BEER, WINE and LIQUOR Magazine media readers are regular users of most all major beer, wine and liquor categories. They are heavy spenders, theyfrequentlyvisit retail outlets and they buy alcohol beverages as gifts. Plus, magazine readers actively take action after seeingmagazine ads: 64% take at least one action while 40% take purchase actions. Magazine readers are regular users of beer, wine and alcohol beverages Magazine readers are heavy spenders on beer, wine and alcohol beverages Magazine readers are predisposed to wines from all regions of the world Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A19+, Heaviest quintiles (1 & 2) Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A19+, Heaviest quintiles (1 & 2) Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A19+, Heaviest quintiles (1 & 2) MAGAZINESCANADA.CA
BEER, WINE and LIQUOR 29% net Impact Actions(% positively impacted by the ad or recommended the product) Heavy users of wine(drank 6+ glassesin the past week) are more developedamong magazine readers Among adults 19+, magazines reach 422,000 winedrinkers, more than any other measured medium. A combo of magazines and web are a strong combination. 3-D Multi-Media Quintiles(000’s reached) 25% net Reference Actions (% actively seeking more info about the advertised product) 37% net Purchase Actions (% purchased or considering purchase of the advertised product) Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A18+, Media imperatives.Drank 6+ glasses of wine in the past/next 12 months Magazine readers drink an array of major wine varieties 64% of Magazines readers take action after seeing a beverage alcohol ad Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A19+, Heaviest quintiles (1 & 2) Source: StarchMetrix Canada – Beverage Alcohol Category,April 2012 to March 2013. * Actions based on respondents who noted ads Magazine media make the connection with alcohol beverage purchasers.