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Research supports using magazine ads for consumer & b2b, creating personal relationships, aiding purchase decisions. Ads are relevant, influencing all stages of the purchase funnel.
The research evidence -Irish and international A. The case for magazine advertising B. Advertising in a recession Guy Consterdine Guy Consterdine Associates 24 February 2009
Ad agencies Newspaper publishers Magazine publishers: consumer & b2b Media research consultancy
Objective • To provide research evidence which supports the arguments for using magazine advertising • Consumer & b2b • Seven key points
Two reports www.ppa.ie
1. Readers develop • a personal relationship • with their magazines
Matching a magazine’s personalityto reader’s personality • ‘The Reader’s Perspective’ • National Magazine Company, UK • Sample: readers of 8 magazines • Measured: readers’ attitudes to their chosen magazines
Attitudes to chosen magazines • 1) Reader has own perception of what type of person he/she wishes to be • 2) When a magazine’s personality chimes with self-image, high level of identification. ‘This is my magazine’, an informed friend • 3) Reader feels ‘my magazine helps me become the type of person I want to be’ • 4) Reader has a powerful, trusting relationship with ‘my’ magazine
Magazines are most tailored to audience Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
Readers develop a personal relationship with their magazines Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
Easy Food reader survey:inspiration & emotional reassurance • 99% of readers agreed ‘Easy Food provides inspiring meals for my family & myself’ • 94% agreed ‘Following a recipe’s instructions gives me confidence’ • 99% agreed ‘I intend to cook something from Easy Food’
You & Your Money:personal friend with reliable advice Advice from financial institutions is biased, and confusing Y&YM is impartial, trusted “For people like me” Emotional closeness symbolised by Eddie Hobbs: “Eddie” Eddie, and Y&YM, are like personal friends
Other reader studies? • Other editorial research?
Extensive reading time:twice that of newspaper supplements Source: Quality of Reading Survey, PPA
It’s a multi-tasking media world • Consumers are increasingly using more than one medium at a time • Magazines less likely to be used at same time as other media
Using 2+ media simultaneously Source: ‘Magazine Experiences Europe’, Germany/France, UK, Time/Fortune
It’s a multi-tasking media world • Consumers are increasingly using more than one medium at a time • Magazines less likely to be used at same time as other media • When they are, likely to capture the prime focus of attention • You can’t read a publication without focusing on it
Multi-tasking:magazines attract primary attention Source: Middletown Media Studies, Ball State University, USA
The ads are relevant Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
Readers are receptive to the advertising Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
Lowest ad avoidance for magazines Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
4. Magazine advertising influences the purchase decision-making process
Magazine ads helpful as a buying guide Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
Magazine ads >> purchase Source: Smurfit/UCD for PPAI, Ireland
Image reader survey:action triggered by ads • 82% of readers bought a product advertised in Image • 81% tried new health & beauty services featured • 88% considered the advertising in Image is useful
Magazines are effective at all stages of the ‘purchase funnel’ • Brand awareness • Ad awareness • Understood message • Favourable impression • Intention to buy • Buy
Dynamic Logic’s CrossMedia studies (MPA/USA) • 32 campaigns using TV + magazines + internet • 5 measures of ad impact • ‘Exposed’ group compared with non-exposed control group • (a) Comparison of TV + magazines: • TV: its impact on own • Magazines: additional impact, on top of TV
Magazines add substantial impact to TV Source: CrossMedia Research, Dynamic Logic & Millward Brown, USA
Dynamic Logic’s CrossMedia studies • (b) Comparison of TV + magazines + internet • TV: its impact on own • Online ads: additional impact, on top of TV • Magazines: additional impact, on top of TV & online
Magazines add substantial impactto TV & online Source: CrossMedia Research, Dynamic Logic & Millward Brown, USA
Dynamic Logic’s CrossMedia studies:conclusions • On all 5 measures, magazines added substantial impact in addition to what TV and online achieved • Magazines’ added impact was especially impressive for purchasing intent
Marketing Evolution(MPA/USA) • 20 campaigns using TV + magazines + online • Comparison of pre- & post-campaign scores • 3 measures of impact: • Brand awareness • Brand familiarity • Intention to purchase
Magazines add to TV & online:Brand awareness Source: Marketing Evolution for MPA, USA
Magazines add to TV & online:Brand familiarity Source: Marketing Evolution for MPA, USA
Magazines add to TV & online:Intention to purchase Source: Marketing Evolution for MPA, USA
Marketing Evolution: conclusions • On all three measures: • Adding magazines to TV improved the impact considerably • Adding magazines achieved more than adding online instead • Best strategy is to use print & online in combination
Magazines drive online searching Source: Simultaneous Media Usage Survey 9, BIGresearch USA
Magazines > online > purchase Source: In-Market Media Usage Survey, Jupiter Research, USA
Marketing campaigns should use bothmagazines & online Source: ‘Engagement Counts’, Future Publishing Ltd, UK
Among ‘Influentials’magazines create more buzz Source: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, USA
6. Magazine advertising creates sales: • a) Magazines used on own
Magazine advertising sales www.ppamarketing.net
‘Sales Uncovered’ • TNS Superpanel in UK: • household purchases, media consumption • 20 brands • Week-by-week sales examined • Analysed against week-by-week mag exposures • Among: • - Exposed to mag advertising • - Not exposed to mag advertising (control)
Magazine advertising increased salesby an additional 11.6% Source: ‘Sales Uncovered, TNS for PPA, UK
£1 £2.77 Return on investmentMedium term (12 months) Source: ‘Sales Uncovered, TNS for PPA, UK