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WGS Faculty Affiliations. Dr. Barbara Bennett. Interests Contemporary L iterature American L iterature Southern L iterature W omen's L iterature E nvironmental L iterature Publications Scheherazade's Daughters (Peter Lang Pub., 2012)
Dr. Barbara Bennett Interests Contemporary Literature American Literature Southern Literature Women's Literature Environmental Literature Publications Scheherazade's Daughters (Peter Lang Pub., 2012) Soul of a Lion (National Geographic Books, 2010) Understanding Jill McCorkle (University of South Carolina Press, 2000) Comic Vision, Female Voices (Louisiana State University Press, 1998) Education PhD in American Literature from Arizona State University http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/babennet http://www.Facebook.com/BennettAuthor barbara_bennett@ncsu.edu
Dr. Chris Pierce Interests Ethics Feminism Gay Issues Publications IMMOVABLE LAWS, IRRESISTIBLE RIGHTS: NATURAL LAW, MORAL RIGHTS, AND FEMINIST ETHICS (Kansas, 2000) THE ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS AND POLICY BOOK (Wadsworth, 2003). http://ids.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/cpierce chris_pierce@ncsu.edu
Dr. Karey Harwood Interests Bioethics Feminist Ethics Reproductive Technologies Reproductive Freedom Publications The Infertility Treadmill: Feminist Ethics, Personal Choice, and the Use of Reproductive Technologies. Chapel Hill: UNC P, 2007. http://www4.ncsu.edu/~kaharwoo/ http://uncpress.unc.edu/browse/book_detail?title_id=1426 karey_harwood@ncsu.edu
Dr. Sinikka Elliot Interests Family Inequality Gender Sexuality Feminist Theory, Qualitative Research Methods Publications Elliott, Sinikka. 2012. Not My Kid: What Parents Believe about the Sex Lives of Their Teenagers. New York: New York University Press. Education PhD in Sociology from University of Texas at Austin, 2008 MA in Sociology from University of Texas at Austin, 2002 BA (with honors) in Sociology from Dalhousie University, 1992 http://socant.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/sgelliot sinikka_elliott@ncsu.edu sinikka_elliott@ncsu.edu
Dr. Mary Wyer Interests Higher Education Gender STEM Career Commitments Faculty Women Curriculum Innovation Recent Publications Wyer, M., Barbercheck, M., Giesman, D., Ozturk, O.O., and Wayne, M. (Eds.) (2nd edition, 2009). Women, science and technology. New York: Routledge. Wyer, M. (2008). Feminism/feminist science studies. In S. Rosser, ed.,Gender myths and beliefs in scientific research. New York: ABC-CLIO. http://ids.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/mbwyer http://psychology.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/mwyer.php mary_wyer@ncsu.edu
Dr. Amy Halberstadt Interests Socialization of emotional experience and expression in the family, and embedded within cultural cues. Things I dislike: Sexism, racism, and chiggers. Recent Publications McElwain, N., Halberstadt, A. G., & Volling, B. (in press). Mother- and father-reported reactions to children’s negative emotions: Relations to young children’s emotional understanding and friendship quality. Child Development. Thompson, J. A., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2005). Sibling jealousy and implicit beliefs. Social Development. http://www4.ncsu.edu/~halbers/index.html http://psychology.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/aghalberstadt.php Amy_Halberstadt@ncsu.edu
Dr. Deborah Hooker InterestsFeminist Theory (economics, maternity, spirituality, environmentalism) Orality/Literacy & Gender Fantasy Literature Recent Publications“Disavowing Maternity in Evangeline Walton’s The Virgin and the Swine: High Fantasy Meets the Female Social Protest Fiction of the 1930s” in Imagining Wales: Essays on Welsh Mythology in Popular Culture. Eds. Audrey Becker and Kristin Noone. McFarland. Spring 2011. “The Woman in the Race: Racing and Re-racing Tess in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 7.1 (Spring) 2011. http://www.ncgsjournal.com/issue71/issue71.htm “Fl(orality), Gender, and the Environmental Ethos of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.” Twentieth Century Literature 52.3 (2006): 275-305. http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/dahooker dahooker@ncsu.edu
Dr. Leila S. May Interests Nineteenth-century British novel and culture, with a particular focus on gender issues and women's roles and representations. Publications In ELH, Studies in English Literature, Philosophy and Literature, Criticism, Philological Quarterly and Modern Language Review Disorderly Sisters: Sibling Relations and Sororal Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP and London: Associated University P, 2001. The Paradox of Duplicity: The Dialectics of Secrecy and Disclosure in the Victorian Novel (In progress) Education Ph.D. in English Literature from University of California, Berkeley, 1994 http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/leila http://www4.ncsu.edu/~leila/index2.htm leila@ncsu.edu
Dr. Marcie Myers Fisher-Borne Interests LGBT youth and family issues Community-Based Participatory Research Health Inequalities/Social Determinants of Health Cultural Humility/Social Justice Qualitative Research University/Community Partnerships Education PHD in Social Work from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009 MSW in Management and Community Practice from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004 MPH in Public Health Leadership, from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003 BA in Philosophy, from Louisiana State University, 1997 BA in Women and Gender Studies, from Louisiana State University, 1997 http://socialwork.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/mmfishe2 mmfishe2@ncsu.edu
Katherina Mellon-Charron Interests U.S. 20th Century, Women's History African American History Southern History Publications Freedom’s Teacher: The Life of Septima Clark. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009 Recollections of My Slavery Days by William Henry Singleton. Raleigh: North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1999 ed. Charron, Katherine Mellen, and David S. Cecelski “SeptimaPoinsette Clark: The Evolution of an Educational Stateswoman.” in South Carolina Women Their Lives and Times, ed. edited by Marjorie Spruill Wheeler, Valinda Littlefield, and Joan M. Johnson (UGA Press, 2012) “We've Come a Long Way: Septima Clark, the Warings and the Changing Civil Rights Movement.” in /Groundwork: Local Black Freedom Movements in America/, ed. Jeanne Theoharis and Komozi Woodard (New York: New York University Press, 2005) pp. 116-39 Education M.A. in Afro-American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph. D. in U.S. History, Yale University, 2005 2006-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for the Study of the American South, UNC-Chapel Hill 2010 NC State University CHASS Outstanding Teacher Award http://history.ncsu.edu/faculty/view/katherine_mellen_charron kmcharron@ncsu.edu
Dr. Ashley Simons-Rudolph Interests Reproductive health Feminist economics International women’s issues Education NC State Alumna Ph.D in Gender and Social Policy from The George Washington University in Washington DC Currently, Director, NC State Women’s Center http://oia.ncsu.edu/dice/person/view/personId/458 http://ids.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/apsimons http://oied.ncsu.edu/womens-center/about-us/staff/ apsimons@ncsu.edu
Dr. Heidi Grappendorf Interests Gender issues in sport management Diversity Career paths of female athletic directors Role congruity theory SWAs and leaders in sports Publications Grappendorf, H. (2010). Women in Intercollegiate Athletics. In O’Connor, K (Ed.), Gender and Women’s Leadership: A reference handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Editor. Hums, M.A., Bower, G., & Grappendorf, H. (Eds.) (2007). Women as leaders in sport: Impact and Influence. Reston, VA: National Association of Girls and Women in Sport. Education University of New Mexico; Albuquerque, NM PhD University of Northern Colorado; Greeley, CO MA Dana College; Blair, NE BA http://cnr.ncsu.edu/prtm/faculty/grappendorf.php http://oied.ncsu.edu/womens-center/about-us/staff/ heidi_grappendorf@ncsu.edu
Dr. Laura Severin Interests Contemporary Scottish women poets Publications Poetry Off the Page: Twentieth-Century British Women Poets in Performance. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. Stevie Smith's Resistant Antics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1997. Numerous articles on twentieth-century and recent British literature. Education Ph.D. in Twentieth-Century British Literature from Indiana University, 1989 http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/lrs laura_severin@ncsu.edu
Dr. Cat Warren Interests English Journalism Media Gender Studies Cultural Studies Higher Education Publications Editor of Academe, the magazine of the American Association of University Professors, 2009-12. Reporter for several newspapers across the United States, including the Hartford Courant. What the Dog Knows: The Science and Wonder of Working Dogs (forthcoming, October 2013/Touchstone) http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/cwarren http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/pubsres/academe/ cat_warren@ncsu.edu