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Cold Pizza for Breakfast. MyPyramid Food Safety Tips. for Teens & Tweens Who Cook. Slides marked by this symbol were developed so you could use them to ask questions and interact with the class. Tips to teachers BEFORE showing this PowerPoint.
Cold Pizza for Breakfast MyPyramid Food Safety Tips for Teens & Tweens Who Cook
Slides marked by this symbol were developed so you could use them to ask questions and interact with the class. Tips to teachers BEFORE showing this PowerPoint • Review PowerPoint in the “slide show” mode before showing it. The slides may appear differently on various computers. Also, several slides contain animation you’ll miss if not viewed this way first. • Divide PowerPoint into more than one presentation, depending on your group. Several “courses” are identified. • Personalize by adding or deleting slides.
Download this PowerPoint at:http://lancaster.unl.edu/food/pizza.shtml University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension educational programs abide with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Alice Henneman, MS, RD Amy Peterson, MS, RD Teri Gemar, MS Cindy Brison, MS, RD Tracy Kulm, MS University of Nebraska–Extension Joyce Jensen, REHS, CFSP Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department Beverly Benes, PhD, RD Julane Hill, Program SpecialistNebraska Department of Education Updated May 31, 2006
What’s on the plate? Six short courses 1. Foodborne Illness Facts 2. Clean 3. Separate 4. Cook 5. Chill 6. Game — Keep or Toss? (And … an extra helping for the teacher: additional indepth material!)
1st course Foodborne Illness Facts
You can get sick from a foodborne illness when you eat unsafe food! How many people in the United States get sick each year from food they eat? • 76 million people become sick from foodborne illnesses • 5,000 people die
Fever Diarrhea Upset stomach OOPS! Vomiting Dehydration (sometimes severe)from losing bodily fluids Some possible signs and symptoms
Sometimes you can become very sick and may have to stay in the hospital a couple of weeks or longer!
You can’t always spot spoiled food by using these three senses – what are they? Sight Smell Taste
Yuk! Even IF tasting would tell … Why risk getting sick? A “tiny taste” may not protect you … … as few as 10 bacteria could make you sick!
How long does it take to get sick after eating unsafe food? It can take ½ hourto 6 weeks to become sick from unsafe foods. Hey guys, I need to throw up! You usually feel OK right after eating and become sick later. Foodborne illness is NOTa pretty picture!
I’m feeling sick … was it something I ate? How come no one else feels sick? Why risk your friends’ health? Not everyone who eats the same food gets sick.
Young children andolder adults Infants Pregnantwomen People who are already weakenedby another disease or treatmentfor a disease Some people have a higher risk of foodborne illness
People with a higher risk of foodborne illness should be especially careful to avoid these potentially hazardous foods … • Raw and undercooked meat and poultry • Unpasteurized juices, milk or milk products • Raw or partially cooked eggs and foods containing raw eggs 4.Raw sprouts
You got that right! It’s not fun to have a foodborne illness!
Be a winner! Increase your chances of preventing foodborne illness!
MyPyramid recommends… 1. Clean 2. Separate 3. Cook 4. Chill Source: http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/recommendations.htm
Part of the reason fordifferences is foodscan be delivered, cooked and cooled differently infood service places. Differences in food safety guidelines The MyPyramid food safety recommendations are for home-cooking. If you work in food service, such as in a restaurant, different guidelines for cooking and refrigerator temperatures may apply. These follow national standards and are set by your healthdepartment.
2nd course Clean
Do this FIRST before you start to cook! CLEANhands, food-contact surfaces, fruits and vegetables.
Wash your hands! Handwashing is the most effective way to stop the spread of illness.
How to wash hands 1. Wet hands with WARM water 2. Soap and scrub for 20 seconds 3. Rinse under clean, running water 4. Dry completely usinga clean cloth or paper towel
Sneezing, blowing nose & coughing Handling pets Using bathroom orchanging diapers AND before ... Touching a cut or open sore Handling food Wash hands after …
Clean during food preparation! Wash cutting boards, knives, utensils and counter tops with hot soapy water after preparing each food and before going on to the next.
Wash dishcloths often on the hot cycle of the washing machine and dry in a hot dryer. Avoid spreading bacteria! Use paper towels or clean dishcloths to wipe up kitchen surfaces or spills.
Have lots of dishcloths so you can change them frequently! Dirty dishcloths spread bacteria Bacteria like to grow in wet or damp dishcloths and sponges. There are more germs in the average kitchen than the bathroom. Spongesand dishcloths are the worst offenders.~ research by Dr. Charles Gerba
Cleaning fruits & vegetables 1. Remove and discard outer leaves. 2. Rinse under clean, running water just before preparingor eating. • Rub briskly – scrubbing with a clean brush or hands – to remove dirt and surface microorganisms. Don’t use soap or detergent. Unlike washing dishes, some soap or detergent may remain in fruits and vegetables and make you sick!
Moisture left on fruits and vegetables helps bacteria grow. Dry fruits and vegetables if you won’t eat or cook them right away. Cleaning fruits & vegetables • After washing, dry with aclean cloth or paper towel. 6. Cut away bruised and damaged areas.
Wash fruits – such as cantaloupe and other melons – under running water! Wash this produce, too! Bacteria on the outside of fruits can be transferred to the inside when the fruit is peeled or cut.
Read labels Read labels on bagged produce to learn if it is ready-to-eat. Ready-to-eat, prewashed,bagged produce can be used without furtherwashing if kept refrigerated and usedby the “use-by” date.
Washing increases the danger of cross-contamination. Bacteria present on the surface of meat and poultry can be spread to ready-to-eat foods, kitchen utensils and counter surfaces. Avoid washing raw meat & poultry … WHY?
3rd course Separate
This prevents bacteria on one food from making another food unsafe to eat! SEPARATE raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping, preparing or storing foods.
… and a separate one for fresh produce. Use different cutting boards Use one cutting boardfor raw meat, poultry and seafood …
It’s harder to clean a board that has grooves where bacteria can hide! When groovy isn’t a good thing Why should you replace cutting boards if they become worn or develop grooves?
Use clean plates NEVERserve foods on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry or seafood unless the plate has first been washed in hot, soapy water.
4th course Cook
“Microorganisms” means things like bacteria. COOK foods to a safe temperature to kill microorganisms.
A B Which ground beef patty is cooked to a safe internal temperature? Source: United States Department of Agriculture/Food Safety & Inspection Service http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/food/therm/researchfs.htm
A B This is NOT a safely cooked hamburger. Though brown inside, it’s undercooked. Research shows some ground beef patties look done at internal temperaturesas low as 135 degrees F. This IS a safely cooked hamburger, cooked to an internal temperatureof 160 degrees F, even though it's pink inside. Source: United States Department of Agriculture/Food Safety & Inspection Service http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/food/therm/researchfs.htm
1 out of 4 hamburgers turns brown before it has been cooked to a safe internal temperature Source: United States Department of Agriculture/Food Safety & Inspection Service http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/food/therm/researchfs.htm
The ONLY way to know food has been cooked to a safe internal temperature is to use a food thermometer!
digital instant-read dial instant-read dial oven-safe disposable temperature indicators oven probe with cord thermometer forkcombination Types of food thermometers
Clean thermometer with hot soapy water before and after each use! Placing a food thermometer • Place in the thickest part of food. • Do NOT touch bone, fat, or gristle. • Begin checking temperature toward the end of cooking, but before the food is expected to be "done." • For irregularly shaped food, check the temperature in several places.