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Diversity Lesson

Diversity Lesson. Katie Bornhorst, Kristen Race, Meghen Sanders, & Andy Wheeler. General Diversity Teaching Resources Age Belief System/Religion Class Exceptionalities. Disabilities Gender Language Race/Ethnicity Sexual Orientation. Table of Contents. Diversity Awareness & Tolerance.

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Diversity Lesson

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  1. Diversity Lesson Katie Bornhorst, Kristen Race, Meghen Sanders, & Andy Wheeler

  2. General Diversity Teaching Resources Age Belief System/Religion Class Exceptionalities Disabilities Gender Language Race/Ethnicity Sexual Orientation Table of Contents

  3. Diversity Awareness & Tolerance Sophomore English

  4. General Diversity Websites • Center for Multicultural, Multilingual Research http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/CMMR/ • Diversity Works! http://www.non-trivial.com/f_div.htm • Addressing Cultural Diversity Issues http://www.introspecinc.com/ • Diversity World http://www.diversityworld.com/ • Diversity http://www.crh.noaa. gov/diversity/diversity.htm

  5. General Diversity Activities • Participate in the Respect Exercise to discuss your views on respect in the classroom. • Conduct a census to identify classsmates’ ancestral origins. • Write a “Who Am I Poem” to express what is important about your identity. • Have a discussion about the definitions of prejudice, racism, classism, sexism, and homophobia. • Discuss ways in which you were made to feel included or excluded in a particular situation.

  6. Teaching Resources Websites • Promoting Recognition of Diversity http://prod.netfirms.com/index.htm • Teaching Tolerance http://splcenter.org/teachingtolerance/tt-index.html • Gentle Teaching http://www.gentleteaching.nl/ • The Faculty Connection http://www.facultyconnection.org/ • Multicultural Tools Activities Workbook http://www.hrpress-diversity.com/fieldboo.html

  7. Teaching Resources Activities • After reading the poem “Magic Carpet,” write about whether there was ever any part of your identity that you wanted to hide. • After reading the poem “We Wear the Mask,” have a discussion about Paul Lawrence Dunbar’s underlying message. • Have a discussion about society’s representation of females through the media. • Fingerpaint to express your individuality and then compare pictures with classmates to illustrate diversity. • Discuss how labels are created and how they affect students’ lives throughout their educational careers.

  8. Age Diversity Websites • Types of Age Discrimination http://website.lineone.net/~caade/dtypes.htm • Child Rights http://www.unicef.org/pon95/chil0000.html • National Resource Center for Youth Services http://www.nrcys.ou.edu/ • Teen Focus http://webhome.idirect.com/ ~mccann/index.html • AARP http://www.aarp.org/

  9. Age Diversity Activities • Discuss the controversial issues concerning child labor laws in the U.S. and less developed countries. • Interview an elderly person to gain an insight as to how the world has changed. • Conduct research and write a report about a social or health issue that affects the elderly. • Conduct research to learn what rights students have as minors. • Write a journal entry addressing how you envision the world to be when you are ninety and how you expect to be treated.

  10. Belief System/Religion Diversity Websites • Religion and Spirituality http://library.ppld.org/WebPicks/Admin/WebPicksByCategory.asp?keyword=Religion%20and%20Spirituality • InfoTree http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/bysubject/humanities/religion/ • ClayGate 200: Religion http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/200.htm • The Founding Fathers on Religion http://religion.aynrand.org/quotes.html • Big Issue Ground http://thomasash.hypermart.net/politicsandsociety/peters-churchstateoverview.html

  11. Belief System/Religion Diversity Activities • Research one religion different from your own and write a five page paper. • Write a narrative from the point of view of a member of your researched religion. • Chose a teacher approved novel and write a brief paper explaining the role of religion. • Make a picture collage of different dress, prayers, traditions, etc. • Research a social or political issue and create arguments for at least three separate religions.

  12. Class Diversity Websites • Social Class Home Page http://www.spc.uchicago.edu/SocialClass/ • Social Classes http://www.lepg.org/classes.htm • Socialization http://www.tamu.edu/socdept/ faculty/rschaf/5SOCIALI.htm • National Coalition for the Homeless http://www.nationalhomeless.org/ • Social Class http://www. scholars.nus.edu.sg/victorian/

  13. Class Diversity Activities • Categorize your favorite television shows based on the families’ socioeconomic status. • Research and write a report on the caste system and its effects on nonwestern countries. • Take a field trip to a soup kitchen to help prepare and serve meals. • In a journal entry, list your most precious possessions and contrast how they would change if you could no longer afford them. • Watch “Trading Places” and write about how the characters lives change in transition of the social classes.

  14. Exceptionality Diversity Websites • Resources for People with an Interest in Gifted Children • VSG Enrichment http://www.vsg.edu.au/default.htm • National Association for Gifted Children http://www.nagc.org/ • The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children http://www.nfgcc.org/ • Gifted and Talented Resources Home Page http://www.eskimo.com/~user/kids.html

  15. Exceptionality Diversity Activities • Explore the VSG website given above and investigate different courses and resources. • Become pen pals with other talented and gifted students. • Conduct a college hunt and share your discoveries with your classmates. • Explore dual exceptionalities and brainstorm as a class the challenges these students must overcome. • Conduct research, write to scholars, and create a hypothesis as to whether Shakespeare wrote his own plays. Be prepared to defend your statement!

  16. Disability Diversity Websites • LDOnlline http://www.ldonline.org/ • National Center for Learning Disabilities http://www.ncld.org/ • Children with Disabilities http://www.childrenwithdisabilities.ncjrs.org/ • Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities http://www.c-c-d.org/ • AAPD http://www.aapd.com/

  17. Disability Diversity Activities • Read through and discuss The Survival Guide for Teenagers with LD. • Watch “The Mighty” and discuss how the boys help each other and what adversities they face. • Practice using “People-First” language, acknowledging the person first and the disability second. • Choose a specific disability and complete an independent research project. • Tutor a student with a learning disability.

  18. Gender Diversity Websites • The Sexual Health Network http://www.sexualhealth.com/content/index.cfm?Topic+Gender%20Diversity • DiversityInc.com http://www.diversityinc.com/ • Women’s Equity Resource Center http://www.edc.org/WomensEquity/Highlights/TAConference/geaware.htm • Center for Health and Gender Equity http://www.genderhealth.org/ • Gender Equity in Education http://www.ed.gov/offices/ODS/g-equity.html

  19. Gender Diversity Activities • Answer the journal prompt: “If I had been born male/female. . .” • Make a list of disadvantages and advantages of your gender. Be prepared to share. • Watch the film “Free a Man to Flight: Women Soldiers of WWII.” Write a one page summary. • Research and write a report on a woman in history, include biographies and contributions. • Discuss media and peer pressure about the ideal body image. Find magazine pictures of “preferred” images.

  20. Language Diversity Websites • The Nonverbal Dictionary http://members.aol.com/nonverbal2/diction1.htm • Language Translation Portal http://babblefish.com/babblefish/ • Jay Allen’s Toons and Jokes http://home.earthlink.net/~jayallentoons/english.htm • Learn a Foreign Language http://www.lifeintheusa.com/community/tenant.htm • Anatomy of the English-Only Movement http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/anatomy.htm

  21. Language Diversity Activities • After viewing “Monsoon Wedding,” complete a journal entry discussing the phenomenon of code-switching. • Use the previously mentioned websites to find your name in three different languages. • After observing classmates for a week, discuss what type of body language was used. • Find a word in the dictionary with a foreign origin. Use a PC interactive dictionary to determine where this word came from and how we came to use it today. • Interview a speaker of a foreign language.

  22. Race/Ethnicity Diversity Websites • Countrywatch.com http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_regions.asp?REGION=1 • K-12 Electronic Guide for African Resources on the Internet http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Home_Page/AFR_GIDE.html • U.S. Department of Affairs: African Issues http://usinfo.state.gov/regional/af/ • African American Holidays http://community-2.webtv.net/NitaRobinson/AMostExcellent/page2.html • Alan Paton Center http://unp.az.za/UNPDepartments/library/paton/ahome.htm

  23. Race/Ethnicity Diversity Activities • Take the Multicultural Awareness quiz • Answer key questions about Alan Paton and Cry, the Beloved Country. • Complete the handout entitled Circle of My Multicultural Self. • Read and compare multicultural and American folktales. • Complete a journal entry, reflecting on your views about multicultural diversity.

  24. Sexual Orientation Diversity Websites • Fighting Homophobia Discrimination http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~program/harass.html • Human Rights Act http://nz.com/NZ/Queer/human.rights.sexual.orientation.html • Sexual Orientation Among Male-to-Female Transsexuals http://members.tripod.com/~terrim/ORIENT.htm • Ring of Friends Home Page http://members.aol.com/Horsemom2/CB.html • Protection of Lesgay Students http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_stud.htm

  25. Sexual Orientation Diversity Activities • Watch and discuss a documentary on hate crimes created by the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse. • Create questions and conduct an anonymous survey to determine the school’s overall opinion about sexual orientation. • Develop school laws to protect homosexuals and bisexuals from violence and harassment. • Research and compare laws pertaining to homosexuality in the U.S. and other countries. • Discuss sexual stereotypes in the media and their effects on viewers’ judgments.

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