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Chemistry. Composition of Matter Energy Solutions. The Chemical Context of Life. Composition of Matter. Matter Elements Atoms Compounds. Learning Objectives. Define element, atom, compound, & molecule Draw a model of the structure of an atom

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  1. Chemistry • Composition of Matter • Energy • Solutions

  2. The Chemical Context of Life

  3. Composition of Matter • Matter • Elements • Atoms • Compounds

  4. Learning Objectives • Define element, atom, compound, & molecule • Draw a model of the structure of an atom • Explain what determines an atom’s stability • Contrast ionic & covalent bonds

  5. Elements, Atoms, & Chemical Bonding • To View Video: • Move mouse cursor over slide title-link • When hand appears, click once • ASX Video plays about 5 min

  6. Composition of Matter • Matter • Anything that occupies space & has mass: - quantity of matter in an object • Element: • A pure substance that cannot be broken down chemically into simpler kinds of matter

  7. Periodic Table of the Elements Elements of organic molecules Important ions / metals Trace elements 118 Discovered

  8. Periodic Table:Symbols & Numbers Atomic Number Element Symbol 1 5 Element Name 2 3 Atomic Mass # 6 Energy Shell Valence Electrons 4

  9. Most Common Elements In Living Tissues Note: # e- matches # p+ Note: how e- fill energy levels

  10. Elements of Living Things S P O N C H U H X I A Y L O Y T R D F S G R B R U P E O O O R H N G N G O E E R N N U S

  11. Atomic Structure: Nucleus Proton / positive charge / plus sign • Atom: • The smallest particle of an element that still retains all the properties of that element • Nucleus: • protons: p+ • neutrons: n0 Neutron / neutral charge/ no sign

  12. Atomic Structure & Terminology • Atomic Number: • # of protons (p+) • Atomic Mass Number: • # of protons (p+) + # of neutrons (n0) • Energy Levels (Shells): • electrons: e- • orbitals: regions where electrons orbit the nucleus e- in “highest “energy levels have the most energy

  13. Compounds • Compound: • A pure substance made up of atoms of 2 or more elements in a fixed ratio • Chemical Reactions: • Elements combine in ways that cause their atoms to become stable • Chemical bonds are broken, atoms are rearranged, & new attachments are formed

  14. Why do atoms undergo chemical reactions? • Atoms that have unfilled outer energy levels form bonds with other atoms to become stable • H & He need 2 e- to fill outer shell • C, O, N, P, S, Na, Ca, K, Cl, I, etc need 8 e-to fill outer shell

  15. Chemical Bonding • Covalent Bond: • Sharingof 1 or more pairs of electrons between atoms • Strong chemical bond: valence shells merge

  16. Compounds & Molecules • Kinds of Compounds: • Ionic compounds – ionic bonding • Molecular compounds – covalent bonding • Molecule: Requires covalent bonding • The simplest part of a substance that retains all the properties of that substance & exists in a free state

  17. Chemical Bonding • Ionic Bond: • Transferof 1 or 2 e- from one atom to another forming ions • Cations are +; anions are - • Oppositely charged ions attract one another • Weak chemical bond: valence shells do not merge

  18. Ionic Bonding • To View Video: • Move mouse cursor over slide title-link • When hand appears, click once • ASX Video plays about 1 min

  19. Ionically Bonded Compounds form Crystal Lattices

  20. Molecules & Compounds Not all compounds are molecules Not all molecules are compounds

  21. Types of Compounds • Molecular compounds • Covalently bonded atoms Ex: H2O (water) is a molecular compound consisting of H & O in a 2:1 ratio • Ionic compounds • Ionically bonded atoms Ex: NaCl (table salt) is an ionic compound consisting of Na & Cl in a 1:1 ratio

  22. Chemical Bonding • To View Video: • Move mouse cursor over slide title-link • When hand appears, click once • ASX Video plays about 18 min • Program contains a video quiz

  23. Energy • Energy & Matter • Energy & Chemical Reactions

  24. Learning Objectives • List the 3 states of matter, and explain how matter can change state • Describe how energy changes are involved in chemical reactions • Explain how enzymes affect chemical reactions in organisms • Explain what a redox reaction is

  25. Energy & Matter • Energy: • The ability to do work or cause change • Forms of energy: • Radiant energy (light) • Thermal energy (heat) • Chemical energy (stored & usable) • Electrical energy (stored & usable) • Mechanical energy • One form of energy can be converted to another form • Free Energy: • The energy in a system available to do work • Biological systems are OPENsystems

  26. Energy Conversion Stored Chemical Energy Radiant Energy < Heat > Usable Chemical Energy of ATP

  27. Free Energy Change in position Movement cross membrane Chemical breakdown

  28. Work:Closed & Open Systems

  29. Energy in Living Things Kinds of Work Done by Cells

  30. States of Matter • All atoms & molecules in any substance are in constant motion • Exception – absolute zero = 0 oK or -273 oC • The rate of motion determines the state of matter: • Solid • Liquid • Gas

  31. Three States of MatterCoexist on Earth Gas Liquid Solid

  32. Phases (States)of Matter • Solids: • Little particle motion – vibrate in place w/ strong mutual attraction • Fixed volume & shape • Liquids: • Moderate particle motion – move freely w/ moderate mutual attraction • Fixed volume taking the shape of the container • Gases: • Rapid particle motion – move rapidly w/ little or no mutual attraction • Unfixed volume filling the container they occupy

  33. Phase Changes in Matter Phase changes occur when thermal energy isadded toorremoved fromthe substance in its current phase.

  34. Energy& Chemical Reactions • Reactants: • Combine to form products • Left side of typical chemical equation • Products: • Formed from reactants • Right side of typical chemical equation

  35. Chemical Reaction Notation A + B AB reactant + reactant --yields product CO2 + H2O H2CO3

  36. Reversible Reactions A + BAB CO2 + H2OH2CO3 Equilibrium: the rate of formation of AB from A + B is equal to the rate of formation of A + B from AB.

  37. Energy& Chemical Reactions • Exergonic Reactions: • Release energy • Can occur spontaneously • Decomposition: breakdown of more complex molecules into simpler ones • Endergonic Reactions: • Absorb energy • Do NOT occur spontaneously • Synthesis: formation of more complex molecules from simpler ones

  38. Energy Transfer:Exergonic Reaction C6H12O6+6O2  (sugar) (oxygen gas) 6CO2+ 6H2O+Energy(carbon (water)(ATP) dioxide) Example: Cellular Respiration

  39. Energy Transfer:Endergonic Reaction 6CO2+ 6H2O+Energy  (carbon (water)(from sunlight) dioxide) C6H12O6+6O2 (sugar) (oxygen gas) Example: Photosynthesis

  40. Energy Flow & Chemical Cycling

  41. Activation Energy • Activation Energy: • Amount of energy needed to begin any chemical reaction • Necessary for both exergonic & endergonic reactions • Used to break bonds in the reactants so that new bonds can form to make the products

  42. Reaction Energy Profile Activation energy

  43. Activation Energy Barrier & Enzymes • Catalyst: • Chemical substances that reduce the amount of activation energy needed for a reaction to occur • Enzymes: • Catalyst proteins in living things • Specific for particular chemical reactions

  44. Enzyme Function

  45. Chemical Reactions & Energy • To View Video: • Move mouse cursor over slide title-link • When hand appears, click once • Mov Video plays about 2 min

  46. Enzymes & Activation Energy • To View Video: • Move mouse cursor over slide title-link • When hand appears, click once • Mov Video plays about 2 min

  47. Reduction – Oxidation:Redox Reactions • Reduction = gain of e- • the reduced molecule is an oxidizing agent • electron acceptor • Oxidation = loss of e- • the oxidized molecule is a reducing agent • electron donor

  48. Redox Reaction X-2e- + Y X + Y-2e-

  49. Transfer of Electrons& Energy Release 2

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