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Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE Year of Full Restoration 03 SEPTEMBER , 2017. HYMN. NEVER GIVE UP (GHS 5). NEVER GIVE UP [GHS 5]. 1. Never be sad or desponding If thou hast faith to believe; Grace, for the duties before thee, Ask of thy God and receive.
NEVER GIVE UP [GHS 5] 1 Never be sad or desponding If thou hast faith to believe; Grace, for the duties before thee, Ask of thy God and receive. Nev . . . er give up, . . . Nev . . . er give up, . . . Never give up to thy sorrows, Jesus will bid them depart; Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Sing when your trials are greatest, Trust in the Lord and take heart.
NEVER GIVE UP [GHS 5] 2 What if thy burdens oppress thee; What tho’ thy life may be drear; Look on the side that is brightest, Pray, and thy path will be clear. Nev . . . er give up, . . . Nev . . . er give up, . . . Never give up to thy sorrows, Jesus will bid them depart; Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Sing when your trials are greatest, Trust in the Lord and take heart.
NEVER GIVE UP [GHS 5] 3 Never be sad or desponding There is a morrow for thee; Soon thou shalt dwell in its brightness, There with the Lord thou shalt be. Nev . . . er give up, . . . Nev . . . er give up, . . . Never give up to thy sorrows, Jesus will bid them depart; Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Sing when your trials are greatest, Trust in the Lord and take heart.
NEVER GIVE UP [GHS 5] 4 Never be sad or desponding Lean on the arm of thy Lord; Dwell in the depths of His mercy, Thou shall receive thy reward. END OF HYMN Nev . . . er give up, . . . Nev . . . er give up, . . . Never give up to thy sorrows, Jesus will bid them depart; Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Trust . . . in the Lord, . . . Sing when your trials are greatest, Trust in the Lord and take heart.
LESSON 658: THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST’S SERVANTS DURING TRIAL • MEMORY VERSE: “Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.” – 2 Corinthians 4:1,2 • TEXT:2 Corinthians 4:1-18
SUMMARY (1) Ourpreviousstudy dealt with the Superiority of Grace to the Law: • The gospel of grace exceeds the law because the gospel has the power to transform man to obey God. • The impact of the gospel should be demonstrated by a visible godly character. • Repentance removes the veil that hinders us to see Jesus. • Having been saved by grace through faith, one must keep looking at the glory of Christ through His word by the Spirit to be changed into His likeness. • The study of today touches threerelated points: • Truth taught, commended by the life. • The preaching of the Lordship of Christ. • The suffering of true ministers with Christ.
SUMMARY (2) • Relentless Efforts of Transformed Soul-winners (2 Corinthians 4:1-7) • God’s mercy puts mortal men into the ministry. • God’s sufficiency enables men and makes the ministry possible • Transparency and integrity characterized Paul’s ministry • The character of Christ’sServantsduring trial (2 Corinthians 4:8-12) • Christ’sdeathandresurrectionstrengthensus in trials. • Enduring trials enableusto continue tochannel life toothers. • The visionandtriumph of victoriousfaith(2 Corinthians 4:13-18) • The vision of heavenmakesearthlysufferingsbearable (Roman 8:17-18). • Faith looks beyondthatwhich is visibletothingsthat are eternal. • Suffering or gain on earthcannotbecomparedtoglory in heaven or pain in hell.
QUESTION 1 What should be the perception and attitude of believers to the work of God? • 2 Corinthians 4:2-5 • 2 Corinthians 3:16 • 2 Corinthians 2:17 • Galatians 1:10 • 2 Corinthians 10:12-13
QUESTION 2 What lessons can we learn from Paul’s call and exploits as a soul-winner? • 1 Corinthians 15:10 • Philippians 2:13,15
QUESTION 3 What challenge can contemporary Christian servants receive from the apostles’ attitude and conduct during trials? • 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 • Romans 8:35; 12:11 • James 1:12; 5:11
QUESTION 4 How can we explain why the trials or suffering of greater degree are permitted in some believers? • 1 Peter 4:12-16 • Mal 3:3 • 2 Corinthians 12:7 • 1 Peter 1:7
QUESTION 5 What can believers learn from Paul’s comparison of ‘light affliction’ and ‘weight of glory’? • 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 • Hebrews 11:10, 15-19, 27
CONCLUSION • A servant of Christ must renounce dishonesty and craftiness and handle God’s word with constancy and sincerity. • Christ’s servants should not be proud; they should remember they are human and depend on the Lord continually in the exercise of their duty. • Servants of God should not despair: God is able to support them no matter what trial they have to go through. • Behind every trial of faith, there is a divinely designed purpose to be accomplished in the life of the afflicted believer. • The hope of resurrection and the prospect of living in eternity with Jesus will sustain His servant in all earthly suffering.
HEAVEN CAME DOWN [GHS 32] 1. O what a wonderful, wonderful day, Day I will never forget; After I'd wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Saviour I met. O what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart; Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling, He made all the darkness depart!
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, When at the cross the Saviour made me whole; My sins were washed away And my night was turned to day! Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!
HEAVEN CAME DOWN [GHS 32] 2. Born of the Spirit with life from above Into God's family divine, Justified fully thru Calvary's love, O what a standing is mine! And the transaction so quickly was made, When as a sinner I came, Took of the offer of grace He did proffer - He saved me, O praise His dear name!
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, When at the cross the Saviour made me whole; My sins were washed away And my night was turned to day! Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!
HEAVEN CAME DOWN [GHS 32] 3. Now I've a hope that will surely endure After the passing of time; I have a future in heaven for sure There in those mansions sublime. And it's because of that wonderful day, When at the cross I believed; Riches eternal and blessings supernal, From His precious hand I received.
Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, When at the cross the Saviour made me whole; My sins were washed away And my night was turned to day! Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! END OF HYMN
DEEPER LIFE: A CHURCH ON THE MOVE… We are a family, God’s family. We come together to connect with God and with one another. We have a common Father: God; a common Saviour: Jesus; a common Comforter: The Holy Spirit, and a common destination: Heaven.
DEEPER LIFE: A CHURCH ON THE MOVE… We want you to be part of us – a growing and glowing family. Join us and you will soon discover what makes our identity unique. Come and feast with us around God’s pure Word: we read it, study it, believe it and apply it. For your time and eternal profit, this is a place to be!
“Come thou with us and we will do thee good: for the Lord hath spoken good concerning [us]”–Numbers 10:29
MEETINGS / SERVICES • Worship Service: Sunday @ 10:00-12:30 • Bible Study: Tuesday @ 19:00-20:30 • Revival Service: Friday @ 19:30-21:00 • Night Vigil: Last Friday monthly @ 19:30-23:30 • Counselling: On request