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WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM. Webinar 2: Recruitment. Please Note: This webinar is being recorded. Both the link to this recording and the PowerPoint presentation will be sent to you following this webinar. Webinar Attendee Helpful Tips.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM Webinar 2: Recruitment Please Note: This webinar is being recorded. Both the link to this recording and the PowerPoint presentation will be sent to you following this webinar.

  2. Webinar Attendee Helpful Tips • Lets review a few guidelines for optimal Webinar attendee experience. • This webinar broadcast has begun with all attendees in “Listen Only” mode. • On the next couple slides, we’ll explain how to use your “Webinar Control Panel.”

  3. Helpful Tips: General Use

  4. Helpful Tips: Audio Controls • You have the option of choosing one of two audio modes: • Telephone • Mic & Speakers • When using the telephone component be sure to enter your audio pin, which is displayed in the audio pane.

  5. Helpful Tips: Help Options • If you are encountering any issues with your webinar experience, please type your questions into the Questions Log. • If you continue to have difficulty with any portion of the webinar, please contact GoToWebinar help, either by calling their help line at 1.888.259.8414 and selecting option 1, or by clicking on the Help option on top of your webinar panel and selecting “GoToWebinar Help.” • Thank you for your attention and patience! Now let’s begin our presentation.

  6. Are you ready? Readiness Webinar: • Board on board • Membership committee • S.M.A.R.T. membership goals • Campaign timetable • Plan to ensure campaign success

  7. WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM Webinar 2: Recruitment Sara Charney, Vice President, Service to Sisterhoods & Districts Dara Amram, Membership Co-Chair Sharon Zydney, Membership Co-Chair Rachel Jurisz, Manager, Service to Sisterhoods & Districts

  8. Goal Of Recruitment For each and every sisterhood member to feel welcomed, valued, and engaged In this webinar you will learn about: • Starting the conversation • WRJ’s Just Ask program • Membership techniques • Building bridges with younger members • Recruitment communication

  9. Starting the Conversation Membership committee : • Be well-versed • Develop talking points • Role play membership conversations

  10. Create your Oneg Schpiel • Write down deliverables - quick information about sisterhood • Create a captivating opening sentence • Practice Your delivery

  11. Objections to Membership Typical Objections: • I don’t have the time to participate • I can’t afford membership fees right now • There’s nobody my age in the sisterhood I understand how you FEEL I FELT the same way What I have FOUND…

  12. !Ways to RecruitMake the “Ask” • Identify non-members • Ask them to join • Plan a “Phon-a-thon” (Just Ask) • Set up Meet & Greets • Bring friends • Co-sponsor events • Program variety • Plan your calendar ahead

  13. Develop Connections • Welcome new temple members • Connection committee holiday greetings • Find out about their interests • Remind about upcoming sisterhood programs

  14. Just Ask – It Totally Works! “It totally works! We used WRJ’s Just Ask program and in one year it doubled our sisterhood’s membership!We had food and prizes. We had leaders in sisterhood and women who have never volunteered before. We had women of all ages calling.” Congregation Beth Israel Sisterhood Austin, TX

  15. Marketing Sisterhood • Letter/Postcard Campaign • Membership and program sections on sisterhood webpage • Temple bulletin articles and pictures • WRJ Membership Ad Templates • Electronic picture frame – “Are you in the picture?”

  16. Marketing Sample WRJ Website: Membership Matters Toolkit Sample Brochure from Community Synagogue

  17. Recruitment Communication • E-mail • Updates • Temple website • Utilize clergy • Social media • Powerful testimonials

  18. Building Bridges with Younger Members • Evaluate and develop your approaches to learning about the interests of the young women in your congregation and planning programs that will stimulate them to join your sisterhood Hint: This works for ALL members!

  19. Engaging and Recruiting Younger Members • Meet them where they’re “at” • Work through obstacles • Design tailored programs • Engage children and family (sometimes) • Build partnerships within congregation • Offer babysitting • Find and utilize liaisons

  20. Programming • One size does not fit all • Never give up • Think outside the box • Program outside temple walls • Personalized follow up

  21. Programming Ideas Many of these ideas come from the WRJ publications Membership MattersandProgramming Possibilities. Martinis and Midrash Chai Tea Parlor Meetings Ladies’ Lounge M&Ms and Membership Progressive dinner Vodka and Latkes Buddy Match Coffee Shop Klatch Mah Jongg Madness Art Museum Tour Membership Caravan

  22. Oh the Places You’ll Go • Recruit members incorporating various techniques • Retain the members you gained

  23. WRJ Resources

  24. Questions & Answers • If you would like to type a question, use the Questions panel. • We may not have the availability to answer every question. Fear not! We will follow-up with you after the presentation should we not answer your question during our webinar.

  25. Next webinar: Retention Monday April 30, 2012 8 PM ET Women of Reform Judaism 633 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Toll free: 866-WRJ-5925 Tel: 212-650-4050 www.WRJ.org info@wrj.org

  26. Thank you for attending! If you have any further questions, please contact: Sharon Zydney Sara Charney Membership Co-Chair Vice President Women of Reform Judaism Service to Sisterhoods & Districts sharon.zydney@gmail.comscharney@rogers.com 908.322.0364 416-451-7292 Dara Amram Rachel Jurisz Membership Co-Chair Manager Women of Reform Judaism Service to Sisterhoods & Districts amram_jd@bellsouth.netrjurisz@wrj.org 678.787.6757 212.650.4063 A recording of this webinar presentation will available on the WRJ webpage: www.wrj.org/ThreeRsWebinars

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