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China Religion. By: Brooke Jaffe and Selma Nahas. Chinese religion goes back before the year zero. In China they have three main religions, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Yin and Yang are a very important believes in China. Chinese believes and religion is very important to the Chinese.
China Religion By: Brooke Jaffe and Selma Nahas
Chinese religion goes back before the year zero. In China they have three main religions, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Yin and Yang are a very important believes in China. Chinese believes and religion is very important to the Chinese.
Confucius Confucius introduced a set of moral ethics by which many Chinese people lived. Confucius was a scholar who lived from 551 to 479 B.C. According to Confucius the ideal person was polite, honest, courageous, and wise. For more than 2,000 years Chinese society was based on the Confucius code of behavior. It was based on kindness, strength, of family. Confucius was based on the writings of a wise man named Confucius.
Taoism Taoism is a traditional Religion in china with a history of more than 18 hundred years since the second century A.D. At present, there are more than 15 hundred Taoist temples in china with almost 25 hundred male and female Taoists there. Taoism is very old! Taoists believe that achieving the balance the yin and yang is the key of achieving spiritual peace. Taoists teach with harmony and with nature and encourages a simple way of life.
Yin and Yang The Chinese believe that the world is split into two forces. Yin and Yang. Ying and Yang are opposites. Without each other nothing would have meaning. Yin and Yang worked together to create the world. Since Yin and Yang are opposites they have different meaning. Yin’s meaning is that is soft, cold, and nice. Since Yin and Yang are opposites Yang are rough, hot, and mean. The theory of Yin and Yang explains the constantly changing state of the universe.
Also, everything in nature is part of the Yin and Yang theory. For example, a Crocodile is Yang, but a Deer is Ying. The yin and Yang theory was invented around the first century [700 b.c.]. In the Ching [‘Book of Changes. Yin and Yang are like any other ting. For example, day wouldn’t have meaning without night. Hot wouldn’t have meaning without cold. In creates Yang and Yin. Yin and Yang both need opposite meaning for each other.
Buddhism Buddhism came to China fro India in the first century. The meaning of Buddhism is that you live another life when you die If you a good fist life you’ll have a good after life, but if you don’t have a good first life you’ll after life will be bad. There are three types of Buddhism. They are Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Pail Buddhism There is over 200 thousand Buddhist Monks and Nuns.
Centuries ago a guy named Sukyamuni lived in India. One day he was meditating and he discovered the meaning of life and how to end people suffering. He became the Buddha, which means “Awakened One. “People that believe his ways think that you live your life twice when you die. When you die and live your life twice you live it in the after life. Buddhism is very important to China. Since Buddhism has ben around for a long time the Qin Emperor believed in Buddhism and made his Terra Cotta Warriors to help him in the after life. Buddhism is very important to China. Buddhism goes so back as long as I can think. Since Buddhism was so important to China the Qin emperor believed in Buddhism.