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Building for the Future. Administrative Retreat Villanova University August 16 and 17, 2011. Farewell and Best Wishes. Farewell and Best Wishes. Welcoming our new team. Welcoming our new team . Guiding Questions. What do we want for our students?
Building for the Future Administrative Retreat Villanova University August 16 and 17, 2011 Invest in Excellence
Farewell and Best Wishes Invest in Excellence
Farewell and Best Wishes Invest in Excellence
Welcoming our new team Invest in Excellence
Welcoming our new team Invest in Excellence
Guiding Questions • What do we want for our students? • Where do we want our schools to be in the next several years? • How will we get there? • How will we know we were successful? Invest in Excellence
Imagining the Future Invest in Excellence
The Jetsons Invest in Excellence
Jane Jetson Mask Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Recognize the high achievement of all students in the Radnor Township School District and create mechanisms for continual improvement. • Assess and manage the resources, both human and material, to create systems that will responsibly focus endeavors on behalf of all students and the community. • Define pathways that will upgrade and support a 21st century technology infrastructure to enhance education and operations for Radnor Township School District. • Network with the Radnor community in collaborative pursuits that guide our collective work. • Organize resources and create benchmarking systems to measure the effectiveness of our endeavors • Rejoice in the pride and spirit that are evident in Radnor, which reflect the uniqueness of our school district, and set a course to aggressively meet the challenges of today and codify the hopes and promises of tomorrow. Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Recognize the high achievement of all students in the Radnor Township School District and create mechanisms for continual improvement. • ACT and PSSA results • Public recognition on Web, in media, and at board meetings • Newsweek -Best American High Schools # 3 in PA • E-minders celebrates school accomplishments • Strong relationship with media What should we build for the future? Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Assess and manage the resources, both human and material, to create systems that will responsibly focus endeavors on behalf of all students and the community. • Over the past three years we have “collared” spending, created a streamlined organization • Transportation efficiencies in place for public & private school students • Ongoing analysis of personnel moving to insure equity for students and staff • E-team • Systemic requisitions system • Created systems for personnel that increases efficiency What should we build for the future? Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Define pathways that will upgrade and support a 21st century technology infrastructure to enhance education and operations for Radnor Township School District. • Move to virtual storage • TechPaths - Performance Tracker -IEP Plus -EAC • Online forms • Infrastructure upgrades • Increased funding of the technology budget • Integration of technology as a tool for instruction What should we build for the future? Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Network with the Radnor community in collaborative pursuits that guide our collective work. • University partnership work with Villanova, Eastern, Temple,University of Pennsylvania • Increased Stakeholder involvement for groups including: Staff- community - PTO – REF - RHSSF - Boosters - Alumni Association • Collaboration with surrounding school districts for program development • Communications Committee What should we build for the future? Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Organize resources and create benchmarking systems to measure the effectiveness of our endeavors. • Board goals/objectives/updates • First round of asset management • Participation in Keystone exams • Realignment of resources for RTI and REI • School-based data teams What should we build for the future? Invest in Excellence
Define Looking backward to move forward • Rejoice in the pride and spirit that are evident in Radnor, which reflect the uniqueness of our school district, and set a course to aggressively meet the challenges of today and codify the hopes and promises of tomorrow. • Successful labor negotiations • Focus on collaboration • Continue to thrive during economic crisis Invest in Excellence
DiscoverWhat were the lessons learned? • Where are we and how did we get there? • Is the “Radnor Way” still the same? • With new staff – how do we build the future for the new “Radnor Way?” Invest in Excellence
DiscoverWhat we do best! • Effective school and district leadership • Created a system of supports • Coordinated use of resources • Insured fiscal prudence • Prioritized family and school relationships • Committed to meeting the needs of all students Invest in Excellence
DiscoverWhat we do best • Educate great students • Maintain a dedicated & supportive faculty & staff • Good facilities (with Wayne emerging to greatness) • Provide varied and effective academic and extra curricular programs • Radnor Pride • Outstanding educational partners REF, PTO, PTSA, Boosters, Alumni • Supportive Board of School Directors Invest in Excellence
DiscoverWhat we should do better • Provide ongoing support for collegial collaboration and consistent use of best research-based teaching practices. • Develop a globally competitive curriculum and employ best research-based practices for instruction and assessment that reflect high expectations for all students. • Employ an integrated set of instructional strategies and learning opportunities • Acknowledge that race, socioeconomic status, and disability create the moral imperative for enhanced learning time & appropriate academic support • Rely on assessment that yields information for instruction Invest in Excellence
DiscoverWhat we should do better • Coordinate internal calendar – effective internal communication & planning • Communication with all stakeholders with a focus on message consistency • Regular and effective use of data in decision-making • Ongoing budgetary issues leading to perceptions of instability • Educating those not associated with RTSD • Fighting complacency • Motivating staff for excellence Invest in Excellence
DreamWhat we must never forget • To build relationships among faculty, staff, students, and their families that foster the belief within students that they can achieve excellence and advocate for their own success. • To provide a safe learning community that is welcoming, inclusive, respectful, and engaging, which embraces diversity and fosters enriched learning experiences for all. • To ensure that the District offers academic, enrichment, and co-curricular activities that are diverse, relevant, and accessible to all students Invest in Excellence
DreamLooking at our Mission and Vision • Is our mission and vision still relevant? • Have we…. • Created a willingness to look everywhere for examples of success and innovation? • Insured shared responsibility for student success? • Promoted fiscal sustainability? • Recognized that teachers are the heart of the school and should be empowered and held accountable? • Challenged ourselves to do better? Invest in Excellence
DesignWe are we now? • Board Goals • Curriculum & Instruction • Technology • Operations • Finance • Communications • Policy • Superintendent goals Invest in Excellence
DesignCreating the Strategic Vision • Realistic A vision must be based in reality to be meaningful for an organization • Credible A vision must be believable to be relevant • Attractive People must want to be part of this future that's envisioned for the organization. • Future for [an] organization A vision is not in the present, it is in the future Invest in Excellence
DeliverWhat’s in our tool box? • Great leadership team • Collaboration/cooperation and dedication • Board Goals • Energy, passion, creativity, drive • Imagination and a sense of urgency • Measuring our outcomes Invest in Excellence
Building for the Future Let’s Get Started! Invest in Excellence