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Pier Oddone, Fermilab August 3 rd , 2009. Director’s Report FRA Admin and Ops Review . Outline. Science program: progress since last year Strategy and briefings to new administration Operations: IT restructuring ES&H and Take Five Campaign Cyber-security audit and Tune It Up Campaign
Pier Oddone, Fermilab August 3rd, 2009 Director’s Report FRA Admin and Ops Review
Outline • Science program: progress since last year • Strategy and briefings to new administration • Operations: • IT restructuring • ES&H and Take Five Campaign • Cyber-security audit and Tune It Up Campaign • Implementation of IQA • Implementation of EVMS • Engineering Manual • Focus groups conclusions • Budgets: FY09, FY10 and ARRA Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: Tevatron Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: Tevatron Continued vital collaborations with many results Achieved 1.8 fb-1, same as last year but in only 8.5 months Have made the case to run in FY11, provided additional funding of $27M compared to previous plan Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: Higgs at the Tevatron Sensitivity Projection (Region favored by Mtop, MW, … meas.s) Higgs Mass (GeV/C2) 5 Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: double Tevatron data ~12 fb-1 9.3 fb-1 We are here 7.8 fb-1 Integrated luminosity (fb-1) Real data for FY02-FY08 - - - - - - - - - FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Luminosity Performance and Projection 4-5 fb-1 Results Summer Conferences Data Analysis (~3 fb-1) ~100 Publications / Year ~60 Ph.D.s / Year 6 Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: LHC Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: LHC • All magnets in the damaged sector are back in the tunnel • New circuits and wiring for the quench protection system: quenches will be detected much earlier • Two review committees: analysis and recommendations • Quench Protection System (half Fermilab members) • Overall Risk • Many more “bad splices”, especially in copper-to-copper splices in interconnecting busbars (suggested by QPS review committee) Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: LHC • Additional sector (4-5) warming up: “to verify measurements at 80 K” – they check out • Two more leaks in two cold sectors found and understood. Partial warming to fix them means ready for injection in mid- November at best • Important for detectors to get some collision data at any energy • Fermilab’s contributions recognized by Bertolucci at the Users Meeting, Rolf Heuer at the European Physical Society meeting Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
CMS Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: neutrinos Successful runs for both MINOS and MiniBooNE First results on electron appearance for MINOS No low energy excess in antineutrino running of MiniBooNE MINERVA first detectors taking data ArgoNeut first pictures Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: neutrinos Minos Far Detector Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: MiniBooNE Approaching 1021 POT Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: MINOS Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: MINOS e-appearance With 3*1020 POT Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: what is q13? • Above: recent global fit to world data by Fogli et al. (arXiv:0905.3549) • q13 = 0 disfavored by ~2 s • Central value sin2q13 = 0.02 or sin22q13=0.08 Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: NOvA groundbreaking Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: NOvA groundbreaking Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: NOvA groundbreaking Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
The NOvA Collaboration at Argonne National Lab, 25 April 2009 180 Scientists and Engineers from 26 Institutions Argonne National Laboratory - University of Athens - California Institute of Technology - University of California, Los Angeles - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - Harvard University - Indiana University - Lebedev Physical Institute - Michigan State University - University of Minnesota, Duluth - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - The Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow - Technische Universität München, Munich - State University of New York, Stony Brook - Northwestern University - University of South Carolina, Columbia - Southern Methodist University - Stanford University - University of Tennessee - Texas A&M University - University of Texas, Austin - University of Texas, Dallas - Tufts University - University of Virginia, Charlottesville - The College of William and Mary - Wichita State University Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
NOvA • NOvA is optimized for the detection of νμ→νe and νμ→νe oscillations • NOvA is: • An upgrade of the NuMI beam intensity from 400 kW to 700 kW • A 14 kt “totally active” tracking liquid scintillator calorimeter sited 14 mrad off the NuMI beam axis at a distance of 810 km • A 215 ton near detector identical to the far detector sited 14 mrad off the NuMI beam axis at a distance of 1 km MIPs 2.5 GeV νe + p →1.9 GeV e- + 1.1 GeV p + 0.2 GeV π+ 20 cm 20 cm MIPs Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
MINERvA prototype takes data Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
First ArgoNeut LAr TPC events Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Progress: all other fronts Particle astrophysics going well, both projects and new ideas. DES is on track Key strategy to develop beamline to Homestake and high intensity source at Fermilab recognized in DOE Will the funding be available over the next decade? Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Briefings to the new administration Two hour briefing to Undersecretary Koonin and Office of Science Director Brinkman on general laboratory planning in April One and half hour briefing to Director Brinkman last week specifically on the development of the neutrino program globally and at Fermilab We have made needs clear: now administration has to decide what roadmap Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Ten-year plan at the three frontiers Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Facilities and experiments LHC ILC or Muon Collider Tevatron LHC LHC ILC?? LHC LHC upgrades Energy Minos MiniBooNE LBNE Mu2e Project X+LBNE Mu2e n Factory NOvA MicroBooNE MINERvA Intensity P Auger DM: scalable? DES JDEM DM searches P Auger DM Searches JDEM Cosmic 2018 2015 2012 Now Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Additional facilities and experiments Energy NuSOnG P-pbar Tev FT G-2 Anti-hydrogen MiniBooNE II Intensity P Auger North Holog. Noise 21 cm Axions P Auger North Cosmic 2018 2015 2012 Now Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
US costs will decrease with International Contributions. National Needs National Needs Then Year $M National Needs Inflation Budgetary needs over the decade Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Operational issues • Many issues are taking a lot of attention: • IT restructuring • ES&H and Take Five Campaign • Cyber-security audit and Tune It Up Campaign • Implementation of IQA • Implementation of EVMS • Engineering Manual • Focus groups conclusions Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Organization chart and changes Computing S&T Associate Director MIS Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Operations: ES&H +1s +1s Concern over increase in injuries Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Operations: ES&H +1s Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
ES&H: “Take Five – Goal Zero” Started new laboratory wide campaign modeled on other institutions Take five minutes to plan how to do the work - take five seconds to think of what you are going to do and take five things to reflect on when the job is done Web page and tools to help do jobs safely Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
ES&H: “Take Five – Goal Zero” Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Operations: cyber-security DOE audit revealed several lapses: • Open offices with computers on • System administrators ignoring system warnings • Sloppy PII procedures in some practices Overall grade: marginal Response: major effort to get better Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Cyber-security • Tune IT Up! Campaign • Limit number of system administrators • Train remaining administrators • Implement more software controls Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Operations: IQA Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Operations: IQA Accepted IQA plan “As is” assessment completed Corrective Action Plan submitted Trying to fix main problems prior to Fall audit Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
EVMS certification Certification review led to three corrective actions: • Tracking “uncosted” scientific effort through hours • Procedure for “management reserve” • Charging direct cost of exempt personnel (instead of fraction of FTEs) Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Engineering manual Following triplet failure and “root cause analysis”, established committee to write an engineering process manual. Final draft is nearly complete. It has been a very useful exercise and we have a product that will set the process and standards across the lab Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Response to APS study • Follow-up to findings of APS site visit in May 2008 • 23 focus groups, November through January • 187 total participants • Participants enthusiastic, open and constructive in their contributions Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Response to APS study • Approach: • 12 categories of employees and users • Random selection from whole population • Random selection from women and minorities • Neutral facilitator, all groups confidential • Detailed summaries of each group w/o attribution • All results posted on Web • Important conclusions to improve various systems Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Focus groups No systemic diversity issues But lots of management issues • No defined Fermilab culture • Two tier system: physicist and non-physicists • Unskilled managers • Lack of employee support • Lack of understanding of performance review and salary management • Policies and procedures not explained/understood • Inconsistent application of family-friendly policies Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
Focus groups Held an “all-hands” meeting in June to discuss the various issues raised by the report All the information posted on the web. Supervisors encouraged to discuss both findings and summaries with their groups We will discuss broadly ideas to improve on the various issues raised and implement changes over the next year Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
FY09 budget Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
FY09 budget We had to live through March with very restrictive budgets due to the continuing resolution: $60M difference between FY08 enacted budget and President’s budget Then huge ramp up in activity due to regular budget (only $10M below the President’s request) and ARRA funding. Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
FY09 budget: ops & projects Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
FY10 budget On the surface it appears like a good budget at $398 M, about $20M higher than FY09 However, NOvA ramps up by about $30M and therefore the rest of the program is under stress The stress is ameliorated by managing carryover funds: $10M would be used in FY10 for a total budget of $408M Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009
FY11 budget We don’t know about the FY11 budget However, the distress exercises we do for OHEP indicates that budget guidance from OMB at this point is extremely tight – probably flat-flat for Office of Science Initial plans do not include running the Tevatron. OHEP is making the case for an additional $27M to run the Tevatron to Office of Science Pier Oddone, FRA Admin and Ops Review, August 3rd, 2009