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Input requested for R&D review. According to the “Guidance notes” for the Vertex Detector R&D Review, the report should give an “ overview of the goals starting from where they are now, up to the completion of [the] R&D programme , ready to start construction with a frozen
Input requested for R&D review • According to the “Guidance notes” for the Vertex Detector R&D Review, the report • should give an “overview of the goals starting from where they are now, up to the • completion of [the] R&D programme, ready to start construction with a frozen • design and proven manufacturers”. • Topics suggested to be covered include (listed here are only items relevant to WP1): • overall physics-driven performance goals • track-finding efficiency, down to what lower limit of polar angle and momentum • special case: tracks originating from B and D decays within or beyond the vertex detector • forward tracking – a weak area or not? • impact parameter resolution vs momentum and polar angle over full range • tolerance of backgrounds • overall material budget; implications of secondary interactions and photon conversions on system performance such as jet energy resolution • other topics that lie in the cracks between vertexing and other subsystems
Outline of WP1 work until 2012 • Tim Greenshaw requested an outline of work until 2012 in the form of headings • for this meeting, as starting point for preparation of the report. • Note that the report for the review and the feedback provided will be made available • to STFC, and hence needs to be consistent with our next funding proposal. • The LCFI Simulation and Physics work package covers three interconnected areas: • 1) Further Vertex Package-related work • 2) Study of benchmark physics processes • 3) Detector design comparisons / parameter optimisation • A more detailed outline for each area will be given on the next pages.
Further Vertex Package-related work 1.1 near term improvements: 1.1.1 add diagnostic plots, tables and documentation 1.1.2 write module to re-fit parameters for flavour tag (joint probability) 1.1.3 replace current vertex fitter 1.1.4 improve GEAR-interface of MOKKA / MarlinReco 1.2 improve IP treatment 1.3 proper treatment of effects ignored so far: 1.3.1 hadronic interactions 1.3.2 photons conversions 1.3.3 K-shorts and Lambdas 1.4 systematic tuning of parameters (ZVTOP, flavour tag) and retraining of neural nets
Further Vertex Package-related work contd 1.5 Study possibilities to improve flavour tag: 1.5.1 explore use of ZVKIN for flavour tag 1.5.2 use of pi-zeros, reconstructed in calorimeter 1.5.3 study improvement from lepton-ID, when available 1.5.4 consider different input variables, NN setup (categories, architectures, training algorithms) 1.5.5 look at new “data mining” approaches 1.6 vertex charge study with full MC and reconstruction: 1.6.1 add diagnostics for vertex charge (maybe as part of 1.1.1) 1.6.2 check if current reconstruction procedure still optimal for full MC / reconstruction 1.6.3 quark charge reconstruction for neutral hadrons: charge dipole procedure using ZVKIN
Further Vertex Package-related work contd 1.7 improvement of track-to-jet assignment based on vertex information 1.8 develop code to obtain realistic hits for CPCCD / ISIS sensors and readout chip (equivalent to Raspereza’s work for DEPFET technology) – formerly part of MIPS to physics 1.9 code development / adaptation / interfacing needed for alignment study 1.10 ensure Vertex Package can be used in both software frameworks
Study of benchmark physics processes 2.1 Higgs branching ratios 2.2 H b bbar, c cbar (Edinburgh) 2.3 e+e- b bbar 2.4 anomalous Wtb coupling in e+e- t tbar 2.5 e+e- t tbar, other aspects (possibly, interest at RAL) 2.6 SUSY studies (e.g. work with A. Belyaev) 2.7 …
Detector design comparisons / parameter optimisation 3.1 compare designs with different ladder support materials (NB: treatment of hadronic interaction requires removal of vertices originating in material; hence it is not only X0 and Lint that matter, but also the actual space-volume filled by material!) 3.2 vary material amount of ladders and at ladder ends 3.3 compare different arrangements of ladders 3.4 evaluate effect of loss of sensor using full MC and reconstruction 3.5 study effect of beam-pipe radius with full MC and recn and including e+e- pair bkgd 3.5.1 flavour tag performance 3.5.2 vertex charge performance 3.5.3 effect at the level of selected benchmark studies 3.6 determine required degree of sensor overlap from alignment study (linked to 3.3)