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Binaural Radar Warning Receiver for SL Binaural audio recordings provide a natural 3D sensation of acoustic sources .
Binaural Radar Warning Receiver for SL • Binauralaudiorecordingsprovide a natural 3D sensationofacoustic • sources. • For SL, a binaural Radar Warning Receiver (bRWR) shouldbemadeavailableas innovative feature. The audiblewarning tone shouldrepresent a virtualpositionoftheopponent in theperceptionofthepilotbysimulationofnatural 3D sounds. The pilotshouldbeableto „hear“ thedirectionofthethreatand – bythepitchandthepatternofthewarning tone – estimatethedistanceandconsequentlytheurgencyofthewarning. • Insteadofdevelopingtheverycomplexsoftwareandalgorythms (includinguseof HRTF libraries) for on-the-spot generationofthedesiredwarningtones, a setofpre-recordedbinauralwavefiles will betriggeredby a moresimplifiedcalculationbased on thealreadyavailableparametersofthesimulation.
Virtual positionofBinauralWarning Tone (BWT) calculatedfrom • Ownposition in relationtoopponentposition (angle & range) • Ownaircraftorientation in spaceforcorrectionoftheaudiblerepresentation • Givenopponentsmaxradarrangeas discriminator foreitheractivatethewarningor not. • BWT selectedfrom 88 pre-recordedbinauralwavefiles: • 6 maindirectionsin 3 planes (x,y,zto -y,-x,-z) • 8 x 45° vectors in each plane • 8 x 45° vectorsbetween planes • 4 different ranges (0 - 3 (veryfar, far, close, veryclose)) representedby • 4 different frequencies (lowpitchto high pitch, highernumbersrepresenthigherpitch) • Eachbinauralwavefilerepresentsoneofthefourdistancesandoneofthe 22 • possibledirections/vectorsof an opponentradar, giving a total of 88 different warningindications.
Overview X-Y-Z Orientation Y - X Z - Z X - Y
Vector/rangecalculation in positive Y/Z plane 0X1Y1Z2R Y - X Z - Z X „Opponent 12 o‘clock high, far“ - Y
Vector/rangecalculation in negative Y/Z plane Y - X Z - Z X „Opponent 6 o‘clocklow, far“ - Y 0X-1Y-1Z2R
Vector/rangecalculation in a sectorbetween planes Y - X Z - Z X „Opponent 4 o‘clocklow, close“ - Y 1X-1Y-1Z1R
Binauralwavefilesyntax 0X0Y0Z0R Ownaircraftposition. Not calculated 1X0Y0Z1R … 0X1Y0Z1R … 0X0X1Z1R … -1X0Y0Z1R … 0X-1Y0Z1R … 0X0X-1Z1R … -1X-1Y-1Z3R Value Z-Axis (1 or -1) Value X-Axis (1 or -1) Value Y-Axis (1 or -1) Value Range (0-3)
BinauralWave Tone File Selection Forvectorcalculation, onlythe 22 definedvectors will beconsidered. The calculated angle (X,Y,Z) will beroundedtomatchtheclosestvalueoftheowndatatable (X,Y,Z). The calculateddistancebetweentheownaircraftandtheopponent will beusedforselectionofthe tone pitch. Closerranges will triggerwavefileswithhigherpitch.