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Understanding Violence: Impact and Solutions

Discover the different forms of violence, its consequences, and where it occurs. Learn how to address peer violence and take action against physical, psychological, and sexual violence. Protect your rights and boundaries.

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Understanding Violence: Impact and Solutions

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  1. Menthor: Boštjan Železnik Author: Alex Sitar VIOLENCE

  2. Violence is a violation of the rules of safe and high-quality living together. Violence is a violation of human rights and personal boundaries. Violence is an abuse of power of one to the detirment of the other. Most of the violence happens between people who know each other. What is violence? http://www.zenasamja.me/porodica/992/nasilje-u-porodici

  3. Do not forget that our rights and boundaries end then, when the rights and boundaries of others begin. Everyone has the right to live safely without violence. http://www.savremenisport.com/osnove-nasilje-u-sportu-kao-zlo-jednog-drustva.html

  4. beating, shuving, kicking, tripping, spitting, scratching, destroying things sexual violence fooling with different names, nicnames, loud mockery improper solicitations, impose threats... extortion, stealing money, clothing, and other things Violence againts peers http://www.edukacija.hr/vijest/nasilje-u-osnovnim-skolama/257/

  5. Violence againts peers is happening in: primary schools secondary schools institutions youth homes kindergartens in the family between brothers and sisters Where does the violence againts peers happen? http://www.delo.si/novice/slovenija/nasilje-v-solah-sovrazniki-v-razredu-in-nemoc-sistema.html

  6. Forms of violence are diferent: beating, kicking, verbal calling names and damege defamation, intentional exclusion from a group Consequences of violence are: depression poor self-esteem shameful isolation poor school performenc How violence happens? http://www.psihoterapija-ordinacija.si/sl/clanki/clanki-poljudni/258-vrstnisko-nasilje.html

  7. Bullies are children and adolescents. Some may be violent even as very small children who, with their conduct, continue in the period of adolescence and later as adults. The victims are usually children who are in some ways different. Who are the bullies? http://www.dw.de/djeca-su-%C5%BErtve-zlostavljanja-nasilja-siroma%C5%A1tva/a-6019891

  8. Statistics proves that 99% of the violence between the adults in the family, the victims are the women and the producers are men. The most common forms of physical violence are: Pushing, beating, kicking, boxing... Physical violence http://vizita.si/clanek/dusevnost/nasilje-nad-zenskami-zacaran-krog-strahu-in-nemoci.html

  9. Psyhological violence is most often at the verbal level and has a negative inpact on self-confidence, self-esteem and self-cofidence of the other person. spreading negative rumors abaut the person, in order to reduce his reputation in society isalting a person from the people with who they would like to maintain contact Psyhological violence http://www.radiokrka.com/poglej_clanek.asp?ID_clanka=185451

  10. Family is the basic cell, where we develop and get the first information of what is right and what is wrong. Children who have a bad experience with their closest, often behave aggressively. Such children sometimes want to take on the role of the one who leads, who humiliats others, weaker then him. Violence in the family http://www.drugisvet.com/in-blog-veritas/kako-ravnati-ko-v-bliznji-okolici-opazimo-nasilje-v-druzini.html

  11. When we talk about sexual abuse we aren't only talking about rape, but about significantly more actions which are also paiful for the child. At the sexual abuse we are talking, when someone alder than you, (who has more knowledge about sexuality, has power and control over you); showing of intimated parts of the body shows pornographic images and movies forces you into a sexual intercourse forces you into prostitution Sexual violence http://www.park.si/2010/11/drustvo-za-zivljenje-brz-nasilja-poziva-k-akciji/

  12. It is importent to realize that everyone has the right to protection from physical, psyhological and sexual violence. If you happening any form of violence, do not be silent. You can contact different insitutions dealing with the problems of violence: social work center, police, crisis center, SOS phone... http://www.radiohertz.de/beta-site/category/der-morgen/page/87/

  13. Sources http://www.policija.si/index.php/preventiva-/preventiva/427-nasilje-nad-vrstniki http://www.e-tom.si/teme/nasilje/fizicno-nasilje

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