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Towards advanced CEF Networks lighting

Research activity „Optical networks“. www.ces . net. czechlight.cesnet.cz. Towards advanced CEF Networks lighting. Stanislav Šíma, Lada Altmannová.

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Towards advanced CEF Networks lighting

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  1. Research activity „Optical networks“ www.ces.net czechlight.cesnet.cz Towards advanced CEF Networks lighting Stanislav Šíma, Lada Altmannová CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  2. Authors participate on Optical networks activity of CESNET research intent, Joint Research Activity of GN2 project, SEEFIRE project, Porta Optica Study project, Lucifer project. Presented ideas are of authors and do not necessarily reflect an official opinion of the CESNET or any other institution or project, and are opened to improvement. CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  3. Why dark fibrefor Research and Education Networks (RENs)?(we have published this slide in TNC2004, Rhodes) • Freedom in REN design • Fixed costs of long-term use • Transmission capacity up to Tbps • Cost-effective ways of sharing (WDM, TDM, …) • Multiple wavelenghts possible (e.g. 1 – 256) • Management of transmission • Equipment selection, moving, design, ….. Now: Move of Research and Education Networks to dark fibres is successful and continues, some other networks follow RENs (municipalities, hospitals, military,… ) CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  4. Why open lighting for Research and Education Networks?(open means multi-vendor under rules given by RENs) • Freedom in REN design on optical and optoelectronic layers (L1+L2) • Save long-term investments on dark fibres (change lighting instead of fibres) • Fibre is resource (facility) and sharing of fibres is the biggest opportunity to decrease the overall costs of networking. • Use of equipment of many vendors for lighting and L1 interoperability is inevitable due to multi-domain nature of research networking • Multi-vendor lighting in single domain is inevitable to take full advantage of fast development of photonic industry and brings new functions, better parameters and/or cost-effectiveness • No vendor has the best lighting equipment for all needs • Roadmaps of technology development of big vendors are not optimal to REN needs • Some big vendors use obstructions to suppress interoperability CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  5. Multi-purpose dark fibre footprint for research • Design in independent domains results in separate fibres for: • National RENs and Regional Optical Networks • Continent-wide RENs (GEANT2, NLR) • National dark fibre testbeds (CzechLight, VIOLA, …) • Prepared continent/world-wide dark fibre testbeds needed for research of networking (see for example GENI, FP7) • Collaborative design by using open lighting is able to share fibres by means of WDM for all of above purposes, for example • Fibres of NRENs connected by CBFs are shared by GEANT2 lambdas • Lighting of fibres Brno-Bratislava and Brno-Vienna are prepared for sharing by IP service, e2e lambdas including GLIF, and testbed lambdas • Lighting of fibres to end users are prepared for sharing by IP service, e2e lambdas and testbed lambdas • This means dark fibre testbed (or facility network) implements lambda infrastructure for production network instead of buying lambda service! (no lighting devices disruption is allowed in such dark fibre testbed) CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  6. National dark fibre footprints for research (draft) CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  7. European dark fibre footprint for research (draft) CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  8. Leased digital circuits for extension - example CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  9. Collaborative design of multidomain CEF networks • Primary rule for CEF networks fibre topology is KIS (but now it means Keep It Short): fibre is the most expensive part of network (for example60%) • How to implement continental-wide services and testbeds by means of national fibre footprints and cross-border fibres and in what cases we need also parallel continental-wide fibre infrastructure? • New types of transmitters, receivers, amplifiers, gratings etc. are available, some of them even with MultiSource Agreements (this is very important for designers), with better parameters and very cost-effective • Overcome distances by lambdas only is possible: saving number of routers, switches and administrators CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  10. Railways example • Mesh network without parallel lines (with exceptions) • Parallel railway lines are very expensive ! • Reasons for parallel lines: • Transport speed, local traffic • Heavy workload • Different owners, etc. • Parallel lines are rare! • No overlaying domains CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  11. Why open lighting(the first indication of advantages for production network) • 189 km Praha – Pardubice , G. 652, 46 dB • STM-16 since March 2001 • Lighting equipment 1x ONS15104, in-line, protocol dependent • Total 67.300 Euro • STM-16 or GE since May 2002 • Lighting equipment 2x OA Keopsys 2x 21 dBm, NIL, protocol independent • Total 37.300 Euro • Totals above are for varying parts of STM-16 lighting, other parts are the same for both cases CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  12. Obr v RGB CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  13. Why open lighting(the second indicationof advantages for production network) • 123 km Praha – Plzeň , G. 652, 33,7 dB • STM-16 since September 2003 • Lighting equipment 1x ONS15104, in-line, protocol dependent • Total 67.300 Euro • STM-16 or GE since December 2003 • Lighting equipment 2x OA Keopsys 2x 10 dBm, NIL, one side amplification only, protocol independent • Total 20.000 Euro • Now we use CzechLight Amplifiers (CLA) with improved parameters, cost and Unix remote management CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  14. Why open lighting(Advantages for multi-purpose dark fibre footprint) • 190 km Brno – Bratislava , G. 652, 45 dB • n x 10 GE since February 2006 • Lighting equipment 2x : • CASE MUX/DMX + FBG, CLA PB01, XENPAK • Total 45.000 Euro This is cost for one 10G lambda with extension possibility up to 4 lambdas, adding of one lambda costs 10.000 EUR (two XENPAKs). If you need extensibility to 8 lambdas, you can use more expensive MUX/DMX (add 1.260 EUR for one line). If you need extensibility to 16 lambdas, you can use OAs with a little higher output power. The same XENPAK from other vendor costs 20.000 EUR/pc (third party components are not allowed). If you can use XFP instead of XENPAK, price will be about 3.800 EUR/pc. • Prepared 224 km Brno-Vienna (ACONET, VIX) CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  15. Multi-purpose using of dark fibre NREN PoP 1 NREN PoP 2 End User Y End User X End User 1 End User 2 IP service IP service Testbed Testbed e2e service 1 e2e service 1 . . . . . . First mile fibre Core fibre First mile fibre e2e service n e2e service n DWDM MUX/DEMUX DWDM MUX/DEMUX CLA PB01 Lambda for production IP service Experimental lambda for testbed NREN PoP n Planned lambda for e2e service CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  16. CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  17. CzechLight December 2005 CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  18. Multi-service connections of hospitals Praha PoP Ústí n.L. PoP End User Y End User X Central Military Hospital Prague (CMH) Masaryk Hospital Ústí n.L. (MHÚL) CESNET2 CESNET2 CzechLight CzechLight CMH MHÚL . . . . . . 130,6 km 29,7 dB 8,8 km 3,8 dB 1 km 0,3 dB e2e service n e2e service n DWDM MUX/DEMUX DWDM MUX/DEMUX CLA PB01 Lambda for production IP service Experimental lambda for testbed Planned lambda for e2e service CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

  19. Acknowledgement • Jan Gruntorád, Miroslav Karásek, Martin Míchal, Václav Novák, Jan Radil, Karel Slavíček, Radek Velc, and Josef Vojtěch from CESNET • All partners from CEF Networks community CEF Networks workshop Prague, May 30th, 2006

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