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Disciplinary Ways of Thinking. Nosich , chapter 3. What do the following images have in common?. http://media.scout.com/Media/Image/26/260692.gif. http://www.forshang.org/images/025/Image1.gif. http://www.bized.ac.uk/virtual/economy/policy/tools/income/inctaxth5.gif.
Disciplinary Ways of Thinking Nosich, chapter 3
Now think about HOW you knew the answers…. • To recognize these acts of thinking, you had to understand the SYMBOL SYSTEM of a discipline • You had to recognize important CONCEPTS and INFORMATION • You had to make ASSUMPTIONS and draw CONCLUSIONS. • In other words,
You had to think critically from a discipline’s point of view
What does it mean to “think in a discipline”? • Know what ideas are central to that discipline—its f & p concepts • Understand the logic of the fieldand its point of view • Know and use the symbol system(s) of that discipline (terms, jargon, shorthand, forms) • Understand what you bring to the field (point of view, impediments, filters, etc.) • Move from outsider (apprentice) to insider (professional)
How do you learnto think in a discipline? Enculturation through • Instruction (classes, textbooks, etc.) & testing • Observation and practice (fieldwork, internships, labs, practicums, etc.) • Experience (actually doing it) • Engagement (journals, conferences, talking to other practitioners)
Here’s what I want you to do for Wednesday…. • Re-read and heavily annotate chapter 3 of Nosich. • Then look at the example on pp. 100-101 (“The logic of Earth Sciences”) and see how it uses the elements. • Then go on our FacebookDiscussion Board and start a topic for the logic of YOUR discipline (be it Interior Design or Sports Mgmt.) or whatever. Write out how you see—at this stage of your career—the logic of the field you’ve chosen. • If someone else with the same major starts a thread for it first, then post your answer as a reply to that thread so that you can play off each other. • We will talk about these in class on Wednesday.