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You who are so wise must know that different nations have different conception of things. You will not therefore take it amiss if our ideas of the white man's kind of education happens not to be the same as yours. We have had some experience of it.
You who are so wise must know that different nations have different conception of things. You will not therefore take it amiss if our ideas of the white man's kind of education happens not to be the same as yours. We have had some experience of it. Several of our young people were brought up in your colleges. They were instructed in all your sciences; but, when they came back to us, they were all bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods, unable to bear either cold or hunger. They didn't know how to build a cabin, take a deer, or kill an enemy. They spoke our language imperfectly. They were therefore unfit to be hunters, warriors, or counsellors; they were good for nothing. We are, however, not the less obliged for your kind offer, though we decline accepting it. To show our gratefulness, the gentleman of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we will take great care with their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them. Canassatego - Treaty of Lancaster 1744
“There is a shared body of understanding among many indigenous peoples that education is really about helping an individual find his or her face, which means finding out who your are, where you come from, and your unique character. That education should also help you find your heart which is that passionate sense of self that motivates you and moves you along in life. In addition, education should help you find a foundation on which you may most completely develop and express both your heart and your face. That foundation is your vocation, the work that you do, whether it be as an artist, lawyer, or teacher. This then, is the intent of Indigenous education. It is finding that special kind of work that most fully allows you to express your true self- your heart and your face” by Dr. Gregory Cajete
Indian Education PlanRoadmap to Closing the Achievement Gap Albuquerque Public Schools Indian Education Department SY 2009-2011
Background • August 13, 2009: APS Superintendent & Director • October, 2009: First Planning Meeting • April, 2010: Student Focus Groups • May, 2010: Parent Surveys • May, 2010: Final Planning Meeting • June, 2010: Action Plans • May, 2011: Final Action Plans • June, 2011: Finalize Plan
Step One: • Get a Plan • Contact an expert • The Comprehensive Educational Planning: A Framework for Creation and Delivery
Step One Continued… • Preliminary Considerations • Stages of Change • Development of the Plan
Step Two: Student Focus Groups “Honoring the wisdom of students’ experiences and their joy of learning contributed to the development of the plan” • 150+ students (Elementary, Middle school, & High school) • 13 teachers (7 ES, 2 MS, and 4 HS)
Student Focus Groups continued Qualitative study comprised of; • Students reflections: Moments when they enjoyed being in school and learning the most • Art & Writing
Results of Student Focus Groups Subjects most liked: • Technology, • Math, • Science, • Art, • Spelling, • Reading with Projects, and • Project Based Learning.
Results continued… Student Quotes Quotes continued… “teacher doesn’t listen to what we have to say,” “My last IED teacher encouraged me,” “People are ignored and feel left out in class,” “Working with friends are a big part of it. Otherwise I would be bored.” “teachers should be nice and not yelling,” • “We learn from real things and not just a lecture,” • “helpful teachers and more cooperation,” “teachers listens and is nice,” • “non-judgmental,” • “We had one assignment count for three different classes; We worked on the same project in all classes, not just doing different things in each class.”
Parent Surveys 358 surveys were returned Suggestions for support: • more contact with parents • more emphasis on athletics • emphasis on college & career; identify financial aid for college, awareness of college application process, scholarship opportunities
Parent Surveys continued • Substance prevention • Emphasize attitudes • Focus on quality education • Self esteem and mentoring of successful students, • Emphasize communication skills, • Weekly email between teachers and parents
Responses to IEPlan by Parents • Train and support APS Instructional staff to apply AI values and learning styles, culture, and to increase cultural relevancy in all. • Strongly agree: 66% • Agree: 31% • Disagree: 3%
Parent Ideas for Attendance • Incentives • Opportunity to make up work for absence due to ceremony participation, • Get a monthly attendance progress report, • Get notified when child is absent
Parent Ideas for Achievement • Counselors to keep in contact with students, • Visit/ shadow highly educated jobs, • Hire more AI teachers in APS for core courses, • Provide tutoring opportunities for students
Parent Ideas for Graduation • Scholarships and grants available for ALL AI students, • Career days at all high schools and include tribal leaders, • Develop a peer group of AI college students to mentor HS students, • Tribal officials to visit students at the schools.
Parent Ideas for Culture • Add more schools for summer programs (I east and 1 west), • Encourage tribal involvment, • Cultural awareness for staff and faculty, (any 101 cultural course would be of benefit to teachers and, therefore, to AI students. UNM has an excellent AI studies program).
Parent Ideas for Native Language • Have more programs available in more than just one convenient place, • Provide opportunities for students to take language classes off campus, • Publicize the summer programs early, and • It is being taught at home and that is the way it should be.
Four Goals • Increase Graduation Rate • Increase Academic Achievement • Increase Attendance • Increase Appreciation & Expression of Native Language and Culture
IEPlan Objectives Goal 1: Increase Graduation Rate • Analyze relevance of secondary education in APS for AI/AN students, • Develop college/career focus of all AI/AN students and, • Identify support of AI/AN and their families
IE Plan Objectives Goal 2: Academic Achievement • Develop cultural & linguistic relevance for AI/AN students, • Improve assessment of AI/AN students and, • Provide extra support for AI/AN students
IE Plan Objectives Goal 3: Daily Attendance Rate • Develop attendance monitoring of AI/AN students, • Create support for good attendance and, • Define and develop outreach to the community, agencies, and government entities
IE Plan Objectives Goal 4: Increase Appreciation & Expression of Cultures, Languages, and Heritage of AI/AN students • Create curriculum & educational programs for native culture, language, and heritage, • Improve professional development and, • Develop community and tribal outreach
Implementation • 33 of 66 Improvement indicators have been implemented • 10 Improvement indicators /targets are in process
Evaluation and Monitoring • School Max • Quality Assurance • Plus/Delta • Teacher Assessments • Parent Surveys • Parent Committee • Walkthroughs • Test Information from district Research Development & Accountability Department • Professional Development
A Snapshot of IEPlan in Action DVD of department activities.