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Chevron- KR Hot Shot Optimization Practicum

Chevron- KR Hot Shot Optimization Practicum . Team Members: Alkan Bektur David Corral Gary DiBenedict Carina Tubajika. Chevron in SJVBU. Operated in California over 127 years Assets Coalinga Cymric / McKittrick Kern River Lost Hills Midway Sunset San Ardo

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Chevron- KR Hot Shot Optimization Practicum

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  1. Chevron- KR Hot Shot OptimizationPracticum Team Members: Alkan Bektur David Corral Gary DiBenedict Carina Tubajika

  2. Chevron in SJVBU • Operated in California over 127 years • Assets • Coalinga • Cymric/McKittrick • Kern River • Lost Hills • Midway Sunset • San Ardo • Top Oil and Gas Producer in California • Produce over 170,000 BOPD

  3. History of Kern River

  4. Project Scope/Problem Statement • Yearly, the Kern River Field is impacted by the cold weather in the winter months • Average of 164 BOPD down/month • Opportunity: Minimize down Oil

  5. Define- IPO

  6. Define- Voice of the Customer Interview


  8. Define- Pareto Diagram Surface failures 2010 Surface Failures 2011 406 193 154 187 160 119 163 66

  9. Measure- Micro Process Flow- Pro Tool’s Current Process(Can only place 1 well on steam at a time) Receive list of (WF) Down Wells prioritized on 6/mo oil from Steam Rep Drive to Well and AWT to ensure the well can be steamed (i.e. no Maint. Work nearby/ no clamp on lines) Shut Down Unit (Prep for Seam) Manipulate valves at Header and Initiate steaming of flowline Drive to well and continuously monitor for cold plug breakthrough at wellhead Cold Plug breakthrough within 2 hours Steam Well for an additional 30 minutes POP Well YES NO Complete Paperwork Process Constraint CVX Operator Takes over job or well is left down until the next day Complete Paperwork Notify CVX Operator Drive to next well location

  10. Measure- Daily Failure rate in Winter

  11. Measure- Histogram

  12. Analyze- Cause and Effect Diagram

  13. Analyze- 5 Why Tree • Problem- Wells freezing/plugged with increased down time • “Why”- Hot shot execution rate is unable to keep up with daily failures • “Why”- Pro tool executes on average of 6 wells/day • “Why”- Pro Tool places one well on steam and waits on location for 2 hours until breakthrough • “Why”- SOP drives behavior • “Why”- SOP has never been re-validated

  14. Improve- Pro Tool’s Improve Process(Can place multiple wells on steam and continuously monitor for breakthrough) Receive list of (WF) Down Wells prioritized on 6/mo oil from Steam Rep Drive to Well and AWT to ensure the well can be steamed (i.e. no Maint. Work nearby/ no clamp on lines) Manipulate valves at Header and Initiate steaming of flowline Shut Down Unit (Prep for Seam) Drive to Well to determine if Plug has broken through Immediately drive back to the header and turn steam OFF Cold Plug Breaks through POP Well YES NO Complete Paperwork Drive to next well and place on steam Cold Plug Breaks through YES Drive to next well location NO Continue to place wells on steam and continuously monitor for breakthrough

  15. Improve- Run Chart

  16. Improve- Project Goals

  17. Improve- Financial Impact Impact in Barrels = Delta of Wells Carried Over * Average Production (Over 30 days Down) 21,600 Barrels = 14,400 well days*1.5 BOPD per well • Assumptions • Only cashed in 3/months of improved execution • Use BOPD from actual wells that were down more than 30 days with a WF code • Captured value for an increased execution rate when failures were greater than baseline execution rate.

  18. Control Plan & Future Improvement Opportunities • Control Plan- • Continuously monitor improved process and re-validate SOP yearly. • Future Improvement Opportunities • Have real time monitoring of steam flow • Leverage internal resources for proactive stimulation to minimize plugged wells.

  19. Questions??

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