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Early Childhood Advisory Council January 2019

Kentucky All STARS Validation and Sustainability Studies Findings and Next Steps. Early Childhood Advisory Council January 2019. January 25, 2019. Goals. Review validation and sustainability study findings in the context of the PDG

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Early Childhood Advisory Council January 2019

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  1. Kentucky All STARS Validation and Sustainability Studies Findings and Next Steps Early Childhood Advisory CouncilJanuary 2019 January 25, 2019

  2. Goals • Review validation and sustainability study findings in the context of the PDG • Identify next steps and strategies for consideration under the PDG Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  3. The Big Picture Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  4. PDG B-5 Project Activities Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  5. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment How do we characterize the system? • Strong, nimble, and responsive • Blended funding streams that provide the resources for staff, practitioners, financial supports, and tangible materials. • Visionary leadership. Sustainable systems invest in developing the leaders that they need and want. • Responsive and caring adults including parents, caregivers, and professionals are supported in fostering early learning for children and families. • Feedback communication loops among parents, professionals, and staff, which allow for open, candid discussion among the individuals who nurture, educate, and care for children. • Information systems that provide real-time information for planning and mid-course adjustments. • Interconnected management systems, with operational nodes at the state, regional, and local levels. • Infrastructure, or the staff and financial and tangible resources that ensure system components (such as programs, subsidies, data systems) are fundamentally strong, responsive to needs, and mutually-reinforcing. • Adaptability, or the ability to withstand changes in political, economic, social, or technological conditions over time. Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  6. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment DRAFT systems model: What are the needs in each of these domains?

  7. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Relatively high public support for concept of early education • The ECAC convenes state leaders and stakeholders to plan and guide • Three operational models with an enhanced focus on coordination • Private child care, public preschool, Head Start • 2018 changes in regulations that will promote coordination Proposed drivers of state vision: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  8. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Director and administrator feedback: • Relatively high support from surveyed administrators for 11 of the 12 of the Classroom and Instruction Quality standards • National Accreditation received lower support • General support for all of the Staff Qualifications and Professional Development standards • General support for all of the Family and Community Engagement standards • General support for all Administration and Leadership standards Proposed drivers of state vision: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  9. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: 95%+ of surveyed administrators reported that All STARS standards are important for ensuring that early education sites address the… • Basic health, safety, and overall welfare of young children. • Quality of early childhood programming. • Promotion of child development and school readiness. • Need to have a foundation for quality established at every site. • Proper administration or management of programs. Proposed drivers of state vision: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  10. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • 57%-59% of surveyed administrators or directors intend to improve quality rating in the next year or so • Reasons for not advancing in rating: • Currently unable to meet the standards for moving to a higher rating • Focusing on maintaining current rating for now • Financial costs • Process/Paperwork • Not interested/limited value • Just received a rating/plan to advance sometime in the future (but not in the next year) • Satisfied with current rating Proposed drivers of state vision: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  11. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Turnover: • Impacts the ability to provide and sustain high quality processes • Impacted by compensation, benefits, professional satisfaction • Opportunity to learn more through the PDG Proposed workforce drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  12. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Education and credentials: • Overall, 61% of lead teachers and 76% of assistant teachers have less than a two-year degree • Scholarship and educational supports can be important to many professionals in advancing their education Proposed workforce drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  13. Educational Attainment, as reported by study participants Report Table 21: Educational Achievement of Administrators and Teachers at Participating Study Sites

  14. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Survey respondents reported on their preferred methods for receiving support: • Ongoing discussions and trading ideas in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) or Communities of Practice, • Observing others in high quality sites or classrooms (having things modeled for me), • Offsite professional development trainings or classes, and • On site coaching with external consultants/coaches. Proposed workforce drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  15. Comparisons of preferred methods with availability of support Report Table 16: Preferred Methods for Receiving Support and Table 17: Availability of Different Types of Support

  16. Barriers and Challenges Report Table 18: Barriers to Receiving Support: Non-Cost Barriers and Table 19: Barriers to Receiving Support: Cost Factors

  17. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings among child care centers and Head Start programs: • Highest support that the standard is important for high quality early educational experiences: • Supervision (these items address the staffing and protocols used to supervise children; 55% agreement) • Staffing (these items address staff-to-child ratios; 55% agreement) • Employee Background and Records (centers only; these items address employee background checks, personnel files, education, and other requirements; 55% agreement) • Lowest support for: • Animals (these items address requirements for the presence of animals at the site; 40% agreement) • Posted Documents (these items address requirements for a posted license, emergency protocols, activities, and sanitation; 48% agreement) Proposed quality drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  18. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Center or school-based environments: • Assessed and guided by Environment Rating Scales instruments • Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale • Revised Edition • Third Edition • Infant-Toddler Environment Rating Scale • Revised Edition • School-Aged Care Environment Rating Scale • Updated Edition • SpeciaLink Early Childhood Inclusion Quality Scale completed in classrooms serving children with special learning or developmental needs Proposed quality drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  19. ECERS—Revised (Private child care and Head Start) ECERS-R data were compiled from 418 classrooms in 215 sites (174 private child care and 41 Head Start). Report Table 28: Overall ECERS-R Scores in Observed Classrooms by Star Rating

  20. ITERS—Revised (Private child care and Head Start) ITERS-R data were compiled for 329 classrooms in 158 sites (151 private child care centers and 7 Early Head Start sites). Report Table 30: Overall ITERS-R Ratings in Observed Classrooms by Star Rating

  21. ECERS—3rd Edition (Public preschool and Head Start) ECERS-3 data were gathered from 80 classrooms in 53 sites (50 public preschool and 3 Head Start sites, rated as 3 or 5 stars). Report Table 29: Overall ECERS-3 Ratings in Observed Classrooms by Star Rating

  22. SACERS—Updated Edition (Private child care and elementary schools) SACERS data were collected from 101 classrooms operating in 97 sites (83 private child care and 14 elementary school). Report Table 31: Overall SACERS Ratings in Observed Classrooms by Star Rating

  23. SpeciaLink (classrooms serving children with special learning or developmental needs) 7-point scale wherein 1 is the lowest score and 7 is the highest

  24. SpeciaLink (classrooms serving children with special learning or developmental needs) SpeciaLink was completed in 219 classrooms in 130 sites (41 private child care, 48 public preschool, 41 Head Start). Report Table 45: Overall SpeciaLink Ratings in Observed Classrooms by Star Rating

  25. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Family engagement: • Assessed using the Family Provider Teacher Relationship Quality Scale • Director, teacher, and parent questionnaires were collected • Findings were generally aligned with published means Proposed quality drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  26. FPTRQ—Director Questionnaire • Measures: • Environment and Policy Checklist captures concepts such as the welcoming nature of the site, the availability of culturally diverse information, and site strategies for providing parenting information. Seventeen items from the assessment are incorporated into this subscale, and the total possible range of scores is 0 to 17. • Communication Systems addresses strategies for communicating with families. There are nine items in this subscale, and the total possible range of scores is 0 to 9. • Information about Resources captures the nature of information made available to families. There are 12 items in this subscale, and the total possible range of scores is 0 to 12. • Referrals contains five items that address whether or not programs provide referrals for services such as health screenings or developmental assessments.

  27. FPTRQ—Director Questionnaire • How to interpret? The FPTRQ developers published these findings, based on the tool’s development: • Environment and Policy Checklist mean score, representing center-based directors, was 13.2, with a range of responses from 6 to 17 • Possible range for Communication Systems: 0-9 • Possible range for Information about Resources: 0-12 • Possible range for Referrals: 0-5 • *Note: the sample used to develop the tool may not be equivalent to the Kentucky sample Director questionnaires were collected from 307 directors who completed the questionnaire for the 311 study sites. Report Table 32: FPTRQ Scale Scores for Directors in Participating Sites

  28. FPTRQ—Teacher Questionnaire • Measures: • Knowledge contains one element consisting of 12 items, which probes a teacher’s family-specific knowledge. The Knowledge construct has a possible score range of 12 to 48. In the current study, the mean Knowledge score was 31.7. • Practices construct focuses on teacher interactions with families, with a possible range in scores of 23 to 92. This construct consists of three subscales: Collaboration (15 items), Responsiveness (4 items), and Communication (4 items). • Attitudes construct focuses on teacher beliefs and values and contains three subscales: Commitment (4 items), Openness to Change (8 items), and Respect (4 items). The possible range in score for Attitudes is 16 to 64.

  29. FPTRQ—Teacher Questionnaire • How to interpret? The FPTRQ developers published these findings, based on the tool’s development: • Knowledge mean score: 33.3 • Practices mean score: 77.6 • Attitudes mean score: 54.4 • *Note: the sample used to develop the tool may not be equivalent to the Kentucky sample Teacher questionnaires were collected from 960 lead and 98 co-lead or assistant teachers. Report Table 33: FPTRQ Scale Scores for Teachers in Participating Sites

  30. FPTRQ—Parent Questionnaire • Measures: • Knowledge addresses a parent’s comfort level with sharing family-specific knowledge with a site. There are 15 items comprising the Knowledge construct, and total score ranges from 15 to 60. • Practices addresses four subscales: Collaboration, Responsiveness, Communication, and Family-Focused Concern. There are 33 items comprising the Practices construct, and the total range of scores is 33 to 132. • Attitudes addresses three subscales: Commitment, Understanding Context, and Respect. There are 18 items within the Attitudes construct, and the total range of scores is 18 to 72.

  31. FPTRQ—Parent Questionnaire • How to interpret? The FPTRQ developers published these findings, based on the tool’s development: • Knowledge mean score: 52.6 • Practices mean score: 109.4 • Attitudes mean score: 67.7 • *Note: the sample used to develop the tool may not be equivalent to the Kentucky sample Parent questionnaires were collected from 2,780 parents. Report Table 34: FPTRQ Scale Scores for Parents in Participating Sites

  32. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Facilitated connections: • Based on data from the FPTRQ Director’s Questionnaires, Head Start and public preschool sites may have a stronger approach for generating referrals Proposed quality drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  33. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Study findings: • Parent surveys: • Reflect parents using early care or education services • Opportunity to learn more about parent capacities and needs and use of services such as Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care • Overall, 15% of parent respondents reported using All STARS rating to make enrollment decisions • Factors parents look for in using early care and education: • Nurturing, safety, variety and age-appropriateness of activities, experience of staff, and family communications Proposed family and community drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  34. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment • Community support and engagement: Community Early Childhood Councils Proposed family and community drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  35. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment • CECCs worked to support: • School Readiness Summits: opportunity for Superintendents and administrators and the early care and education community to collaborate and develop action plans. • Qualifying community teams could apply for quality improvement grants and quality incentive kits to support and implement the local action plans. Proposed family and community drivers: Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  36. CECC 2017 Evaluation (Ghazvini Consulting Services ) • Good evidence that a number of councils are operating ‘at their best’ and are achieving community level improvements that impact readiness rates. • Opportunities to: • Build cohesive and consistent understanding among Kentucky CECC leaders regarding their role in Kentucky’s early childhood plan • More explicitly tie Council priorities, outcomes, and benchmarks to the Kentucky All STARS goals and Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge work in CECC communications • Identify evidence-based practices that CECCs should support • Consider performance standards and benchmarks • Reinforce accountability measures • Create or reinforce a CECC network • *Please reference the full report for more details: https://kidsnow.ky.gov/communities/cecc/Pages/cecc-resources.aspx

  37. PDG Activity 1: Needs Assessment Next Steps under the PDG: • Five focus groups • Focus on rural or areas with limited or low accessibility to services • KYSTATS partnership and data work • What more can we learn about the larger system? • Interviews and surveys with stakeholders on specific systems elements Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  38. PDG Activity 2: Strategic Planning Goals-in-Progress: • Develop objectives • Align and refine our draft systems models Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  39. Strategic Plan: Sample Alignment Advocate for Early Childhood Education Secure Funding State and Local Collaboration Provide Families with Early Childhood Education Choices Workforce Development Promote the Importance of Early Childhood Education

  40. PDG B-5 Project Activities Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  41. PDG Activity 3: Improving outreach Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps Findings from the PDG Community Feedback Survey, completed by more than 800 respondents

  42. PDG Activity 3: Maximize Parent Knowledge and Choice Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  43. PDG Activity 3: Improving family engagement Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps Findings from the PDG Community Feedback Survey, completed by more than 800 respondents

  44. PDG Activity 3: Maximize Parent Knowledge and Choice Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  45. PDG Activity 3: Improving kindergarten transitions Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps Findings from the PDG Community Feedback Survey, completed by more than 800 respondents

  46. PDG Activity 3: Maximize Parent Knowledge and Choice Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  47. PDG Activity 3: Improving state coordination Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps Findings from the PDG Community Feedback Survey, completed by more than 800 respondents

  48. PDG Activity 3: Maximize Parent Knowledge and Choice Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps

  49. PDG Activity 4: Improving quality, range, and affordability Kentucky All STARS Studies— Findings and Next Steps Findings from the PDG Community Feedback Survey, completed by more than 800 respondents

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