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Making neighbourhoods matter

Making neighbourhoods matter. Joe Montgomery Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. LSP Chairs in NRF areas by sector. Other = MP, RSL, Faith, Independent & Chair rotated between sectors. Reducing health inequalities through Local Strategic Partnerships.

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Making neighbourhoods matter

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  1. Making neighbourhoods matter Joe Montgomery Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

  2. LSP Chairs in NRF areas by sector Other = MP, RSL, Faith, Independent & Chair rotated between sectors

  3. Reducing health inequalities through Local Strategic Partnerships • LAs and PCTs are key partners on Local Strategic Partnerships • Need to align their priorities, activities and pool budgets to make the greatest impact • PCTs currently chair 5 out of 87 LSPs and PCTs/HAs/NHS are represented on all

  4. National increase in NRF from 2001-2006

  5. Planned spend by theme of NRF 2004/5

  6. * 2003/04 is revised data, all other years are final data (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). 88 NRF average relates to maintained schools only and discounts pupils recently arrived from abroad. The England average is based on all relevant schools and includes pupils from overseas. Source: DfES Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  7. * 2003/04 is revised data, all other years are final data (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). 88 NRF average relates to maintained schools only and discounts pupils recently arrived from abroad. The England average is based on all relevant schools and includes pupils from overseas. Source: DfES Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  8. * 2003/04 is revised data, all other years are final data (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). 88 NRF average relates to maintained schools only and discounts pupils recently arrived from abroad. The England average is based on all relevant schools and includes pupils from overseas. Source: DfES Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  9. New Floor Targets:Education • Each school to get at least 30% of pupils to achieve 5 GCSEs at grades A* to C by 2008 • 11 year olds – reduce by 40% the proportion of schools in which fewer than 65% of pupils gain level 4 English and maths by 2008 • 14 year olds – in each school at least 50% of pupils to achieve level 5 or above in English, maths and science by 2008

  10. Graph shows recorded crime by Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership area, per 1,000 households. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). Source: Home Office (England average calculated by NRU) Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  11. Graph shows recorded crime by Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership area, per 1,000 population. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). Source: Home Office (England average calculated by NRU) Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  12. Graph shows recorded crime (theft of and theft from a vehicle) by Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership area, per 1,000 population. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). Source: Home Office (England average calculated by NRU) Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  13. New Floor Targets:Crime Reduce crime by 15% and by more in the 40 high crime areas by 2007-08

  14. Graph shows Life Expectancy at birth by NRF area and England 3 year averages. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). All figures are based on the revised mid-year population estimates (published in October 2004) Source: ONS/DoH Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  15. Graph shows Life Expectancy at birth by NRF area and England 3 year averages. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). All figures are based on the revised mid-year population estimates (published in October 2004) Source: ONS/DoH Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  16. New Floor Targets:Health inequalities Reduce gap in life expectancy between areas with the worst health and deprivation indicators and the rest by 10% by 2010

  17. All figures are based on the revised mid-year population estimates (published in Oct 2004) Source: ONS/DoH Produced by the ODPM’s Performance Analysis Team (NRU), March 2005

  18. *Data includes mortality rates for Coronary Heart Disease, stroke and related conditions All figures are based on the revised mid-year population estimates (published in Oct 2004) Source: ONS/DoH Produced by the ODPM’s Performance Analysis Team (NRU), March 2005

  19. New Floor Targets:Health Reduce the gaps between areas with the worst health and deprivation indicators and the population as a whole by 2010: • in cancer by 6% • in heart diseases by 40% • reduce adult smoking rates below 21% (and to 26% amongst poorer groups)

  20. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund and Spearhead Group areas NRF and Worst fifth of areas (Spearhead Group) overlap Worst fifth of areas (Spearhead Group) Produced by the ODPM’s Performance Analysis Team (NRU), March 2005

  21. Local Authorities in the Worst Fifth of areas (Spearhead Group) and NRF areas in red

  22. * England average for 2001-03 is indicative only. Under 18s conceptions per 1,000 15 to 17 year olds, 3-year average. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). All figures are based on the revised mid-year population estimates (published in October 2004) Source: ONS/DoH Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  23. New Floor Targets:Teenage conception Reduce the under-18 conception rate by 50% by 2010

  24. New guidance from ODPM and DH A resource pack for local partnerships Practical help and signposts to resources Tools including Scrutiny arrangements, Health Impact Assessment, Health Equity Audit and key interventions Creating Healthier Communities

  25. You can order copies of the resource pack today, and See a demonstration at the ODPM and DH stand www.neighbourhood.gov.uk

  26. Graph shows population weighted average employment rates from March 1997 to February 2004. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding). Source: Annual Local Area Labour Force Survey Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  27. New Floor Targets:Employment Increase the employment rate in the worst wards, reducing the gap between these areas and the overall rate by 1%, and close the gap by 1% for: • black and ethnic minority groups • over 50s • low skilled And for lone parents by 2%

  28. Graph is based on EHCS data. Note: 1996 and 2001 data have been revised, together with the release of new year of data for 2003. (NB figures may not sum due to rounding) Source: ODPM Produced by the NRU’s Performance Analysis Team (Research and Development), March 2005

  29. New Floor Targets: Decent Homes By 2010, bring all social housing into a decent condition with most of this improvement taking place in deprived areas

  30. New Floor Targets: Liveability Reduce unacceptable levels of litter and detritus in NRF areas at a greater rate than for Local Authority Districts nationally

  31. Emma, mother at 18, living on benefits, few aspirations until offered a part-time admin job aimed at single parents in Braunstone Emma’s now an events officer earning £20K and about to buy hercouncil house - “a totally different person from four years ago”

  32. Streets Ahead Initiative, Liverpool • In 2003, Jenny, a single mother aged 25 from Speke, was isolated after leaving employment in 2001 • Streets Ahead, promoting job and training opportunities and services available, told Jenny about Sure Start • Jenny became involved in the “Parent Net” programme and completed a range of training courses. • In 2004 she set up the Tots Café offering families an intro to nutritious and healthy meals Jenny’s now employed as a parent mentor and a Company Director of Sure Start Ltd

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