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Self-assembly of Janus-dendrimers into Uniform Dendrimersomes

Self-assembly of Janus-dendrimers into Uniform Dendrimersomes

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Self-assembly of Janus-dendrimers into Uniform Dendrimersomes

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  1. Self-assembly of Janus-dendrimers into Uniform Dendrimersomes and Other Complex Architectures Percec, V., Wilson, D.A., Leowanawat, P., Wilson, C.J., Hughes, A.D., Kaucher, M.S., Hammer, D.A., Levine, D.H., Kim,A.J., Bates, F.S., Davis, K.P., Lodge, T.P., Klein, M.L., DeVane, R.H., Aquad, E., Rosen, B.M., Argintaru,A.O., Sienkowska, M.J., Rissanen, K., Nummelin, S. and Ropponen, J. We report the synthesis of libraries of amphiphilic Janus-dendrimers that spontaneously form vesicles and other complex architectures, such as micelles, disks, long aspect ratio vesicles, and twisted ribbons. The precise molecular control over dendrimer size leads to the formation of microstructures of tightly controlled size and dispersity, and the formation of novel microstructures. Dendrimersomes have higher elasticities than lipid membranes, and dendrimersomes with acid-labile groups display hydrolysis and drug release. Coarse grained simulations capture the process of self-assembly. The properties of dendritic structures suggest numerous applications in biomimicry, soft-matter self assembly, and nano-medicine. Cryo-TEM and 3D intensity profiles of (A & D) Polygonal dendrimersomes, bicontinuous cubic particles (B & E) and micelles (C & F). Cryo-TEM images of (G) tubular dendrimersomes, (H) ribbon-helices and (I) disks. Two of nine dendrimer families synthesized Science, May, 2010

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