stakeholders • We will identify, monitor and develop a remediation plan for our individual stakeholders and stakeholder groups as necessary

  41. Identifying stakeholders • Who is a stakeholder? • Entity executives from CEOs to Directors / Managers • How are stakeholders organized? • Individuals are placed in one of three tiers • Tier 1: 20-25 key executives very influential to the success of the program • Reviewed by Executive Directors, Advisory Group and Executive Sponsors • Assigned an owner and plan as needed • Tier 2: VPs and CIOs, CFOs • Reviewed by Executive Directors and Advisory Group and plan determined as necessary • Tier 3: Directors and Managers • Reviewed and managed by the PMO • How are stakeholders evaluated? • Assigned green, yellow or red designations according to perceived view toward the program

  42. Managing stakeholder groups • There are numerous stakeholders groups attached to the program • They have been grouped into 4 key buckets: • Executives • Partners employees • PMO • Other groups – e.g. patients, donors • Database will be used to track and monitor stakeholder groups. Can be sorted by: • Content of presentations • Timing of communications • Issues/concerns

  43. Managing stakeholder groups CMT Executive Leadership Executive PHS Board Op Heads Key Executives CFOs, CIOs CMT MGH CT Entities Physician Organizations BWH NWH NSMC CMT PMO Program Team Program Team CMT CT Patients External Media Payers Donors

  44. You are here…? Internalization Institutionalization Behavior Change Acceptance Threshold @ Go-live Positive Perception Understanding Awareness Contact Time Our goal • The Change Curve If all of these components of Change Management are successful, we will achieve our goal of moving stakeholders along the change curve We will conduct surveys throughout the program to gauge the “change” level and movement of stakeholder groups

  45. Closing thoughts • Training • We are in the early stages of building out a robust training program for end users • Training will be an important component of the Compass Program – from a Change Management as well as a program-wide perspective

  46. Closing thoughts • Risk Mitigation • We have a comprehensive strategy for risk mitigation, including: • A close relationship with the PMO • Three weekly sessions with team members • One specifically dedicated to issues and risks • Stakeholder Management activities • Identify and develop action plan for risky stakeholders • Emergency plan for communication • Quick, reactive plan to release accurate information • Change Management training for Compass team • Equip individual team members with necessary skills to identify and address issues and risks at the point of occurrence

  47. Closing thoughts • Compass is fundamentally a change project • Will be a serious challenge • Largest program to date at Partners • Everyone involved in the program is charged with managing this change • Compass success depends on Change Management

  48. Your Toolkit: We have a lot of communication resources that anyone can access. • Communication calling cards! • Intranet: http://www.partners.org/compass • FAQs • Information about project scope, Soarian product, project team • Monthly communication deck • Email the project team directly & watch the Compass video • CDC and ESC members at each entity have formed Home Teams to plan for their entity implementation • You can direct people to ask their CDC and ESC representatives (names of members are on the intranet under “more information”) • Ask me! If I don’t know the answer, I will find where to direct you

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