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Understanding by Design: Thinking about the Key Principles for Developing Units for Your Classroom. Jacque Melin, Facilitator www.formativedifferentiated.com. Thank you for being present today. You can expect: conversations activities movement
Understanding by Design:Thinking about the Key Principles for Developing Units for Your Classroom Jacque Melin, Facilitator www.formativedifferentiated.com
Thank you for being present today • You can expect: • conversations • activities • movement • learning
I’m counting on you to… melinj@gvsu.edu 616-450-0998 (cell) 616-331-6209 (office) learn from one another actively participate commit to a partnership in this journey
I sincerely welcome you to our school and look forward to working with you, but here are a few things I don’twant to see happening in classrooms in our school… A dependence on your textbook as the “curriculum” Superficial “coverage” “Busy work” worksheets and aimless activities Just the basics Teacher centered Passive learning Assessment only AFTER learning on
To that end, I would like to see you develop UNITS as you teach the curriculum… What steps would you take to develop a UNIT? For about 4 minutes, write down the steps you would take to develop a UNIT of study (2 to 4 weeks in length). Please do this alone….
Meet in Groups of 4 Similar subject areas… Compare lists Write steps on Post-Its (one step per Post-It) and put in order on Chart Paper. Hang Chart Paper when finished. (about 6 minutes) Gallery Walk
Goals for Today’s work Examine the big ideas behind Understanding by Design (UbD) Overview of UbD
Essential Questions What is “understanding” as a goal and what does it demand of assessment and instruction? How can we more likely achieve understanding by design rather than by good fortune?
Plan Adjust Assess Teach CYCLE of teaching and learning
UbD focuses on the planning piece • A framework to – • Stay focused on the long-term goals • Get the blend of ‘content’ and ‘performance’ right • Engage learners by using questions and tasks that focus on “understanding.”
Why UbD? • If too many students… • do not apply their learning unless you ‘hold their hand’ • do not know why they are learning what they are asked to • see their job as passive learners
Three stages of backward design Stage 1: Identify the long-term desired results Stage 2: Determine appropriate assessment evidence to achieve those results Stage 3: Design learning activities and instruction, given the goals of Stage 1 and evidence in Stage 2
Three stages of backward design Stage 1: GOALS Stage 2: ASSESSMENT Stage 3: LEARNING EVENTS
What we typically (incorrectly) do: Identify the topics and content to be covered Determine instruction for teaching the content When grades are due, assess the learning of the content
The GOALS Standards based…
The relation between Standards & Curriculum • Content Standards = building code • The Curriculum = the architect’s blueprint
The GOALS (Stage 1) • Identify the standards that will be taught and learned during the unit • GLCE, HSCE, CCSS, NGSS • Think about what question(s) you want students to be able to answer • Often called “Essential Questions” • Deconstruct standards into meaningful “learning targets” • What students should KNOW and be able to DO • What kinds of learning targets? KNOWLEDGE, REASONING, SKILLS, PRODUCTS
The GOALS (Stage 1) • Write the “learning targets” in student friendly language. • “I CAN….statements • Consider what kinds of things you will do to find out what your students already know about the content/skills in your unit. • Pre-tests; surveys; class discussion; KWL chart, etc. • Share “learning targets” with your students.
The ASSESSMENTS (Stage 2) • Decide how you will assess each “learning target” and develop those assessments. • Formative/Summative? • Formal/Informal? • Selected Response/Extended Written Response/Performance Task Assessments? • What unprompted evidence will you use? • Observations • Dialogues • How will you help students self-assess?
G.R.A.S.P.SPerformance Task Scenario • G = • R = • A = • S = • P = • S = Goal Role Audience Situation Product/Performance and Purpose Standards for Criteria and Success Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
24 Drafting Stage 3: Learning Plan • If you have determined the goals (STAGE 1), and • If you have determined the evidence of learning (STAGE 2), • THEN what kinds of learning activities are most appropriate? (STAGE 3)
Learning Events (Stage 3) • Decide what strategies/learning activities you will use to help students be successful. • Small group/Large group • Discussions • Presentations • Projects • Essays • Manipulatives • Technology (Use of SMART Boards, Webquests/software applications, etc.) • Educational games (traditional/digital) • Learning Centers • Role Play/Simulations • Field trips (on-site or virtual)
Learning Events (Stage 3) Consider how you might connect to or bring in other disciplines. Decide what resources and materials you will need to find or develop. Determine how you will adjust learning events for diverse learners (special needs, gifted, ELL, etc.) Then and only then, work on daily lesson plans.
Stage 3 Plan purposeful learning activities and directed teaching to help all students reach the desired achievements W – Where the unit is going, What is expected H – Hook and hold the students E – Equip students, Experience, Explore R – Rethink and Revise E – Evaluate and reflect T – Tailored learning to varied needs, interests, styles O – Organize and sequence learning
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Stage 3 - Learning Plan Performance Tasks Other Evidence Other Evidence: Other Evidence: UBD Template Stage 1 - Desired Results • The UbD Template– • ‘by design’ addresses the issues we have identified
See you ONLINE September 16 and 23