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What is MBTI?. Based on Jung’s personality theory Patterns of normal behaviour Doesn’t try to account for everything No right or wrong type You decide your type. What does MBTI measure?. Preference like handedness 4 dimensions Drawn more to outer/inner world Perception
What is MBTI? • Based on Jung’s personality theory • Patterns of normal behaviour • Doesn’t try to account for everything • No right or wrong type • You decide your type
What does MBTI measure? Preference like handedness 4 dimensions • Drawn more to outer/inner world • Perception • Decision Making • Structure/Flexibility Style not ability nor achievement
By the end of the day you will have gained • A better understanding of yourself • A better appreciation of those who differ from you • Some insights into how personality influences career choice and job hunting
Well, I’m not sure what I think about that, but I have to say ... and I really would like your input on this issue. It’s fine. Why do they never say what they really think? Why do they never think before they talk? E/I
Extraversion/Introversion Does the person prefer mostly to do their thinking and refresh themselves in ... ... the outer world? or ... the inner world?
Extraversion Introversion Drawn towards the outer world Drawn towards the inner world
Extraversion Introversion Gains energy during time with people Expends energy during time alone Gains energy during time alone Expends energy during time with people
Extraversion Introversion Tends to act, then reflect (possibly) Tends to reflect, then act (possibly)
Better Meetings for Es & Is • Circulate topics and supporting information • Encourage people to talk about the issue beforehand • Encourage people to use the Count to 6 rule Extraverts wait for 6 before speaking Introverts speak within a count of 6
Extraversion/Introversion Keywords Extraversion Drawn outwards Wide-ranging Speak–Think–Speak Talk it over Heart on sleeve Introversion Drawn inwards Selective Think–Speak–Think Think it through Reserved
Talking to Type: Extraversion • Show energy and enthusiasm • Give some sort of response • Allow time for talking out loud without conclusions • Don’t assume that they mean all they say • Develop cues to claim the space to talk • Give plenty of praise
Talking to Type: Introversion • Give time to get to know you • Encourage response with questions • Give information beforehand and allow time to think • Don’t assume that they are not interested: they may be reflecting • Don’t overdo praise
We could do this ... and that would lead to this ... and then we could link it to that ... Just a second! Exactly how much would that first phase cost us? Why do they always have to split hairs? Why do they never take one step at a time? S/N
Sensing/iNtuition Does the person prefer mostly to perceive ... ... the immediate, real practical facts of experience and life? or ... the possibilities, relationships and meanings of experiences?
Sensing iNtuition Tends to look at the specific parts and pieces Tends to look at the patterns and relationships
Sensing iNtuition Prefers to start at the beginning and take a step at a time Prefers to jump in anywhere and leap over steps
Sensing iNtuition Tends to focus onpresent experience Tends to focus onfuture possibilities
Sensing/iNtuition Keywords Sensing specifics detail present realities step by step familiarity iNtuition patterns overview future possibilities leap in anywhere novelty
Talking to Type: Sensing • Give facts, details and examples • Be accurate, practical and realistic • Be orderly — show the steps involved • Emphasise continuation rather than radical change • Explain your assumptions
Talking to Type: iNtuition • Give the overall picture first • Don’t give too much detail • Emphasise future benefits and possibilities • Allow space for speculation • Present things from an unusual angle
Well, I think it’s clear that this is the logical thing to do in the circumstances. But how will the staff feel about it? Why do they have to cloud the issue with emotional irrelevancies? Mr Robot-Brain ignores people’s feelings again! T/F
Thinking/Feeling Does the person prefer mostly to make decisions... ... objectively, impersonally considering causes of events and where decisions may lead? (“Is it true?”) or ... subjectively and personally weighing values of choices and their importance to themselves or others? (“Do you mind?”)
Thinking Feeling Tends to see situations from the outside Tends to see situations from within
Thinking Feeling Tends to help by picking out flaws for improvement first Tends to help by appreciating the positive first
Showing Appreciation Thinking: At the end — “The materials you produced were ideal for the job” Feeling: At the start — “Thanks for taking the job on”During — “You’re doing a good job”At the end — “You did a great job”
Thinking/Feeling Keywords Thinking what is true detached cause & effect truth before tact analyse/criticise Feeling what matters involved impact on people tact before truth appreciate/empathise
Talking to Type: Thinking • Try to stick to a logical order • Present pros and cons, actions and consequences • Be ready to point out the weaknesses of your own arguments and theirs • Present attitudes and values as factors to be weighed in the decision
Talking to Type: Feeling • Try to establish a rapport before getting down to business • Present areas of agreement first • Consider how it will affect the people involved • Encourage them to voice their criticisms
I think that we could probably have that ready within about a month or so. I think we should have a definite delivery deadline. Why do they always have to be such a control freak? Why do they always have to be so disorganised? P/J
Judging/Perceiving Does the person prefer mostly to live ... ... in a decisive, planned and orderly way, aiming to regulate and control events? or ... in a spontaneous, flexible way, aiming to understand life and adapt to it?
Judging Perceiving Feels more comfortable establishing closure Feels more comfortable maintaining openness
Judging Perceiving Prefers order and structure Prefers going with the flow
Start Start End End Judging/Perceiving Judging Perceiving
Judging/Perceiving Keywords Judging structure closure organising decisive Perceiving flexibility openness adapting curious
Talking to Type: Judging • Present your structure and stick to it • Don’t spring surprises • Focus on concrete achievements and results • Be decisive, not “wishy-washy” • Allow opportunity for opinion forming
Talking to Type: Perceiving • Introduce new information and ideas • Allow time for exploration • Be prepared for things to flow and change • Give a range of options • Make it fun
Why don’t they match? Your “best fit” type and your “reported type” may not match for a number of reasons: • The indicator is not infallible • Answers can by influenced by • your upbringing • pressure from society • expected work behaviour • how you would like to be YOU ARE THE BEST JUDGE
UK Population Type Table OPP 1997