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Step 5- Evaluation

Step 5- Evaluation. September 2010. 5-Steps to Managing Health & Safety. 1. 5. Acknowledge Success & Make Improvements. Written Standard. Evaluate. 2. 4. Communication. 3. Training. Evaluation - What does this mean?.

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Step 5- Evaluation

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  1. Step 5- Evaluation September 2010

  2. 5-Steps to Managing Health & Safety 1 5 Acknowledge Success & Make Improvements Written Standard Evaluate 2 4 Communication 3 Training

  3. Evaluation - What does this mean? • Verifying that the company’s standards are still current and up-to-date to both: • Legislation and • Company business practices • 2. Verifying that what is actually being done in the workplace meets the standards and company rules established in Setting Standards • “Is the workplace doing what it said that it would do?”

  4. Benefits of Evaluation • Assess implementation of your element • Assess what’s working & what’s not working –Identify “gaps” in your health & safety program • Address workplace culture issues i.e. employee participation, supervisor support, functional JHSC • Record review opportunity re: standards, communication & training • Review accident/incident/near miss • Recommend improvements to H&S Program

  5. Evidence of Evaluation • ASK • REVIEW / ANALYZE • REPORT • = EVALUATION • Collection of Data • Consider What/Why, How, When, & Who • i.e. Administer a Quiz to 50 staff. • Review or Analyze the data collected • Consider Who, When & How? • i.e. Score the quiz & tabulate the overall results and identified gaps. • Reporting the Results • Consider to Who, When, How & Where? • i.e. Quiz results are discussed at JHSC and minutes posted.

  6. Negative Results • The results of the Evaluation indicates “Negative Results” • For this element, “the company is not doing what the Standard expects it to do” • Is this still Evaluation (Step 4)? YES! • Negative results (or less than positive results) provide for “Opportunities for Improvement”. • This is the importance of EVALUATION.

  7. Best Practices • Write method of evaluation in Standard ( who, what, how, where & when) • Include benchmarks in your written standards. • Set a schedule

  8. Best Practices • Use or Add-to existing methods for Evaluation: • Include on JHSC agenda to review elements - Recommend actions; Record in JHSC minutes & Post; • Review elements at Management Meetings - Address recommendations; Action plan to improve & Minute meetings; • Use monthly Workplace Inspections - Complete checklist; Action items; Action taken; post results. • Regular worker observations - Set schedule; Ask supervisors to keep log books/checklists; include in inspection; internal audit.

  9. Program Requirementsfor Evaluation (Step 4) • Document all forms of evaluation – incorporate into existing methods • Aim to complete Evaluation by year- end. • If not, must complete by March of following year (prior to spot checks starting). • But - MUST have written plan of “how” element will be evaluated and completed by March to put “Y” on Year-end Report

  10. Acknowledging Success & Making Improvements • Based on the results of your evaluation: • Recognize everyone who contributed to a successful health & safety program by meeting & surpassing company standards, for example: • Letter/memo from the president • Newsletter • Health & Safety awards or certificates • Public recognition (i.e. coffee & muffins for JOHSC and/or employees) • Performance Evaluations • Accept negative evaluation results as opportunities for improvement - develop an action plan

  11. Interview/Survey Employees • Determine your objectives • Address all elements simultaneously • Identify required amount of participation • Develop list of questions relating to elements and your objectives • Questions can either be asked verbally one-on-one with staff or by handouts (Modified worker could do interviews)

  12. SAMPLE Interview/Survey Employees • Health & Safety Policy • Does your employer have a H&S program- how do you know? • In your opinion are they committed to your personal safety- if so, how do you know they mean what they say ( e.g. how is this demonstrated to you by the company)? • How are you held accountable for your & others safety?

  13. Employee Quiz • Determine your objectives • Address all elements simultaneously • Determine participation level 100% • (mandatory or voluntary) • Develop questions specific to objectives and elements • Questions?? quiz format, multiple choice, true/ false, fill in the blanks, etc.

  14. SAMPLE: Quiz Examples • Is PPE checked regularly for wear or defects, and replaced immediately if necessary? • Yes • No • Don’t know • The hazard reporting procedures allows for immediate reporting and corrective action without waiting for the next round of regular inspections. • Yes • No • Don’t know Is the Health & Safety Representative selected by the owner? • Yes • No • Don’t know

  15. Scheduled Workplace/Site/Shop Inspections or Tour • include all 5 elements in monthly inspection report/checklist • ensure JHSC/representative or supervisor understands • Ask questions of workers • Have JHSC review results and make recommendations • Ensure recommendations are recorded in JHSC minutes

  16. Joint Health & Safety Committee • JHSC must be an active participant in the safety group initiatives since the start of year • Discuss at meetings/record in minutes • Provide JHSC all pertinent information: meeting minutes, inspection reports, injury statistics, supervisor’s comments, training records, etc • Discussion to identify areas of improvement for next year and areas of success

  17. Management Review • Management & supervisors must be aware and involved in safety group initiatives during the year • Hold meetings ( quarterly updates) • Present to management team the progress of the 5 elements and necessary documentation • Discussion • Areas of improvement • Areas of success • Next years elements

  18. Internal Audit • Measure organization against external standards • Workwell Core Audit or corporate audit, CSA, other guidelines • Use entire audit or use portions of audit that apply to your element selection

  19. Internal Audit • Sample Guidelines from Workwell Core Audit: • Early & Safe Return to Work • Roles & responsibilities • Contact with injured worker • Medical monitoring and treatment • Provisions for modified work • Re-integration of the worker to regular work • Reporting requirements to WSIB • Action Required with Target Dates • policy required: including roles & responsibilities

  20. Observations • Decide who and what will be observed • Physically observe activity being done • lock-out/tag-out, Fork truck, Emergency Evacuation, Confined Space • Conducted by supervisor and/or JHSC or worker on modified duties • Provide immediate feedback to employee • Can be used in conjunction with annual performance reviews

  21. SAMPLE Observation Example • Forklift Procedures Date:___________ • Observers’ Name: _________________ Operator: __________________________ • Pre-Operation Check • General Operation: operating around personnel, reversing, parking • load handling: pick-up, placement, stacking, re-stocking • loading /unloading • operational maintenance: refueling Immediate Feedback: Operator Comments: Recommendations:

  22. Checklist Format • Identify in advance how and what will be evaluated • Excellent resource document for year-end documentation

  23. RTW Self-Assessment Guide RTW Self-Assessment Guide http://www.wsib.on.ca/wsib/wsibsite.nsf/LookupFiles/DownloadableFileRTWSelf_AssessmentGuide/$File/RTWSelfAssessment.pdf

  24. Injury/Incident Statistical Analysis • Opportunity to measure the impact of completed elements on the injury/incident rates in the workplace • Consider using: • a historical comparison against previous years • a comparison by locations or branches within business • a comparison to your rate group

  25. SAMPLE Injury/Incident Statistical Analysis • Analyze key indicators in your workplace: • Lost-time injuries • No lost-time injuries • First Aid • Near misses • Property Damage • Duration of WSIB claims

  26. Third Party • Corporate auditor, health & safety association, safety group member, health & safety professional ( ergo, hygienist) • Benefits • Address all elements at same time • Auditor will provide insight and recommend improvements

  27. Maintenance- Years 2- 5 September 2010

  28. 5 Steps • Written Standard • Communication • Training • Evaluate • Acknowledge success & Make improvements

  29. Why Maintain? • OHSA • Section 25(2)(h) and 27(2)(c) • take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker; • 25(2)(j) • prepare and review at least annually a written occupational health and safety policy and develop and maintain a program to implement that policy

  30. Why Maintain? HCRFR- Section 9(2-4) • (2) once a year review the measures and procedures for the health and safety • (3)  review more frequently than annually if, • (a) the employer, on the advice of the JHSC determines that review and revision is necessary; or • (b) there is a change that may affect the health and safety of a worker. • (4)  The employer must develop, establish and provide training and educational programs for workers in consultation with the JHSC

  31. Why Maintain? • Ensure you are still meeting legislative requirements and best practices • Ensure the program is achieving what you wanted • Ensure you are not creating other hazards

  32. Step 1 - Maintenance • Annual Review of company Standards: • Base on evaluation, were there gaps? • Do the improvements need to be incorporated (new “rules”)? • Do standards meet current business process? • Do standards continue to meet legislations? • When will this be done? (several dates/times is easier) • Who will review the standards?

  33. How can we show Evidence…? • Recommend: • Date Standards – Use “issue / review (no changes) /revise (changes) dates” or an index page, or other suggestions? • Circulate policies & procedures for comment i.e. Management meetings, JHSC (document thru minutes & post); other suggestions? • Other ?

  34. Step 2 - Maintenance • Revisit communication: • if revise standard (“rules”) – need to communicate “new rules” to all staff • how are new / returning staff informed of past elements? • would staff benefit from ongoing or repeated communication? i.e. reminding staff on past heat stress standard during summer • Other ?

  35. How can we show Evidence…? • Recommend: • Include in Orientation training checklist • Include in employee handbook • Include in health & safety manual • Include in JHSC meetings & minutes (posted) • Include in safety talks, staff meetings, pay stuffers, newsletters, postings on H&S board • Other ?

  36. Step 3 - Maintenance • Review training: • Is additional training required? Have the “rules” changed? • Have new/returning/transferred staff been trained? • Do we have the required / appropriate number of trained personnel? • Has annual training been completed? • Is all training current (not expired)?

  37. How can we show Evidence…? • Recommend: • Include in safety talks, staff H&S meetings/training, one-on-one training, other? • Include in Orientation training checklists • Maintain a staff training matrix of all training and expiry dates • Post training certificates • Other ?

  38. Step 4 - Maintenance • Regular Evaluation of elements: • Are we doing what we said we would do…still? • Is it working for us? • What are the gaps? • Are changes needed? • Can we do something better?

  39. How can we show Evidence…? • Include on Workplace Inspection checklists -regular evaluation of past elements (x12) • Inspections are reviewed by JHSC • Recommendations made, post and note in JHSC Minutes • Use other internal/ third-party audits (i.e. ISO) • Regular observations of staff performing • (i.e. Body mechanics, lifts and transfers, PPE) by Supervisors, JHSC • Annual staff questionnaire, survey (part of Workplace Inspections?) • Others?

  40. Step 5 - Maintenance • Make improvements and acknowledge successes • based on evaluation and review of the first 3 steps make improvements where necessary and • acknowledge successes and employee’s contributions

  41. How can we show Evidence…? • Recommend: • Reports to / from Management • End of year newsletter, memo from leadership outlining specific improvements and successes • Recommendations from JHSC, noted in JHSC Minutes and posted for staff • Posted results from staff observations, questionnaire, survey etc. • End of year celebrations / gifts with link to elements (i.e. speech, agenda, minutes) • Others ?

  42. Year-end Maintenance Report* Must be completed by Dec 31st Pg 1/2

  43. Activity • Visit the Focus Group for Maintenance or Evaluation if you want further guidance • Complete the Maintenance and/ or Evaluation form

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