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Clockless Computing

Clockless Computing. Montek Singh Thu, Sep 6, 2007 Review: Logic Gate Families A classic asynchronous pipeline by Williams. Review: Logic Gate Families. Static CMOS logic (“standard”) Transmission gates, or “pass-transistor” logic Dynamic logic, or “domino” logic.

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Clockless Computing

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  1. Clockless Computing Montek Singh Thu, Sep 6, 2007 Review: Logic Gate Families A classic asynchronous pipeline by Williams

  2. Review:Logic Gate Families Static CMOS logic (“standard”) Transmission gates, or “pass-transistor” logic Dynamic logic, or “domino” logic

  3. Static CMOS logic: Summary Advantages: • output always strongly driven • pull-up and pull-down networks are fully-complementary;always exactly one of them is “on” • good immunity from noise and leakage • both inverting and non-inverting functions implementable • each gate is inverting • cascade two gates together to get non-inverting logic Disadvantages: • slow/big PMOS devices needed (in addition to NMOS) • greater chip area • higher power consumption • slower switching speed

  4. Complementary CMOS • Complementary CMOS logic gates • nMOS pull-down network • pMOS pull-up network • a.k.a. static CMOS OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  5. Series and Parallel • nMOS: 1 = ON • pMOS: 0 = ON • Series: both must be ON • Parallel: either can be ON OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  6. CMOS Gate Design • Activity: • Sketch a 4-input CMOS NOR gate OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  7. CMOS Gate Design • Activity: • Sketch a 4-input CMOS NAND gate OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  8. Conduction Complement • Complementary CMOS gates always produce 0 or 1 • Ex: NAND gate • Series nMOS: Y=0 when both inputs are 1 • Thus Y=1 when either input is 0 • Requires parallel pMOS • Rule of Conduction Complements • Pull-up network is complement of pull-down • Parallel -> series, series -> parallel OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  9. Compound Gates • Compound gates can do any inverting function • Ex: OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  10. Transmission (“Pass”) Gates Key Idea: • transistors used in a different configuration • when switched on: instead of connecting output to Vdd or Gnd, they connect output to the input Advantage: • very efficient for implementing switches and multiplexers Disadvantage: • signal degradation unless both NFET and PFET passgates are used in a complementary configuration

  11. Pass Transistors • Transistors can be used as switches OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  12. Pass Transistors • Transistors can be used as switches OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  13. Transmission Gates • Single pass transistors produce degraded outputs • pMOS good only for transmitting “1” • nMOS good only for transmitting “0” OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  14. Transmission Gates • Single pass transistors produce degraded outputs • Complementary Transmission gates pass both 0 and 1 well OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  15. Multiplexers • 2:1 multiplexer chooses between two inputs OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  16. Transmission Gate Mux • Nonrestoring mux uses two transmission gates • Only 4 transistors OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  17. Gate-Level Mux Design • How many transistors are needed? 20 OPTIONAL MATERIAL

  18. Dynamic Logic, or “domino” Key idea: • only use NMOS’s to compute function • use a single PMOS to reset Advantages: • significantly fewer transistors  smaller chip area • higher speed, lower power • less “loading” on wires (drive fewer transistors) • for async: no storage elements needed Disadvantages: • need extra control input to precharge • logic is typically non-inverting only • more vulnerable to noise and leakage effects

  19. Dynamic Logic, or “domino” (contd.) Gate has 2 phases: • precharge (=reset): output reset to ‘0’ • evaluate: output computed  either stays ‘0’, or switches to ‘1’ Pull-up and pull-down must never both be simultaneously active: • ensure that data inputs are reset while gate is precharging • or, add a “footer” device control input controls“precharge” PC PC =0 (asserted)  precharge pull-upnetwork pull-down network dataoutput PC =1 (de-asserted)  evaluate datainputs controls“evaluation”

  20. Outline: Several Pipeline Styles • Classic static logic pipeline: Sutherland • Recent static logic pipeline: MOUSETRAP • Classic dynamic logic pipeline: Williams/Horowitz’ PS0

  21. A Classic AsynchronousDynamic Pipeline Williams and Horowitz’s PS0 pipeline: Structure Operation Performance

  22. A Classic Approach: PS0 Pipeline Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 1 ack Data in Data out data Processing Block Completion Detector Williams/Horowitz (Stanford U.) [1986-91]: • successfully used in fabricated chips [Stanford ’87] [HAL ’90s] Implemented using “dynamic logic”

  23. PS0 Pipeline Stage ack Completion Detector A PS0 stage consists of dynamic gates and a completion detector: PC “keeper” datainputs Pull-down network dataoutputs Processing Block

  24. Dual-Rail Completion Detector bit0 bitn bit1 OR OR OR Done C • Combines dual-rail signals • Indicates when all bits are valid (or reset) C-element: • if all inputs=1, output  1 • if all inputs=0, output  0 • else, maintain output value • OR together 2 rails per bit • Merge results using “C-element”

  25. PS0 Protocol 4 3 indicates “done” 6 5 1 2 3 • PRECHARGE N: when N+1 completes evaluation • delete data:after next stage has copied it • EVALUATE N: when N+1 completes precharging • accept new data: after next stage is emptied indicates “done” indicates “done” N N+1 N+2 precharges evaluates evaluates evaluates Complete cycle: 6 events Evaluate  Precharge: 3 events Precharge  Evaluate: another 3 events

  26. PS0 Performance 6 4 Cycle Time = 5 1 2 3

  27. Summary: PS0 Pipelining Datapaths are latch-free: • dynamic gates themselves provide implicit latches +: chip area savings +: extremely low latency Data items kept separate by control • stage deletes data:only afternext stage has copied it • stage accepts new data:only ifnext stage is empty • distinct data items always separated by “spacers” Control is extremely simple: each controller = single wire • completion detector directly controls previous stage +: chip area savings +: low control overhead

  28. Comparison to a Clocked Pipeline latch How would you design the pipeline if you actually had a clock? • Replace handshaking with “magic clocking” • each stage gets its own clock • successive clocks are slightly skewed • essentially, clocked simulation of asynchronous handshaking! – need multiple clock phases! • Use a single clock, but insert latches between stages • latches are simple, level-sensitive • consecutive stages receive complementary clock signals Ck Ck’

  29. Drawbacks of PS0 Pipelining • Poor throughput: • long cycle time: 6 events per cycle • data “tokens” are forced far apart in time • Limited storage capacity: • max only 50% of stages can hold distinct tokens • data tokens must be separated by at least one spacer My Research Goals have been: address both issues • still maintain very low latency

  30. Homework #4 (due Tue Sep 18) • Enumerate ALL of the timing assumptions inherent in Williams’ PS0 style • Assume all gate and wire delays can be arbitrary • For which scenarios can there be a malfunction? • Compare the cycle times of PS0 with an ideal clocked dynamic pipeline (slide #28)

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