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New Evangelization Session 1: Disciples Called to Witness

New Evangelization Session 1: Disciples Called to Witness. Welcome!. Session Schedule. Opening Prayer Paired Discussion Theme #1 : Sharing Salvation Today Standing Activity Theme #2 : Disciples Called to Witness Small Group Activity Closing Prayer.

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New Evangelization Session 1: Disciples Called to Witness

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  1. New Evangelization Session 1: Disciples Called to Witness Welcome!

  2. Session Schedule • Opening Prayer • Paired Discussion • Theme #1: Sharing Salvation Today • Standing Activity • Theme #2: Disciples Called to Witness • Small Group Activity • Closing Prayer

  3. How has Christ called me, and what is my mission?

  4. Opening Prayer:Lectiodivina • “Sacred Reading” of God’s Word • Listening with the Heart • Silent Meditation & Contemplation

  5. Opening Prayer:Jesus’ Missionary Mandate “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Mt 28:19-20) 1) Read/silence….2) Read/silence….3) Read/silence…

  6. Paired Discussion:Share some details about your faith journey: • How have you experienced God’s call, and how have you followed Christ at different points in your life? • How has your relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church made a difference to you throughout your life?

  7. Theme #1: Sharing Salvation Today "God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons." +Bl. John Henry Newman “I am the way and the truth and the life...” (Jn 14:6)

  8. I. The Basic Proclamation of the Gospel • God loves us unconditionally. • Sin has ruptured this relationship. • By dying and rising for us, Jesus is the only hope for salvation from sin and death. • We need a personal encounter with Christ in faith and ongoing conversion of heart. • Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit so we can live this new life. • We can maintain this new life only in communion with brothers and sisters in the Church.

  9. II. Salvation History • Our personal call to holiness and our mission in life--in the “big picture.” • “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mk 1:15) • “The redeemer of Man, Jesus Christ, is the center of the universe and of history." (St. JPII) C4E • Creation • Covenant • Christ • Church • End times

  10. C1E: CreationWhy is there something rather than nothing? We can choose to accept and love God, or we can choose to reject God and love only ourselves. “God created man in his image,in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gen 1:27) Out of Love, for Love,from nothing (ex nihilo). We have free will and intellect.

  11. C2E: Covenant

  12. C3E: Christ“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…”(Jn 3:16) The central mystery of the Cross and Resurrection: Life conquers death through Love. “The first proclamation must ring out over and over: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’  This first proclamation … is first in a qualitative sense because it is the principal proclamation, the one which we must hear again and again in different ways…” (Pope Francis, EG, n. 164)

  13. C4E: The ChurchSacrament of Salvation for the World “The Church is in Christ like a sacrament or as a sign and instrument both of a very closely knit union with God and of the unity of the whole human race.” (LG, n. 1) The People of God who are themselves nourished with the Body of Christ become the Body of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

  14. C4E: End Times • “Exit & Return”: Entire cosmos has come from and is returning to God. • “When he comes at the end of time to judge the living and the dead, the glorious Christ will reveal the secret disposition of hearts and will render to each man according to his works and according to his acceptance or refusal of grace.” (CCC, n. 682) • “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Mt 25:45)

  15. III. Evangelization in 21st Century America • Witness in Deeds & Words:"An evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in people's daily lives; it bridges distances, it is willing to abase itself if necessary, and it embraces human life, touching the suffering flesh of Christ in others.” (Pope Francis, EG, n. 24) • Recognize and confront contemporary challenges: Fr. Barron’s “New Evangelization” Video

  16. Inculturating the Gospel:Making the Good News of Salvation “Real” • Lead with joy and share the Gospel in relevant ways. • “The New Evangelization is a call to each person to deepen his or her own faith, have confidence in the Gospel, and possess a willingness to share the Gospel. It is a personal encounter with the person of Jesus, which brings peace and joy.” (DCW, p. 3) • Be a link in the chain, a bond of connection!

  17. Standing Activity:Create a Billboard How would you help share the good news of Salvation today? • Discuss important elements of the Gospel proclamation and of Salvation History which people today need to hear… • Create a catchy slogan to get people’s attention… • Use a symbol or visual aid to draw people in…

  18. Theme #2: Disciples Called to Witness (usccb.org) • “Christ is the Light of nations.” (LG, n. 1) • “The Church exists in order to evangelize.” (Bl. Paul VI) • “Christ calls all people to himself.” (DCW, p. 2) “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, O Lord.” +St. Augustine

  19. I. The “Why” of the a New Evangelization: Addressing an Age of Indifference • The “eclipse” of the sense of God (Pope Benedict XVI) and the “disorientation” of the human person (Pope Francis). • Challenges posed by radical secularism… + Individualism+ Materialism + Hedonism • An evangelization which is newin its “ardor, methods, and expression…” (St. JPII)

  20. II. The “Who” of the New Evangelization Evangelizers Evangelized • Witnesses! (Bl. Paul VI) • “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day.” (Pope Francis, EG, n. 3) • The Three-fold Audience: 1) To the nations2) To those in the pews3) To those who have left the Church • “‘Propose anew’ the Good News to all of the Christian faithful, most especially to those of the faithful who are absent from the Lord’s Table.” (DCW, p. 5)

  21. III. The “What” of the New Evangelization:“A profound experience of God”(Benedict XVI) • "Our hope is not in a program or philosophy but in the person of Jesus Christ, who comforts those who are burdened." (DCW, p. 9) • Metanoia/Personal Conversion:“Before one can evangelize, one must be evangelized. A disciple of Christ must continually renew his or her faith.” (DCW, p. 8) Skit Guys: “I Believe in Jesus”

  22. IV. The “How” of the New Evangelization: Creating a “Culture of Witness” • Fostering an apprenticeship: as “missionary disciples” (Pope Francis) • Preparing Leaders and Teams: Not necessarily experts, but all “should have a deep love of the Church and a mature prayer life.” (DCW, p. 16) • Encouraging Evangelizers: who are “fearlessly open to the working of the Holy Spirit…” (Pope Francis, EG, n. 259)

  23. Small Group Activity:Brainstorm “Talking Points” What questions do you have about the call for a new evangelization? What challenges do you foresee as a “disciple called to witness” in your daily life?

  24. How is Christ calling me, and what is my mission? Personal “take away”

  25. Follow-up Reflection and Resources 1) Session Evaluation & Feedback 2) Recommended follow-up: US/CCA, ch. 2, "God Comes to Meet Man“ Fr. Barron’s video and study resource, “Catholicism: The New Evangelization”& “Priest, Prophet, King” 3) For Catechists & Catholic School Teachers: “Record of Formation,” includingrequired reflection & documentation 4) Session Powerpoint & Additional Resources:www.dioceseofjoliet.org/layformation

  26. Closing Prayer:Renewal of Baptismal Promises Dear friends, through the Paschal Mystery we have been buried with Christ in baptism, so that we may rise with him to a new life. Now let us renew the promises we made at baptism when we rejected Satan and his works. And so:

  27. Renewal of Baptismal Promises Do you reject sin, so as to live in the freedom of God's children? I do Do you reject the glamour of evil, and refuse to be mastered by sin? I do Do you reject Satan, father of sin and prince of darkness? I do Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth? I do

  28. Renewal of Baptismal Promises Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, and was buried,rose from the dead,and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?I do Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting? I do

  29. Renewal of Baptismal Promises God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and forgiven our sins. May God also keep us faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen.

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