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LE PASSE COMPOSE THE PERFECT TENSE. THE PERFECT TENSE. We use the perfect tense to describe a past action. Examples: I have forgotten my pen. You have read the book. We have washed the dog. In French we use the perfect tense (le pass é composé) in the same way as we do in English.
THE PERFECT TENSE • We use the perfect tense to describe a past action. • Examples: • I have forgotten my pen. • You have read the book. • We have washed the dog.
In French we use the perfect tense (le passé composé) in the same way as we do in English. We need 2 things to make le passé composé in French: 1) The present tense of avoir. 2) The past participle.
The present tense of avoir is as follows: j’ai = I have tu as = you have (singular) il a = he has (it has) elle a = she has (it has) on a = one has (we have)
nous avons = we have vous avez = you have (plural/polite) Ils ont = they have (masculine) elles ont = they have (feminine)
How to form the past participle To form the past participle of er verbs, we do this: • Get the infinitive. e.g. jouer • Take off the er. e.g. jou • Add é. e.g. joué.
Some examples: • J’ai visité = I have visited • Tu as regardé = You have watched • Il a joué = He has played • Elle a écouté = She has listened
Nous avons joué = We have played • Vous avez acheté = You have bought • Ils ont regardé = They have watched • Elles ont dansé = They have danced
Sometimes in English we miss out “have” or “has”. e.g. J’ai visité = I have visited and I visited. We cannot miss this out in French!
Remember! Present tense of avoir + past participle = Le passé composé
Maintenant, c’est à toi! • Ecris en français. • I have played. • He has bought. • You have worked. • She has listened. • We have studied.
I have played. = J’ai joué. • He has bought. = Il a acheté. • You have worked.= Tu as travaillé • She has listened. = Elle a écouté • We have studied. = Nous avons étudié
We can now make our work more exciting by adding this phrase: c’était “c’était” means “it was” and never takes agreement.
J’ai visité ma grand’mère, c’était ennuyeux. I visited my grandmother, it was boring. Tu as regardé Eastenders, c’était nul. You watched Eastenders, it was rubbish. Il a acheté des CDs, c’était fantastique! He bought some CDs, it was fantastic!
Now you can write a paragraph in French using the past tense. • Your title is: “le week-end dernier” “Last weekend”