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2011 Intramural Volleyball. Jason Incorvati- Associate Director of Campus Recreation Intramural Sport Supervisors- Nicolas Corcoran, Dan Child, Nick D’Amato, Michael Grant, Andrew LaFrancois, Kevin Fogg, John Mara, David Sweeney, and Kyle Westberg . The Job. Flexible hours (6-10 per week)
2011 Intramural Volleyball • Jason Incorvati- Associate Director of Campus Recreation • Intramural Sport Supervisors- Nicolas Corcoran, Dan Child, Nick D’Amato, Michael Grant, Andrew LaFrancois, Kevin Fogg, John Mara, David Sweeney, and Kyle Westberg
The Job Flexible hours (6-10 per week) Interpersonal & Leadership Skills Communication Conflict Resolution You will be Challenged! Advancement Intramural Sport Supervisors/ Program Assistants Relationships Being part of the UMass Campus Recreation Team Fun
Intramural Policies/Expectations Professionalism Dress*** no jeans, dark blue or (preferred) black shorts or dark blue or black windpants or dark blue or black sweatpants if necessary Communication with Patrons/Co-workers Facebook/Myspace – etc. If you’re not early to a shift or meeting, YOU ARE LATE. 15 minutes before! Bring a pen/pencil to work. You will only be asked to do three things: Give good availability Show up on time Try your best
NOTECARDS • Name • YOG • Major • What is your favorite volleyball move; Bump, set, or spike?
Hiring and Payroll – DO NOT WRITE on Sheets going around until I tell you! Leave sheets stapled together Tax forms Conditions of employment form Info sheet Availability Previously worked on Campus with the exception Mullins?
State Tax Form • Personal data • 0, 1 or exempt • Sign and date
Federal W-4 • Don’t fill out the middle section • Fill out the bottom section • Permanent (home address) • Full name (no nicknames/abbreviations) • 0,1, exempt must be the same as the previous sheet • Sign and date
I-9 Form • Section 1 only • Fill out as much as possible • Full name and home address • If the I-9 is not finished, you won’t get paid.
Work Study If work study Go to work study office and release hours to campus recreation We need proof of work study
UMass Student Officials Association Flag Football Cornell University University of Maryland National Championships in Dallas, TX Basketball Oakland University in MI Boston University Possibly this year Universities listed above and Arizona State University Ohio State University of Florida University of Georgia And more!
Some of UMSOA’s Goals Send more students to regional tournaments Improve awareness of graduate assistantships through NIRSA in intramural sports Send more students to conferences to apply for Graduate Assistantships Gear for UMSOA members Annual Banquet/Award Ceremony for UMSOA members Hosting our first Regional Basketball Tournament March 23-25, 2011 Have fun doing something you enjoy
Definitions • Fault – a violation/infraction of rules or of a rule • Double fault – faults simultaneously by opposing teams. • Rally – while the ball is live • Position – prior to service • Rotation – how the players shift positions after they have acquired the serve • Joust – players of opposing teams cause the ball to come to rest above the net through simultaneous contact. Play continues without interruption.
Set-Up • Go to equipment cage to sign out shirt and ball (if needed) • Grab ref stand, flags, antennas, pads • Set up court • Keep eye on ball if signed out
Officials Equipment • Free for first whistle; you pay for any after that • Proper footwear and attire • Blue officiating shirt from Equipment Cage • Sign out ball if needed • Grab and set up stand and net
Team & Equipment • 6 Players Maximum – Minimum of 4 to begin match • All players must present UCARD w/visible and identifiable face, name, and number • Worn off picture or info=no play- • Proper Attire • Shoe – Non marking rubber-soled • No jewelry • Medical emergency bracelets allowed if taped and covered • No tape over jewelry • Religious- Send to supervisor • No casts • Warning/yellow card if player doesn’t listen, then ejection or grab a sup • Contact a supervisor if any of these become issues
No U-Card No Play • Always remember no U Card No play; Some might be worn off • This picture to the left is good; The picture to the right is no good
Co-Rec Rules • Combination – 3m & 3w; 2m & 3w; 3m & 2w; 2m & 2w- One up rule • Also, the Women’s nets are smaller than than Co-Rec and Men’s
Rules - Scoring • All matches will consist of best 2 out of 3 games; 2 min intermission between games • First 2 games will be played to 30 pts, a cap of 32. Must win by 2 pts. RALLY SCORING • If needed, 3rd game tie-breaker will go to 15pts, no cap, Rally Scoring and win by 2 pts..
Coin Toss • Before the match begins • One more if a 3rd game is needed • Serve or receive 1st game, second game opposite • Change sides after each game
Time-Outs • 2 per game • 60 seconds long • They may be consecutive • Can only call T.O. during dead ball
Service • Can only toss ball once, but must release ball to serve! • Ball served before whistle=serve is canceled and results in play-over • The ball may touch the net, as long as it still clears the net in bounds • 8 seconds to serve from time ref blows whistle • One toss, no re-serves • Player serving must be behind end line (if jumping must take off from behind the line) • If wrong player realizes it is not his/her turn to serve & hands to correct server the 8 seconds does not start over, but continues from the time the ref blew the 1st whistle
Rotation Fault • If serving, a rotation fault = loss of rally, players moved back. Points canceled. • If a team just lost the rally and discovery is made before opponents have served = points canceled. Service order is corrected • If the opposing team has already served before the fault is discovered = points count. • 1pt awarded if in third game to non-offending team (unless the discovery happens immediately after the servers get a point). Service order is corrected.
Substitutions/IM rule Modifications • Entry at server’s position • Must remain in rotation until it’s his/her turn to serve • In Co-Rec, always maintain even or one up principle
Players’ Positions at Time of Service • Players must be in proper alignment at the time of service. • In the front and back row, the right-side player must have at least part of one foot closer to the right sideline than the feet of the center player in the same row • Each front-row player must have at least one foot closer to the center line than the feet of the corresponding back row player • Players will rotate clockwise before a new service
Illegal Service – When the server… • Serves while in contact with the court (endline included) or with the floor outside the service zone • Throws or pushes ball for service • Serves with 2 hands/arms • Is not in the correct rotation order at the time of service • Fails to toss or release the ball before it is hit • Tosses ball and allows the ball to drop to the floor without making contact • Fails to contact the ball within 8 seconds after the 1st whistle • NOTE: If an illegal service occurs and the opposing team commits a position fault at the moment of service, the serving team is penalized by loss of service
ServingFaults • Ball doesn’t cross net • Ball passes under net • Ball touches antenna or doesn’t pass between antennas • Ball touches a player on serving team or any object before entering the opponent’s team court • Ball lands out • Ball pass over an individual or collective screen • NOTE: If a serving fault occurs and the opposing team commits a position fault at the moment of a legal serve, the serving team wins the rally and scores a point
Playingthe Ball • Maximum of 3 touches before the ball has to be hit over to the other side • Exception: A block does not count as one of the 3 touches • Ball may contact any part of the body • Illegal hit - When a ball rests for a prolonged time in the player’s hands, or when a player catches, throws, lifts or pushes the ball
Playing the Ball Cont’d • Double hit - When a player contacts the ball twice in two separate and consecutive motions or contacting the ball more than once with any part of the body = fault • Screening – No player on the serving team may intentionally screen any player on the receiving team. Also cannot distract or move sideways to prevent an opponent from seeing the serve even if it is not served over that player. Can happen when a group of two or more are close together and the ball is served over them. Factors to judge: • Relative positions on team • Path of the serve • Speed of the serve • Trajectory of serve • Simultaneous contact= 1 contact count (by players/teammates) • Anyone can play the ball next as long as it wasn’t the 3rd contact • Simultaneous contact by opponents and ball rolls and touches antenna=double fault resulting in play-over
Blocking • Only front row players are permitted to block • Block Attempt – the action of blocking without touching the ball • Completed Block – when the ball is touched by a blocker • Collective Block – more than one blocker in close proximity • Note multiple contact rules mentioned before • A player may place hands and arms beyond the net and may block the ball across the net above the opponent’s team area provided this action doesn’t interfere with the opponent’s play and… • If after an opponent attack-hit, the block is made after the opponent has had 3 hits or the ball is falling near the net and no member of the attacking team could, in the 1st ref’s judgement, make a play on it
Blocking Continued Cont’d • Blocking – In order to legally block a ball: • The hitting team must have had a chance to set the ball (you cannot block a set) or; • The hitting team used all 3 touches or; • Cannot block a serve
Attack Hit • An action that is not a block, or serve that directs the ball back into the opponent’s team area • Cannot intitiate if ball is completely on opponent’s side • Cannot Attack hit a served ball while ball is entirely above the net • Complete when ball completely crosses the plane of the net or is legally blocked by an opponent
Simultaneous Contacts • Teammates • Counts as one hit • Opponents • Joust
Faults in Playing the ball • 4 hits • Assisted hit – taking support from a teammate in order to reach a ball • It is legal to stop or hold a teammate not making a play on the ball in order to prevent a fault • A player may not play the ball while being supported by grabbing the pole, cable, net supports or referee’s stand. • Not a fault to play the ball while supported by any other object (ex: wall, bleacher) if part of the body is in contact with the playing surface
Faults in Playing the ball cont. • Held ball – prolonged contact, not hitting the ball cleanly, lifting, pushing, throwing • Double contact – contacting the ball in succession, or the ball contacts various parts of the body successively (except on the team’s first hit in a player’s single attempt to play the ball and contact is not prolonged) • Illegal hit – a player in a non-playing area plays the ball
Double Faults • Replay happens only if the faults happen simultaneously or if it cannot be determined who committed the fault first • Examples?
Ball Handling & Guildelines • Officials judgment as to what is a violation/fault • Ball may not be lifted, pushed, carried, caught or thrown= lift fault • All are actions of prolonged contact
Back-row Player Attack • Permissible if at take-off the foot (feet) has neither touched nor crossed over the attack line or its imaginary extension; after the attack hit, the player may land within the front zone • Or at the moment of contact, any part of the ball is below the top of the net • Cannot attack hit a ball that at contact is entirely above the net NET
Player Contact with Net or Antennas • Contacting the net while playing the ball is a fault • Attackers and blockers are playing the ball from the time they initiate their jump until they return to the floor • Playing the ball may include actions in which the player does not actually touch the ball • Remember that if a ball striking the net is the reason for the player having contact with the net, then it is not a fault • Simultaneous contact by opposing players will result in a play-over
Interference • If a player who is not playing the ball contacts the net, refs must judge whether or not the contact interfered with play.
Net Play/Center Line • Net Foul - If involved in the action, any part of a player’s body touches the net, the play will be whistled dead • Exception: Hair and ball causing net to contact player • Exception: Feet and hands may cross center line, provided that part of body is also in contact with the center line • Must have some part of the body remaining with or directly above the center line, and there is no interference with opponents • Think safety when judging this
Ball in/out • Out when • It strikes the floor when no part of the ball contacts the boundary line or within the boundary lines • It contacts a floor/wall obstruction, a wall or person out of play • It contacts any object above the non-playing area • It contacts an antenna, the net outside the antenna, the net post or any supporting apparatus for the net or post • It completely crosses the vertical plane of the net partly or totally outside the crossing space after a team’s second or third contact • A ball penetrating the opponent’s free zone over or outside the antenna after a team’s first contact or block may be played back to a teammate provided: a center line fault is not committed, the pursuing player does not cross under the net, net cable or ref stand and the ball, when played back, crosses the net plane again over or outside the antenna on the same side of the court. The opponent may not prevent this action
Overhead Obstructions • A ball (other than served) contacting the ceiling or other overhead obstruction that is 15 ft. (Boyden gym lights are about 24 ft from floor) or more above the playing area is ruled out when: • ball contacts the obstruction over a non-playing area • ball contacts the obstruction and falls to the opponent’s court • ball contacts the obstruction after a team’s third contact • What about a served ball?
Replay • Inadvertent whistle • Player unintentionally serves ball prior to referee’s signal to serve • Double foul during a live ball • Foreign object entering proximity of playing area