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This survey explores the roles, training, and satisfaction levels of swimming coaches in the Waikato region in New Zealand. Topics include coaching job titles, operational months, city presence, professional development courses, and satisfaction with support from Swimming Waikato.

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  2. 1. What is your current coaching job title? • Comments: COMMENTS: • but LTS in winter • and aquatic programs manager (lts, water safteyetc) • Also teach Learn to Swim • 3 Coaches in the club, each with a different squad. My group are all competitive swimmers. • for tirau swim club, and independent coach for tokoroa swim club

  3. 2. Is your club operational year round? If your answer is NO, how many months a year is your club operational for? COMMENTS: • 5 mths • but we swim out of four different pools year round, and our main pool is only 20meters • 6 Months Oct - March • tokoroais and tirau is a summer only club

  4. 3. Does your club operate in a city? COMMENTS: • town • 20m indoor pool available during the colder months. • Outside of Hamilton at School

  5. 4. I am a member of NZSCAT (New Zealand Swimming Coaches and Teachers) COMMENTS: • Seems like i have been for ages - since Rebecca Perrot was swimming.

  6. 5. I attend the NZSCAT conference COMMENTS: • only been in Country for a year and did not attend (mainly due to cost and the number of away trips just prior • Not every year. • have not to date - expect to next year • Not as yet. • Yes when the opportunity comes around • Work comitments and costs • Australian one • sometimes

  7. 6. I attend the Central Swimming Coaches Summit COMMENTS: • only have had 1 opportunity to attend and intended to go, but it clashed with NZ Age Group Camp which I was coaching. • have not to date - expect to next time • Work commitments and time restraints. • very good got a lot out of it

  8. 7. Please list coaching clinics and professional development courses you attend both nationally and internationally • In the past, I have attended the Australian Swim Coaches and Teachers Annual Conference • Ones set up by or promoted by Sport Waikato mainly • have been on swimming NZ courses and been part of South Island Coaches Forum • summit, ACA skills level one Coaching/swimming clinics at St Peters, train with a champion day • Coaching Development Course • Loughborough University - UK • For over 20 years I have done these courses each year by Romania Swimming Federation and in the last three years in the swimming summit organized by Waikato and three regions • local ones • Work with Tom and george on Saturday mornings at St Peters. have done this for the past 2 and a half years. • acajuniors coaching course at st peters, which i have passed, also coaching summit rotorua • Leadership courses, Currently studying MSc Peformance coaching (2years) • Australian coaches conference Worked with Top 3 Australian coaches at their programs

  9. 8. Who funds your professional development? COMMENTS: • Club will assist, but not sure to what level at this point • council/employer • In Romania by Federation

  10. 9. How satisfied are you with the support and resources Swimming Waikato provides to developing swimmers to reach their potential?

  11. 9. How satisfied are you with the support and resources Swimming Waikato provides to developing swimmers to reach their potential? COMMENTS: • Although I am not aware of any resources and am only aware of a cash payment being made to those swimmers attending National meets. So ignorance may play a part in this response. • Most support comes from Sport Waikato • have not been in waikato long enough to know • pretty new to coaching, but as a swimmer when i was swimming i got a lot more then what they do now,(maybe my views based on my skill level of my swimmers) and there’s nothing for bottom end swimmers to encourage them to be better swimmers they just see the faster get faster but as a region nothing to help them be like them or want them to be like them • We seem to cater for the top bracket, forget the middle, and have recently begun to focus on the under 12's If St peter's had not run coaching Clinics during the summer, then nothing would have been done. • We do a great job at 12under and early age group level (you know the easy years of a swimmers career) what about the next level where you have to work harder and don't get so much out of it, where things not so easy etc, do we do a good job there? No, that why swimmers level there needs are different and support required different so they go to where they get it.

  12. 10. How satisfied are you with the support Swimming Waikato currently provides Coaches within the region?

  13. 10. How satisfied are you with the support Swimming Waikato currently provides Coaches within the region? COMMENTS: • The only support I am aware of is the 贄 offered to Coaches who attend the CSNZ Summit this year. SW can't even send a letter of thanks to Coaches who have given their support and time to Regional swimming competition (as coach of team) or relay Coach at major meets. • Again most support comes from Sport Waikato • have not been in waikato long enough to know • pretty happy as a region coaches are happy to help me out when ever i need help, but i would like someone to come in to my sessions maybe for 5 days or something to tell me what i can and can't do better other then just me going and watching other coaches • Failure by the competitive organising committee to realise that without coaches, there would be no swimmers. Would appreciate receiving tea, coffee etc. on pool deck, especially in the early start mornings. Have started to take the ingredients myself, so that the coaches can go and make a cuppa, when they wish to. • I would ask how does the board feel they have supported the coaches? me anything i have done i have done on my own not any people will do that. Tell me a great swimmer who does not have a great coach anywhere in the world. So do you support the coaches in the REGION?

  14. 11. How satisfied are you with communication between Swimming Waikato and Coaches? COMMENTS: • There is certainly a lot of room for improvement here • would be nice if there was some communication about relay entries before events with regional relays • its pretty good swim waikato are doing a good job to keep us informed, but as coaches we get caught up in our own programs sometimes as a coach i don't always read emails or fill in sheets at meets • Very little communication, unless initiate by the coaches themselves - then some members of the Competition committee pooh-hoo our comments. • it is ok we have meetings but we need to support and follow through on what is said.

  15. 12. How satisfied are you with the input Coaches have in regards to calendar and meet planning for the region?

  16. 12. How satisfied are you with the input Coaches have in regards to calendar and meet planning for the region? COMMENTS: • Coaches are invited to calendar meeting, but as with the last one held, if only 2/3 coaches turn up, then I can certainly understand the frustration felt by the competition committee. We have access to coaches meetings regarding programming for some meets and have the opportunity to respond to survey sheets, often handed out at Waikato meets, so I feel there is ample opportunity to get ones thoughts across. • have not been in waikato long enough to know but the two waikato events since I have been here have not been too impressive • well i never got to really have an input this year but i did last year but that may be my fault • Not been head coach long enough to be invited. • Competitions should be planned in accordance with annual plans training • More involvement could help to involve more clubs • Provided that coaches attend, but I have found that having spent a full afternoon, two years running, that changes to the programme and also the events have happened. Also waiting for the programme of events forduel meet in Dec. This was promised in March. There is no excuse for the now president to say that they were too busy. If you can't do a job, then you shouldn't be there. • an area which has for the last years i have been coaching still been a issue, my answer LONG TERM PLANNING IS THE KEY not year to year 8 + years

  17. 13. How satisfied are you with the professional development opportunities provided and financially supported by Swimming Waikato? COMMENTS: • Not to say that there is support that I am aware of, just that I don't really expect much support in this area from the region. Not sure what is available in other regions, but it would be very much appreciated if it were available in any form. • have not been in waikato long enough to know • well over the 2 years I've been coaching i was just invited to one opportunity and that was the train with a champ which was fun, but i did also attend the coaching summits which i have learnt a lot from so I'm happy • These need to more evident to coaches. • Info sent about Central Swimming and the offer of payment

  18. 14. How satisfied are you with the resources and support provided to you by Swimming Waikato in regards to Coach recruitment and retention? COMMENTS: • I don't know of any support available in this area. It would be good if a "noticeboard" could be set up on the website for clubs to notify of vacancies of a temporary or permanent nature, and for coaches within or outside the area to declare their availability etc. • have not been in waikato long enough to know • well i haven't really been given any??? • Not been in the position to use the service although wasn't aware of it. • Little seems to be happening on this front. • is there any?

  19. 15. How satisfied are you with the delivery of the Central Swimming development program?

  20. 15. How satisfied are you with the delivery of the Central Swimming development program? COMMENTS: • I can appreciate that this is a work in progress but feel that in the short time I have been here, I have not been overawed by the motivation of swimmers to be a Waikato Representative. I believe the SW Region need to encourage swimmers and discover incentives to further create swimmer interest in being a member of the Waikato team, which will in turn help development of CSNZ. The same can be said for Coaches, as it should be an honour to be selected on Regional Team and it should require a selection process,, instead of the current situation of begging coaches to participate. With regard to the aquaknightsprogramme, I see no advantage to a swimmer being a member or attend the annual camp, but having said that the tightening of criteria and with Clive working to instil new blood and different ideas to the camp, is certainly a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, as with the 2011 Summit clashing with a National TAG Camp, the proposed Aquaknights Camp in Rotorua clashes with a National Youth Camp, and there are swimmers affected by this. • There appears to be a great program happening but a lack of regular news, updates available • happy with it but its still only aimed to help the 10% faster to get faster which is cool but what about the other 90% • I do not know anything about the program. • Its good for competition but what other purpose does it have? • The target times are too difficult, and off putting for swimmers - especially in the smaller country clubs. Maybe there should be another tier. Without the younger swimmer getting opportunities to attend camps etc, we will not develop our senior groups • this program could be the key in long term swimmer and coach development , support it is important

  21. 16. How satisfied are you with the quality of the meets hosted and run by Swimming Waikato?

  22. 16. How satisfied are you with the quality of the meets hosted and run by Swimming Waikato? COMMENTS: • Generally meets are run well, but quality is definitely a problem with some. I believe that there are too many Waikato run meets, the programmes are tool long and there are too many meets with finals. Its time we realised that the only supporters and spectators are generally the parents and in many cases grandparents, and these people are continuously putting hands in pockets. Club membership and associated SNZ costs; coaching fees; events fees; programme and entry fess; accommodation costs when meets run for 2 days or more; its never-ending! • There have only been 2 swimming waikato meets in my time here. LC meet held same weekend as Div II and SC meet at TeAwamutu that was not even supported by the local club. • i think as a region of coaches we need to support the meets more and maybe as coaches plan a competitive programme based around swimmers skill level, that we agree were going to send kids to and just have them just for those level kids or something because some meets there have been hardly any swimmers which sucks • There is total lack of atmosphere. • Lack energy • Organisation could be tighter and more streamlined - again too few people actually involved from the Board and the Competition Committee • /you guys do a good job here, well done, • Meets are there to be fun and enjoyable for the swimmers, not put people to sleep half an hour after warm up

  23. 17. Do you know and understand the Swimming Waikato vision and how it relates to your role as a Coach? COMMENTS: • I know nothing about this vision and just spent 5 minutes looking at the Waikato website, but found no information. • there is a vision? • haven't seen the vision • More communication on short and long term strategy • I do keep up to date with what is happening ibn the world of swimming • Is there a vision?

  24. 18. The Sportsforce Development Officer is an effective resource that I use to support my club and coaching program COMMENTS: • Have only just become aware of this position, so not sure of the value to the club. • I do not use the Development Officer, but really appreciate her newsletters. • Chrissdoes a great job and it is hard work she needs all our support to carry on doing what she does. in the long term we will see it coming through

  25. 19. What are your expectations of a regional swimming body in supporting Coaches? COMMENTS: • I don't expect anything but would appreciate recognition, when involved with the Swimming Waikato Teams. • be there when needed • None • Communicate what is happening, ask coaches opinion. This survey is great but in my short time here I have seen some major blunders that could have been avoided with coach input. There were no 13/14 relay teams entered for Div II - this was embarrassing considering we had some of the fastest swimmers in this age group. Yet we had B teams entered in the senior age group - with younger swimmers who could have been pushing to win their age "participating" in a B team. Div II relay teams were a disaster - re TeAwamutu meet - local club did not support.... why was this? this should be a major wake-up call to those running the region. • being the link to help Jnr coaches work with Snr level coaches outside of their clubs to develop, to be given opportunities to watch learn and given opportunities to work with the waikato swim team first under guidance from a snr coach to help build confidence to be strong coaches for a future with strong swimmers there’s a lot of effort and planning put into developing swimmers but not a lot put into developing coaches as a region, to get better swimmers long term we need to develop coaches long term as well even if snz doesn't have any quails to gain coaches working with coaches • That all Coaches get to learn how to coach from beginners to high performance

  26. 19. What are your expectations of a regional swimming body in supporting Coaches? COMMENTS (continued): • Training opportunities, resources and a strong communication line should be a priority. Coaches are a key component and are not getting the support. • Providing networking opportunities. Offering PD opportunities. Club visits for direction on what meets to target. • More financial security to be able to work quietly • On going feed of information that we can use or pass on to someone within our club to help up skill, help out and just become more involved in the regional aspect of swimming. • To listen to our requests, and to allow participation in the forming of events. • To provide leadership and support for all coaches to ensure all swimmers have the chance to forfill there goals • Coaches development, financial support towards development, providing opportunities of further development as swim camps, inviting overseas coaches... • To provide funding and support for coaches throughout the region, provide quality professional development opportunities and maybe even coaches scholarships to aid in funding the professional development opportunities.

  27. 20. What are the things that you see as being positive in swimming within our region? COMMENTS: • Healthy numbers of competitive swimmers, band of very willing officials and committee members, quite a few active clubs and coaches are trying to promote and develop swimming and not simply survive, a great competition facility in a very central location. • not sure • SportsforceWaikato Programmes • We have some strong swimmers, strong coaches and are placed excellently to take advantage of opportunities in other neighbouring regions. Events like the inter regional team are a great way to make the most from this. • individual coaches putting their hands up to help smaller clubs to be better and moving towards being able to compete with bigger clubs • We have our own 50m covered pool. Which means we get quality swimming all year round. • Swimming is getting by, reasonable structure in place. Lots of room for improvement • A lot of good professional coaches at present. Good swimming facilities. • Coaches summit • The passion that everyone has to try and get our swimmers to their highest potential. • We are building a stronger base in the junior area, and now need to keep the older5 swimmers in the competition area. This would happen if they had to be affiliated (in full) i.e. competitive. • We have a great organising committee which always run very good meets which i feel help. • Up to this day nothing. The organisation has been not working well. • That we have a large junior swimming base which can be expanded and improved to be one, if not the, top junior swimming region in the country and this, in years to come, will fall into the senior level of swimming. THE JUNIOR LEVEL IS WHERE IT HAS TO START!!!!

  28. 21. What concerns do you have with the way in which swimming is operating within our region? COMMENTS: • Too many regionally run meets; too many meets taking 2 days or more; too many meets with finals. Lack if interest shown by swimmers and coaches to be representative of the region. No incentives to be an aquaknight, ie no competition opportunity as a group, no trip away etc. all they get is a jacket and a camp. Competition facility which stands to overprice itself, and have a severe impact on regional swimming competition and training. Lack of competitiveness in younger age groups ie 7,8,9, year olds (swimming not being developed enough at these younger ages) • not sure • The gap between the haves and have nots widening (city clubs as apposed to country or small town clubs) • Too much focus on political BULLSHIT. At the end of the day, what is going to get more swimmers into the sport in our region? what is going to give our swimmers the best chance of achieving at the highest level their potential allows? Swimmers need to take priority over politics. • There’s to many clubs for so little swimmers and not enough working together as a region, and to much individuals and feels like segregation at swim meets and even when we go to national meets the kids compete against each other but don't really know each other same thing with the coaches there’s no fun at swim meets or pride to represent your region just smile • That the Hamilton City Council are out pricing the hire of our magnificent 50 metre swimming complex. • Lack of direction, communication. • That the coaches are for themselves and not for the swimmers. • Move too easily from one club to another without reason. These moves damage performance.

  29. 21. What concerns do you have with the way in which swimming is operating within our region? COMMENTS (Continued): • Move too easily from one club to another without reason. These moves damage performance. • Our struggle is access to a pool on a regular basis • 9region and clubs seem distant and almost there is not enough to bond the two together. We need to have more open coaching/regional communication to build bridges and help get everyone more actively involved in all aspects. • Lack of communication Late notifications of changes to programs • Ű.00 per race is getting to expensive. All meet races should be ŭ.00 • I feel we still don't have a fully functional pathway for swimmer to achieve FINA A level swimming and therefor any swimmer we produce in this region will always level we can build swimmer up to a level at age and youth as we have with many swimmers but for the next level we lose them which in greats and gap and rebuilding in our region • Loosing swimmers due to loosing interest in racing ( As our meets are not appealing) Loosing coaches due to lack of support. No further coaches and Swimmer development plan. • Nobody on the board seems to care, the competitions are boring and dull, the board has no clear vision or direction, there is lots of people in the region pushing their own agendas and not buying into the whole region, junior swimming for waikato is boring and dull and I am not surprised that there is no support or excitement about swimming in the region at the moment

  30. 22. Would you like Coaches to work more collaboratively within our region?

  31. 23. If you answered YES in question 22. Explain how and in what form would you like this to happen. If you answered NO in question 22, explain why not. • like to see a mentoring programme introduced, where the coaches of smaller clubs or inexperienced coaches could visit bigger clubs or programmes to gain experience and ideas. This could mean that selected Coaches be granted a scholarship to participate in the programme and being able to select from a list of willing and established coaches and then make appropriate arrangements with that coach to visit their programme for a couple of days. An alternative would be to select established coaches and then make appropriate arrangements with that coach to visit their programme for a couple of days. An alternative, would be to select established coaches to go to outlining areas to conduct clinics for swimmers, and/ or coaches. I know Chris Jolly does a good job running this type of thing for swimmers, but a little more emphasis on helping these coaches may be of benefit to them and swimming within the region. • not sure • At the moment the coaches of the smaller clubs in our area work together with the help of sports force but we have none or little contact with the bigger clubs and this becomes difficult when we do have the better, more dedicated and driven swimmers coming through. • unsure as I do not know all the personalities involved yet • explained it right through, eventually at the moment kids are going to out grow my knowledge as a coach I'm happy to admit to kids that they're out growing my club, kids don't want to leave because they don't know trust or like other coaches, this wouldn't happen if we worked more together the kids get to know them, or i could even benefit from it my self learning more and being able to take them a little bit further, • That Coaches work together work on getting the best training/meets for all competitors. • Mentoring roles, sharing of resources and knowledge amongst other coaches.

  32. 23. If you answered YES in question 22. Explain how and in what form would you like this to happen. If you answered NO in question 22, explain why not. • Coaches need to understand their strengths and that swimmers should be passed to other coaches to let the swimmer reach their full potential. A coaches forum would help to some point. Swimming Waikato maybe to organise team building events outside of swimming. • Yes and no. Yes because that would be normal to raise the performance level of the country and not because some coaches believe that is the smartest and attract athletes to complete their squad and other lose their job. • Have visiting training sessions with other clubs so swimmers get the opportunity to train along others of their group. This in return should help to keep interest in the sport the older the swimmers get as at the moment their is not a lot of support going into this and swimmers may be losing interest at club level as their is no one at their club for them to train against. Could be a camp once a month or so? • Most of the coaches in the Waikato Region do talk to each other at each meet. We do support one and another as our interest is to increase the base and the competitive squads of the Region. Informal meetings over lunch (provided) during the break in meets that have 2 sessions or more. • we pretty much do anyway, maybe another coaching summit just for the waikato coaches? • firstly it must be swimmer driven, we have to give them something they want to be part of, to do that we as coaches need to elt you guys know what that is, then it is up to the region to help support and make sure that what we need works with no excuses or watering down, No one can be successful if they water it down and make it easy, Performance (which is for every swimmer to be at there best no matter what level) is hard work and takes main hours ask any successful business man. swimming is the same • All of us coaches have our own qualities and can help another coaches or learn from the rest. Working together will definitely strengthen our reigon. • Courses, Camps, Development Courses, Joint Coaching Sessions, there are endless opportunities.

  33. 24. Indicate where you look for swimming related information on the internet COMMENTS: • Swim Info • Sportsforce, • There are many great websites. I can't go to Waikato website to look for information as the website is hardly updated and there is no information that I could use.

  34. 25. Final Comments • Very positive to be asked for coach opinion as an overall. would be nice to have similar input more often. Planning calendar, meets etc. • thanks just smile • Good luck.! • Maybe its an idea to have an appointed regional coach for Waikato to run the development days - it doesn't feel a united approach at the moment - the swimmers are not proud to swim for Waikato as it feels disjointed. • Progress has been made, but there is still a long way to go. We have not yet fulfilled the items on the Strategic Plan, written several years ago • indoor pool complexes like tokoroa and teawamutuetc should run more meets in winter time • We will always be as strong as your weakest link. If you want change to happen and get different out comes you need to make the changes and support them through the time that it runs, Good luck • Looking forward to see some changes. There is much to do. But with united team this job can be lot easier. Swimmers come first we MUST know what do they need, and what can be done to help them to reach the top. • Lets get the region back in shape for the future

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