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The French Revolution

The French Revolution . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZqarUnVpo. Causes of the French revolution . People feel restricted by gov’t Three Estates Role of Church Economic Conditions Intellectuals criticizing ( The Enlightenment!) Gov’t does not respond to needs of the people

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The French Revolution

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  1. The French Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZqarUnVpo

  2. Causes of the French revolution • People feel restricted by gov’t • Three Estates • Role of Church • Economic Conditions • Intellectuals criticizing (The Enlightenment!) • Gov’t does not respond to needs of the people • Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette • Higher taxes • No food for people, famine

  3. Causes of the French Revolution • Government faces economic hardships • Wars of Louis XIV • Participation in American Revolution • Excessive spending of Monarchs • Famine/lack of food • Social Classes Unhappy • Three Estates • Bourgeoisie • Sans culottes • High Taxation • Estates General

  4. Stages of French Revolution • Stage One: Removal of the Ancien Regime AKA Old Regime (1789-1792) • Create new government • National Assembly

  5. Stage One Continued • Storming of the Bastille (July 1789) • Women’s March to Versailles

  6. Stage One continued • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen • New Constitution • abolish feudalism (serfdom) and slavery • Starts moderate but becomes more radical over time • Declare war against Austria, Prussia

  7. Stage Two: Radicalization 1792-1794 • Maximillien Robespierre - “Reign of Terror” • Guillotine • Abolish monarchy/declares republic/executes Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette • Expansion of French Revolution as an international war

  8. Stage Three: ThermidorianReaction1794-1799 • Attempt to restore order and create a moderate government • Reign of Terror ended July 27th & Robespierre guillotined on July 28, 1794 • The Directory • Too little too late  leads to rise of Napoleon Bonaparte (r. 1799-1815)

  9. Napoleon Bonaparte • General in French army during the Revolution • Comes to power in 1799; coup d’étatcrowns himself emperor in 1804 • Two main goals: • Improve France internally • Create a large French Empire in Europe

  10. Internal Changes to France • Napoleonic Code • Civil Equality • Concordat of 1801 • Religious tolerance • Widespread education • high schools and universities • All citizens pay taxes • BUT: no freedom of the press

  11. Creating a French Empire • Placed family members and friends in key areas (Spain, parts of Italy and Germany) • Russian Campaign marks the failure of Napoleon • 1814: Exiled to Elba • The Hundred Days: NB returns for 100 days as leader of France • 1815: Exiled to St. Helena

  12. *Controlled everywhere but Great Britain, Ottoman Empire & Sweden

  13. Consequences of French Revolution • Congress of Vienna (1815) • Led by Klemens von Metternich (Austria) • “Balance of Power” • Redraws European borders • Rise of European Conservatism (keep status quo) • Haitian Revolution • End of successful French monarchy • Rise of Nationalism • Leads to unification of Italy (1860) and Germany (1871)

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