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Music and it’s impact on Student’s writing productivity & attitude toward writing. An Action research Project By Onekqua N. Henry Education 702.22 Spring 2010. Table of Contents. Research Design Threats to Internal Validity Threats to External Validity Proposed Data
Music and it’s impact on Student’s writing productivity & attitude toward writing. An Action research Project By Onekqua N. Henry Education 702.22 Spring 2010
Table of Contents • Research Design • Threats to Internal Validity • Threats to External Validity • Proposed Data • Proposed Data Analysis • References
Research Design • Pre-Experimental: One shot case study • Single group exposed to a treatment (X) and post tested (O) • Symbolic Design: XO
Rationale for experimental design • Only five students • Exposed to a treatment • No control group • No Pretest • Post tested • Fits into the one-shot case study, cannot fit into other designs where there are 2 groups
Threats to Internal Validity • History- Classroom distractions, Inclement weather outside, fire & Intruder drills. • Maturation-Excitement of listening to songs and writing wears off, and writing productivity declines. • Instrumentation- Students bored with writing after listening to music & write less, tired of answering surveys & rush answers. • Mortality- Student moves in the middle of ARP, research can be highly inflated. • Selection-Maturation Interaction-Both boys and girls in the study. Girls more mature, one boy held back 1 ½ older than the rest of students.
Threats to external Validity • Ecological Validity- Cannot generalize to other environments. • Selection Treatment Interaction- students not randomly chosen all picked by researcher. • Experimenter Effects-Passive elements • Experimenters age • Gender • Reactive arrangements/participants effects- only five students from researchers own classroom. Possible Hawthorne effect
correlation Correlation between students perceived writing productivity after exposure to music and average number of words written. Post survey question 3. I write longer paragraphs after exposed to music. *Fair positive correlation 0.69 There was a correlation between students exposure to music and number of words written.
Proposed data Analysis • The bar graph comparing the number of words written per session per student after being exposed to music shows that when exposed to music the number of words written generally increases. • There is a correlation between students exposed to music and the average number of words written. Conclusion: When exposed to music the number of words students write increases as does their own perception of writing productivity increases.
references O’Connor – Petrusso, S.,(2008) Stat.scales.analyses.threats.design.ppt.