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Tel Assessment report. Recommendations to the Conference of National Librarians (CENL) for the transition period 2013 - 2015 Catherine Dhérent, Juha Hakala, Hans Petschar Paris – Helsinki – Vienna September 2012. TEL Strategic Options 2013 - 2015.
Tel Assessment report Recommendations to the Conference of National Librarians (CENL) for the transition period 2013 - 2015 Catherine Dhérent, Juha Hakala, Hans Petschar Paris – Helsinki – Vienna September 2012 CENL 26th Annual Meeting September 29 - October 2 2012, Vaduz / Liechtenstein
TEL Strategic Options 2013 - 2015 „Libraries led the way to the founding of Europeana as the digital library for Europe.“ Introduction TEL Strategic Options 2012 CENL 26th Annual Meeting September 29 - October 2 2012, Vaduz / Liechtenstein
CENL 2006 “CENL shares the vision of a European Digital Library and has been working towards this goal by creating TEL, The European Library.” CENL, Luxembourg 2006, answer to the EU i2010 initiative CENL 26th Annual Meeting September 29 - October 2 2012, Vaduz / Liechtenstein
CENL EC Mandate July 2012 „In order to provide more sustainability, more coherence and a better understanding for all kinds of users, the CENL Executive Committee has decided to launch an assessment of TEL.“ CENL 26th Annual Meeting September 29 - October 2 2012, Vaduz / Liechtenstein
CENL EC Mandate July 2012 Should TEL be an aggregator for European national libraries? Should TEL be a provider of services to libraries? What are the services envisaged or provided? Should TEL be a provider of services and information to users, both researchers and the general public? Who is employed to do what in TEL? CENL 26th Annual Meeting September 29 - October 2 2012, Vaduz / Liechtenstein
TEL Assessment Technical Analysis of Services Financial Analysis Governance Analysis Strategy and Policy Analysis CENL 26th Annual Meeting September 29 - October 2 2012, Vaduz / Liechtenstein
Technical Analysis • Ambition level for library services is not clear (providing a / the European Union Catalogue or data sets and aggregation services) • Lack of sufficient library expertise in TEL staff that has been involved in the Union Catalogue project • Lack of quality control both of data and services of the system • Lack of a plan of future library services and resources needed for implementing them • Lack of documentation of the system and its services • Insufficient agreement on how to develop the system in the future • Much more resources will be needed to compete successfully with comparable systems • The system is still a prototype with key functionalities missing What is TEL? Aggregator ? Union Catalogue ? Data set provider ? Provider of Services ? libraries researchers endusers How can we develop the system and the portal in the future? Do we have adequate ressources for developing and providing professional library services? Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
What is TEL? How can we implement the Strategic Plan and the partnership with Europeana ? How can we clarify which services we can provide and which are needed for liberies and users? How can we improve the existing system ? How can we develop the system and the portal in the future? • Technical Analysis • Recommendations • TEL and Europeana should build a common technical infrastructure in the next two years • The CENL should create a library task force to specify the requirements of the National libraries concerning TEL services • The system must be completed quickly. Missing key functionalities (such as FRBR clustering, statistics and reporting module, and so on) must be added and vital problems identified in the technical evaluation must be corrected until the end of 2013 • Future developments of the system should be based on a plan written jointly by the library task force and the TEL Office Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Financial Analysis • Staff has increased 2010 – 2012 from 7.5 to 13.35 FTEs (15 people) due to involvement in projects • Projects budget has increased 2010 – 2012 from 8% to 69 % • Financial risk for CENL end 2015 for preferred option 4 is not clear • TEL budget is uncertain and probably has to be diminished from 2013 onwards • New income coming from research libraries will be necessary to reduce the burden for national libraries How can we make TEL sustainable? Which financial responsibility can CENL take ? How can we reduce the financial risk for CENL ? 2013 will be crucial Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Financial Analysis • The assessors have come to the conclusion that CENL EC and TEL MC should work closely together to assure the future sustainability of TEL and to reduce the financial risk for CENL 2013 – 2015. • The year 2013 will be the most important for the transistion period 2013 – 2015. • The assessors therefore propose to establish a financial task force which clarifies until December 2012 the financial implications of the Strategic Options Paper, especially for the preferred option 4. The following recommendations could be a guidance: How can we make TEL sustainable? Which financial responsibility can CENL take ? How can we reduce the financial risk for CENL ? 2013 will be crucial Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Financial Analysis • Recommendations • Involvement in new projects must be based on financial capability and should not exceed 20% of projects costs • CENL should take financial risk and responsibility only for TEL staff and TEL operational services which are out of the scope of EUROPEANA • SLA with EUROPEANA should be revised • Contractual obligations for actual TEL staff have to be clarified until latest December 2012 (new staff latest August 2013) • Financial risk for CENL end 2015 should be reduced to Zero How can we make TEL sustainable? Which financial responsability can CENL take ? How can we reduce the financial risk for CENL ? 2013 will be crucial Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Governance Analysis • Leadership in TEL is not clear • Need for better communication between CENL EC and TEL MC • Need for better communication between TEL MC and CENL and TEL working groups • Need for better information on projects in TEL MC • Need for better information on EUROPEANA in TEL MC Which governance model is needed for a successful implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 ? How can we improve the governance of TEL? How can we improve the represenstation of CENL in Europeana? Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Governance Analysis • Recommendations • The new TEL MC should appoint a director of TEL • Improve the communication between TEL MC CENL and members • TEL MC should get regular progress reports from strategically relevant projects (EUROPEANA cloud, EUROPEANA creative) • TEL MC should get progress reports on building a common technical infrastructure for TEL and EUROPEANA • Representation of CENL EC and/ or TEL MC on EUROPEANA should be revised Which governance model is needed for a successful implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 ? How can we improve the governance of TEL? How can we improve the represenstation of CENL in Europeana? Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Is the concept of a European Digital Library still valid ? How can we reposition CENL in the new European environment ? How can we keep strategic leadership? How can CENL take best responsibility for creating sustainable digital services in a world of permanent change? • Strategic Analysis • Shift of EUROPEANA concept from European Digital Library to a European cultural portal for the general public • Europeana Research infrastructure as a new program • Huge overlap between EUROPEANA and TEL strategies • TEL not mentioned in EUROPEANA strategic papers and EC communications on EUROPEANA • Weak marketing position of TEL • Awareness and usage of TEL as an end-user service is poor • Risk of losing leadership for CENL in the library sector Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Is the concept of a European Digital Library still valid ? How can we reposition CENL in the new European environment? How can we keep strategic leadership? How can CENL take responsibility for creating sustainable digital services in a world of permanent change? • Strategic Analysis • Recommendations • Revise relationship between TEL and Europeana • CENL should negotiate with Europeana a clear commitment to EUROPEANA Research which recognises the contribution from CENL and TEL in building the EUROPEANA Research platform 2013-2015. • Transition from TEL to EUROPEANA Research should be completed in 2013 and communicated in a press release supported by EUROPEANA, European Commission, CENL, LIBER and CERL • CENL EC should establish a high level Strategic task force to support repositioning of CENL in the new European context Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Timeline for 2013 The year 2013 will be decisive for the future of TEL for a successfull implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 based on Services for Libraries and Partnership with Europeana to create Europeana Research (option 4) Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
CENL Members and Board Your help is needed !!! Commitment Active Participation Start Now The year 2013 will be a decisive one for the future of TEL for a successfull implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 based on Services for Libraries and Partnership with Europeana to create Europeana Research (option 4) Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
CENL Members and Board Commitment Budget 2013 CENL Task Forces The year 2013 will be a decisive one for the future of TEL for a successfull implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 based on Services for Libraries and Partnership with Europeana to create Europeana Research (option 4) Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
CENL Members and Board Active Participation New TEL MCCENL Task Forces The year 2013 will be a decisive one for the future of TEL for a successfull implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 based on Services for Libraries and Partnership with Europeana to create Europeana Research (option 4) Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
CENL Members and Board • Start Now: Afternoon Session: • Working Groups on Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 • Ensuring Sustainability of TEL • Establish High-value collections and services for user • Embed services in research and learning communities • Develop Strategic Partnerships The year 2013 will be a decisive one for the future of TEL for a successfull implementation of the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 based on Services for Libraries and Partnership with Europeana to create Europeana Research (option 4) Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation
Welcome to Austria 2025 Vision 2025 Titel der Präsentation Untertitel der Präsentation Fußzeile zur Präsentation 2