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The Fleet Engagement Strategy: Introduction of Organic MCM MGen Bill Whitlow. Moored Contact. Moored Influence. Rising Influence. Buried/Partially Buried. Anti-Invasion. Bottom Influence. Floating Contact. A Threat Across the Littorals. MCM Plan: The Goal.
The Fleet Engagement Strategy: Introduction of Organic MCMMGen Bill Whitlow
Moored Contact Moored Influence Rising Influence Buried/Partially Buried Anti-Invasion Bottom Influence Floating Contact A Threat Across the Littorals
MCM Plan: The Goal • Speed up MCM Tactical Timelines • Eliminate the Manned Ops in Minefields • MCM Plan Supports the Goal: • Improve Dedicated Force Readiness & Capability • Develop Future MCM Capability in the VSW and the Surf and Craft Landing Zones • Field Organic MCM Capability in the Fleet • Mainstream Mine Warfare
Command, Control, Communications, Computers Environmental Awareness Intelligence Surveillance Interdiction Self-Protection Exploration / Hunting Avoidance/Navigation Clearance (Sweep/Neutralize) People, Funds, Facilities, Hardware, Data, Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, Procedures Knowledge, Education, Training, Exercises, Research, Systems Design Organic MCM
Fleet Engagement Strategy Doctrine & Tactics Industry & Technology Education & Training Public Affairs N75: POM, Requirements (ORDs,CRD), CONOPS, Coordination Chief of Naval Education and Training & Fleet CINCs President Naval War College & COMINEWARCOM Program Executive Office (MIW) & Office of Naval Research Chief of Information Industry & Technology POA&M Education and Training IPT Tactics, Conops, & Doctrine IPTs Media Plan
Mission Area Needs BLUE GREEN PURPLE Fleet Ops Amphibious Ops Logistical Ops Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Civilians Ashore Forces Supported CVBG, SAG, ARG, MPF CATF/CLF Landings, NGFS, Follow-On Logistics Operations Supported Transit, Flt Ops, NGFS, Logistics, MPF, Logistics, JLOTS, NEO Routes Amphib OpArea, FP/NGFS boxes Routes, OpAreas, Shooter boxes, NGFS boxes Battlespace Required Routes, SPODs, SPOEs, landings Group Plans, ConOps, Oplans, Conplans HQ Plans, ConOps, Oplans, Conplans Requirement Documents Oplans, ConPlans
* * * Status: Capability Today MC 14 MCMs (4 FDNF) 12 MHCs (2 FDNF) 20 MH-53Es (4 FDNF) 15 EOD MCM Dets (4 FDNF) 1 MCS ( Hunt & Sweep ) VSW Det (Divers, MMS, UUVs) NSW Missions Joint Breachback * Contingency Forces Dedicated Forces
Vision/Strategy: Force Concept • Dedicated: Capability & Capacity • Maintained in ready status, 72 hr call • Large area hunting & clearance • FDNF or flows as FDO/FEP or TPFDD • Contingency: Special purpose force • Deploy by plan or on demand: Commander’s call • Supported by specialized personnel • Call down as FDO/FEP or flow as TPFDD • Organic: Capability & Compatibility • See & Avoid w/ lightweight “punch through clearance” • Base in CVBG, flex to other platforms • Retain capability to base within the ARG long term
Dedicated Dedicated Dedicated Next Generation Systems Organic Organic Vision/Strategy: Force Plan Today Near Term Far Term Contingency Mine Warfare Continuum: grow core competency fleet-wide
MCM Force Plan 12 Near Term 02 Mid Term 07 Far Term Dedicated MCM SMCM, UMCM, AMCM, Tactical Staffs SMCM , AMCM, EOD DETs 1 MTW 2 MTWs IOC Organic MCM CVBG Contingency MCM Forces EOD VSW Det, ABS, Naval Spec War, USMC Combat Engineers N75 OMCM R & D Transition New Systems R&D/S&T ONR
Dedicated MCM Plan Near Term Mid Term Far Term 02 07 26 SMCM SHIPS - 6 FDNF MCS (MCS 12 INCHON) MCS(X) Dedicated Forces 20 HELOs 0 HELOs AMCM (MH-53E) - 4 Acft FDNF AMCM (CH-60) ?? HELOs 15 EOD MCM DETs - 4 Dets FDNF • Awarded ICWS Block 1 Developmental Contract (Apr 00) • Procurement Planned to Begin FY05 • Conducted ICWS Design Review FY00 Accomplishments
H-60 RAMICS ALMDS OASIS Signature Control RMS AQS-20/X AMNS LMRS Next Generation / Organic Plan Near Term Mid Term Far Term 02 07 12 CH-60 Kits (AMCM) AMNS (MH-53) AMNS (CH-60) AQS-20 (MH-53) AQS-20/X (CH-60) ALMDS (CH-60) EDM ALMDS (CH-60) OASIS (CH-60) EDM OASIS (CH-60) RAMICS (CH-60) RMS EDM LMRS* 1 MTW 2 MTWs IKE BG IDTC…Deploy Oct05 CVBG CVBG * Contingency System Next Generation Systems Enable Organic MCM & Improve Dedicated MCM OMCM warfighting kit (planned) ARG ARG (covered by CVBG) Training unit • CH-60 Tow Tests Completed • CSTARS Demonstrated • ALMDS EMD Contract award • AQS-20 OP Assessment Complete • AMNS EDM Delivered For Test • RAMICS AOA Completed FY00 Accomplishments
Fleet Compatible ft ft 30 30 Improved & New Capabilities Hunt Kill ALMDS CH-60S RAMICS CH-60S Sweep Hunt Kill OASIS with CH-60S AQS-20X with CH-60S RMS MH-53E* AMNS with CH-60S MH-53E** 30 ft Moored Contact Mine Moored Influence Mine Close Tethered Influence Mine Close-Close Tethered Influence Mine Bottom Influence Mine Buried Bottom Mine
FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 = FY05 CVW OMCM = FRS OMCM 1st MTW = + + = DDG w/ RMS 2nd MTW = + 1st MTW 2nd MTW OMCM Fielding Plan CVBGs (10 CVWs) (2 AMCM kits per CVW) IDTC Deploy Basic Trng Int/Adv Trng FDNF IOC 05