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Devry ENG 135 All Discussions Latest<br> <br>Devry ENG 135 Week 1 Discussions Latest<br>DQ1<br>Exploring the Course Themes (graded)<br>The four course themes of education, technology, family, and health and wellness are topics that touch each of our lives in some way. In this discussion, practice exploring the themes as a researcher would: by creating problem statements.<br>
Devry ENG 135 All Discussions Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-eng-135-all-discussions-latest/ Or Email us help@devrycourses.com Devry ENG 135 All Discussions Latest Devry ENG 135 Week 1 Discussions Latest DQ1 Exploring the Course Themes (graded) The four course themes of education, technology, family, and health and wellness are topics that touch each of our lives in some way. In this discussion, practice exploring the themes as a researcher would: by creating problem statements. How do you do this? Ask and then answer the question using a sub-topic (see below). Here’s an example. “For whom is [school bullying] a problem?“ In your post, provide the question and then the answer to the question. For example, “School bullying is a problem for victims of bullying because. . . .” Complete the statement based on your experience and knowledge. Education Technology Family Health and Wellness Multitasking and Technology College Students and Weight Issues School Bullies Sexualization of Girls
No Child Left Behind Act/Race to the Top Technology and Social Isolation Gender Discrimination Childhood Obesity Perils of Social Networking Unequal Rights in Marriage, Children Grade inflation Fad Diets College Students and Underage Drinking Online Dating/ Online Predators/Sex Offenders Children of Divorce Junk Food Illegal Downloading of Protected Content Student Debt Domestic Violence Sedentary Lifestyles College Students, Cheating and Plagiarism Internet Censorship/ Classified Information Leaks Cyberbullying Teenage Pregnancy College Dropout Rates Life-Work (Im)balance/ Flexible Work Schedules Identity Theft Concussions in Athletes Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees High School Dropouts Texting and Driving DQ2 Starting Your Research Process (graded) To prepare for the letter to the editor assignment, conduct an Internet search to find at least two articles that have been posted in the last month on one of the topics (i.e., bullying). The goal is to find articles that take clear positions on the topic. Share what you find and include the URL links to the articles. After you’ve
posted, assess a classmate’s links, indicating whether you’d like to read or hear more about the topic and why. Devry ENG 135 Week 2 Discussions Latest DQ1 Argumentative Strategies (graded) In research writing, what exactly do we mean by argument? Do we mean taking an extreme position and standing our ground, whether or not the facts support our position? Or do we mean instead convincing our audience by taking a reasonable stance on an issue and supporting our position with appropriate evidence? Define and explain the difference using examples. DQ2 Internet Reliability (graded) How reliable is the Internet as a source of information for your research? What are the ways you can validate information that you find on the Internet? Why is this necessary? Use examples from the Information Literacy module you reviewed this week. Devry ENG 135 Week 3 Discussions Latest DQ1 Presenting Ideas (graded) Persuasive presenters have several traits in common. Browse through TED talks http://www.ted.com/talks or American Rhetoric Website at http://www.americanrhetoric.com/ to find notable speakers who demonstrate strong communication traits. Compare and contrast the ways these speakers meaningfully communicate ideas to their audiences. Include the URL link of the speaker you choose to write about. In a
short paragraph, respond to a classmate’s post, indicating whether you agree or disagree with his or her choice, and why. DQ2 a How important is it to be personally invested in an idea? Can you sell an idea that you have no stake in? Why or why not? Using one of the resources from the Course Readings, provide an example of an author who is communicating in a way that tells a reader that the author is credible and is a trustworthy source. Devry ENG 135 Week 4 Discussions Latest DQ1 Annotated Bibliography Entries (graded) In your textbook (pp. 325–326), you’ll find a model of an annotated bibliography. Review the model, focusing on the components of the entry: (1) the reference citation, (2) the summary, and (3) the assessment. Then draft one reference entry and two paragraphs from one of your sources. We’ll use the rest of the week to peer review the entries to prepare you for this week’s assignment. DQ2 Argumentative Strategies (graded) In presenting an argument, should a writer strive to be the final authority or a reasonable voice on an issue? Review Chapter 22 to understand the difference. Then, using your topic and one or more of your sources, define and provide an example of arguable claim as opposed to a personal judgment. Devry ENG 135 Week 5 Discussions Latest DQ1
Analyzing a Sample Argument (graded) In the textbook, review the student essay on p. 199, “Allowing Guns on Campus Will Prevent Shootings, Rape.” In an abbreviated format, the sample contains the elements that you will be including in your Course Project. The controversial subject matter (the content) may engage you right away. This is a sign that the writer is applying an argumentative strategy. Focus on the organization. What do you notice about the way the topic is introduced? How will your draft be similar or different? Here is another argument:.nytimes.com/2013/11/24/opinion/sunday/bruni-are-kids-too- coddled.html?_r=0″>Are Kids Too Coddled? Follow the link and read Frank Bruni’s argument about tougher standards versus “bruised egos,” and answer the questions below. DQ2 Organizational Patterns in Argument (graded) Let’s look at samples of research-based writing: “Nervous Nellies” on p. 328; “From Degrading to De- Grading” on p. 254; and “How Many Zombies Do You Know?” on p. 290. Review each selection and include in your post responses to these questions. What do you notice about how each is organized and presented? What kinds of appeals to the audience does each author use? How are sources used in text? Reading Strategy Note: Unlike summary and paraphrase, which require close reading, for this discussion use the reading strategy of skimming. Carefully read the introductory paragraph, but then move quickly, reading only the topic sentence of each paragraph.The goal is to compare and contrast the differences in the presentation of the information in the document. Skim and review until you have an impression you can share in the discussion. Devry ENG 135 Week 6 Discussions Latest DQ1
Rebuttals and Refutations (graded) Anticipating readers’ objections is one way to determine what other sections to include and support in your paper. Practice writing a rebuttal or a refutation by taking your thesis and considering the point of view of someone who believes differently or even the opposite of the argument you are making. To do this, review Chapter 10, pp. 449–452 and post a paragraph that summarizes an oppositional point of view to your thesis and then refutes it. As peers, reply to one another explaining whether or not your classmates are presenting the opposition objectively and whether the refutation is logical. Give one another ideas or suggestions for points that may be left out or might need to be further developed. The paragraph you draft here can be used in a section of your Second Draft this week. This section lists options that can be used to view responses. DQ2 Designing Your Course Project (graded) While APA-style citation and format is required, you do have the flexibility in the design of your Course Project to include a visual element. Review Chapter 17, pp. 382–387. How does the use of visual elements enhance or detract from the presentation of research? Will you add graphs, charts, or images to your draft? Why or why not? Devry ENG 135 Week 7 Discussions Latest DQ1 APA Workshop (graded) Each academic area of study has a particular style for documenting the ideas of other scholars. The standards of formatting document you’ve been using is from the American Psychological Association (APA). This is the preferred style in the social sciences. As you’ve noticed, there is a strong emphasis on the publication date. Why do you think there is such an emphasis on the date? As you work on revising your
Course Project, what questions do you have about how to incorporate standard APA format and documentation guidelines into your essay? Are there any sources you are having a hard time documenting? Any questions about your reference entries? This section lists options that can be used to view responses. DQ2 Peer Review Team A (graded) This week, we’ll be sharing our writing in a class peer review. In order to make this process run smoothly, please be sure to follow the instructions noted below. 1.Find your name on the peer review assignment list provided by your professor to determine whether you are in Group A, B, C, or D. 2.Once you have located your assigned group, join that discussion area and hit “reply” to the initial prompt. In your reply, leave feedback for your classmates with general information about your draft. Explain the current state of your draft, your plans to add content, and your revision plans. If you have specific questions for the peers who will review your draft, or want to provide them with any additional information, please do so in your initial post. 3.Attach your current draft to your initial post. This must be completed no later than Friday night. 4.Find the two peers who have posted after you in terms of time. Read their attached essays and any notes they left to accompany the draft. Find the Week 7 Peer Review Checklist in Doc Sharing and download it. Complete the form separately for each of the two peers whose drafts you will be reviewing. 5.Return your completed Peer Review Worksheet as an attachment in a response post to each of your peers separately. This must be completed no later than Sunday night. 6.Continue to check into your group Discussion area in the event your peers pose any follow-up questions. **Please note: If you are the last to post in your group before the Tuesday deadline, you should review the students who post in the #1 and #2 slot. If you are second last to post in your group, please review the students who post in the last and #1 slot. Be sure to ask your professor if you have any questions about the peer review process. Download File Now