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Explore the profound tales of biblical women and their parallels with the lives of modern Southern Sudanese women. From strength to resilience, witness how historical figures guide contemporary struggles and triumphs in this enlightening narrative.

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  2. WOMEN IN SOUTHERN SUDAN On the Shoulders of Bible Women Praying with the women

  3. On the Tradition of Bible women Throughout history, women have lived fascinating and complex lives that have influenced the course of human existence. The most outstanding and powerful women stories are found in the Bible, these stories offer us insights into current life situations affecting women in South Sudan. In the Bible there are stories of mothers, daughters, and wives, activists and prostitutes, martyrs and heroines. Like the Bible Women, Southern Sudanese women tell of courage, honor and strength in the face of desolation, conflict and oppression.

  4. Blessed are you, Eve, and all the women who in post-conflict Sudan are easy prey to “sugar daddies” soldiers and UN forces and have to make difficult choices in seductive environments. On the Tradition of Bible women One brave woman can change the course of history. Remember Eve, an inquisitive woman and mother of all the living.

  5. Blessed are you Hagar, and all the women in Southern Sudan who bear the burden of being second or third wives; women who in their misfortune and abandonment hear the comforting and reassuring voice of the God of the promises. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Hagar, oppressed by her co-wife Sarah and mother of a portion of God's people.

  6. Blessed are you Miriam, and all the women in Southern Sudan who have collaborated in the liberation of God's people; activists who have resisted and opposed religious and social oppression and have paid for it On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Miriam, a woman who chants God’s liberation, prophetic leader of the Exodus.

  7. Blessed are you Esther and all women of Southern Sudan who have used their status to foster life and to boost development for their people; women who are making a difference for their commitment to the cause of the Sudanese nation. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Esther and her courageous action in favor of God's people.

  8. Blessed are you Hannah, and all the women of Southern Sudan who are burdened by negative cultural practices, customs and patriarchal ideologies; women who although mocked and ostracized by society and family members, keep faith and witness miracles. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Hannah a woman of faith who in her barrenness trusted God and kept her promise.

  9. Blessed are you Dinah and the countless women who suffer violence at home, in the schools, and the workplace; women who have been raped in South Sudan and continue to be raped in Darfur. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Dinah, the silent girl, loved yet defiled.

  10. Blessed are you Ruth and all the women in Southern Sudan who, capable of going beyond their culture, language and traditions, build partnerships and network with other women playing an active role in fulfilling God’s plan –against all odds-- to restore a broken nation. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Ruth, a foreigner, returnee, and childless widow who came to know and held fast to the only and true God.

  11. Blessed are you Huldah, and all the women in Southern Sudan who in time of crisis and uncertainty are graced to understand the meaning of Scripture and the signs of the times; farsighted women who lead people into understanding and implementing God’s vision and plan. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Huldah a woman of vision who consulted God on behalf of the king and the people.

  12. Blessed are you Rahab and all the women in Southern Sudan who although vulnerable and subjugated, courageously take hold of destiny risking their lives for a cause; women whose life condition does not prevent them from acting fearlessly in the search of righteousness. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Rahab a former prostitute, matriarch of God’s people, listed as one of the “Heroes of Faith.”

  13. Blessed are you Deborah and all the women in Southern Sudan committed to claim and advocate for people’s rights and dignity. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Deborah a prophetess, Israel’s Judge, who unified the people bringing it to victory.

  14. On the Tradition of Bible women Remember Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and all the women of the New Testament who encountered Jesus and were touched by Him. Blessed are you, named and unnamed women of the New Testament and all the women of Southern Sudan who find their fulfillment, dignity and full stature only and exclusively in encountering, accepting and witnessing to Jesus’ message and mission.

  15. It is neither human laws alone nor ideologies, social status, academic awards or motherhood that confers dignity and worth to women. But it is only and exclusively the personal relationship with Jesus the Christ and the genuine adherence to his message, vision and values that makes the woman fully mature, life giving and whole. Blessed are we who believe that Whom shall I send? But how can they believe if the Good News has not been announced to them? Whom shall I send?

  16. "I have seen the oppression of my people. Their sufferings break my heart. Therefore, I have decided to come down and free them." PPP prepared by Cecilia Sierra Salcido, CMS @ Oct 2006

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