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AMS 526 Final Project. By Bernard Moore and Xiaolong Huang. Problem (Part 1). Write a C, C++, or Fortran program to generate a 200x200 strictly diagonally dominant symmetric matrix A using a random number generator. Make a Cholesky decomposition of A.
AMS 526 Final Project By Bernard Moore and Xiaolong Huang
Problem (Part 1) • Write a C, C++, or Fortran program to generate a 200x200 strictly diagonally dominant symmetric matrix A using a random number generator. • Make a Cholesky decomposition of A. • Solve Ax=b, for a randomly generated vector b. • Find the inverse of A, via AA-1= I. • Results on the condition number of A.
Definition • Let A be a real n x nmatrix. A is said to be strictly (row) diagonally dominant provided
C Programming Option • We wrote a C program to generate a real symmetric strictly diagonally dominant matrix A by using the random number generator rand(). • We design the program so that A will have entries strictly between -1 and 1.
The Algorithm (Step 1) double R[N][N],b[N][1]; for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=0;j<N;j++) vvvR[i][j]=2*(double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX-1 We begin by defining a matrix with random entries strictly between -1 and 1.
The Algorithm (Step 2) for(i=0;i<N;i++) S=0; for(j=0;j<N;j++) if(i!=j) S=S+fabs(R[i][j]); if(S>1) S=S/(N-1); for(k=0;k<N;k++) if(k!=i) R[i][k]=R[i][k]/(N-1) R[i][i]=(double)rand()*(1-S)/(double)RAND_MAX+S; Next we must guarantee that for each row of the matrix the row sum S (of the off-diagonal entries) is less than the diagonal entry in that row. We define the diagonal entries as random number between S and 1.
The Algorithm (Step 3) for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=i+1;j<N;j++) if(fabs(R[i][j])<fabs(R[j][i])) R[j][i]=R[i][j]; else R[i][j]=R[j][i]; This step guarantees that the matrix will be symmetric and strictly diagonally dominant by assingning the R[i][j]=min(R[i][j],R[j][i]), for all i and j.
Finding the Cholesky Decomposition double *cholesky(double *A, int n) { double *L = (double*)calloc(n * n, sizeof(double)); inti,j,k; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < (i+1); j++) double s = 0; for (k = 0; k < j; k++) s += L[i * n + k] * L[j * n + k]; L[i * n + j] = (i == j) ? sqrt(A[i * n + i] - s) : (1.0 / L[j * n + j] * (A[i * n + j] - s)); return L; } • To find the Cholesky decomposition of A, we wrote the following function which returns the pointer *L, giving the entries of the lower triangular matrix L, where A=LLT.
Finding the Inverse of A (Step 1) double *syminv(double *R, int n) double *RT = (double*)calloc(n * n, sizeof(double)); inti,j,k; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) RT[j*n+i]=R[i*n+j]; Now we find the inverse of A by solving AA-1=I. To solve this equation we use the Cholesky decomposition of A, and solve LLTxi = eiand set LT xi = yi, then we must first solve the equation Lyi= eiand then solve LT xi = yi. We begin the algorithm by finding the transpose of the lower triangular matrix L from the Cholesky decomposition of A.
Finding the Inverse (Step 2) double *e = (double*)calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)); e[0]=1; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) if(i=j) e[n*i+j]=1; double *y = (double*)calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)); double s; for(k=0;k<n;k++) for(i=0;i<n;i++) s=0; for(j=0;j<i;j++) s=s+R[i*n+j]*y[j*n+k]; y[i*n+k]=(e[k*n+j]-s)/R[i+n*i]; Now we create the identity matrix (as a pointer), and solve the equation Lyi = eiby forward substitution.
Finding the Inverse (Step 3) double *x = (double*)calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)); double t; for(k=0;k<n;k++) for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) t=0; for(j=n-1;j>i;j--) t=t+RT[i*n+j]*x[j*n+k]; x[i*n+k]=(y[n*i+k]-t)/RT[i+n*i]; return x; We now generate the solution to Ax=b, by solving the equation LTxi = yi by row-oriented backward substitution.
Calculating the Condition Number of A (Part 1) • First we calculate the norms of A. • As it happens, for a symmetric matrix A we have, |A|1 = |A|∞. • We begin by finding the ∞-norm of A, by first defining the maximum of two numbers, and running a for loop to find the maximum row sum. #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) double r, maxr; maxr=0; for(k=0;k<N;k++) { r=0; for(j=0;j<N;j++) { r=r+fabs(R[k][j]); } maxr=max(r,maxr); }
Calculating the Condition Number of A (Part 2) • We now use the same algorithm to compute the norms of A-1. • Recall that the condition number with respect to the p-norm is given by kp (A) = |A|p|A-1|p • Symmetric diagonally dominant n x n matrices are well conditioned especially for large values of n. • In particular, for entries |aij|< 1, we have observed that for large values of n, • k1(A) = k∞(A) ≈ 4, • and • k2(A) ≈ 2.
Results on the Condition Number of AChatterjee and Diaconis [1]
Results on the Condition Number of A Varah [2] Let Varah showed that if A is strictly diagonally dominant then the following inequality holds We have observed that as n approaches ∞, the value of L(A), which is bounded above by 1, tends to approach 0 making the upper bound on |A-1|∞ very large.
Results on the Condition Number of A • From our observations this inequality, like the one given in the Watkins [3] seems to only be useful for small values of n. • In our case where we have the entries|aij|<1, we encounter a more convergent nature of the condition number. We expect there is a bit nicer bound for the norms of A and A-1 for our specialized matrices, which remains to be seen, and is an interesting topic open for further investigation.
Problem (Part 2) For the 200x200 strictly diagonally dominant symmetric matrix A as in Part 1 • Perform similarity transformation to A and reduce it to a tridiagonal matrix. • Find the eigenvalues of A. • Analyze the efficiency of the algorithm used for the previous similarity transformation. • Prove that such a matrix is positive definite.
Householder Reduction • For each step k, use the column vector A(k+1:n, k) to generate the reflector. • After left and right multiplication Q’*A*Q, A(k+2:n, k) is eliminated • In the end, the lower half matrix below the first sub-diagonal is zero, which means the matrix is in Hessenberg form. • Total flops: (10/3) n3
Symmetric Householder Reduction • Simple version of algorithm • Only use half of the matrix entries • The matrix in the end becomes tri-diagonal • Total flops: (4/3) n3 • In programming, use one-dimensional array to record only the lower half of the matrix, and then perform Householder Reduction. • (A(i,j)=L(i*(i+1)/2+j))
QR algorithm (For tri-diagonal matrix) • Start with k=n • In each step • Use a 2x2 rotator to create the bulge (with proper shift) • Apply the rotator from left and right to chase the bulge • Iteration stops when |A(k-1,k)|<10^(-16) • Record A(k,k) as one eigenvalue • Move to A(1:k-1,1:k-1), perform the same algorithm • Stop when k=2. Then solve the remaining two eigenvalues from A(1:2,1:2)
Shift in QR algorithm • Wilkinson Shift: - one of the two eigenvalues of A(k-1:k,k-1:k) whichever is closer to A(k,k) - cubic convergence • Rayleigh Quotient Shift: A(k,k) - cubic convergence, with exceptions
References [1] [2]